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Schturman 2010-07-11 20:37

Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
I want to say THANKS for this app ! (in extras-devel).
Today I started to use this app, but I have a little problem with this...
After installation It's take a very long time before the phone is start ringing with custom and with default ringtone :(.

Maybe the author can improve this ?

Schturman 2010-07-16 04:55

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts...
Two or three days ago it was update, but without fixing the problem... :(
Meanwhile I removed this application because I miss the calls...

aanckar 2010-07-16 05:20

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
You could try MyContacts. It has group-specific ringtones.

slaapliedje 2010-07-16 05:23

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
This would be why it is still in extras-devel. I am really wanting it to work too, been my only real complaint about my N900.


CooL_HunK 2010-07-16 05:48

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
yea dude, same thing is happening with me... after installing this app, the phone app shows up pretty late if someone calls u... on my phone it takes around 7 to 8 secs to show a call... a fix for that is really needed...

Schturman 2010-07-16 06:44

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]

Originally Posted by CooL_HunK (Post 753540)
yea dude, same thing is happening with me... after installing this app, the phone app shows up pretty late if someone calls u... on my phone it takes around 7 to 8 secs to show a call... a fix for that is really needed...

Yes, same here.. 7-8 sec to show a call :( It's very useful app and fix for that is really needed..

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-07-16 07:07

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
of course, you will face problems since it is still under testing

Schturman 2010-07-16 08:55

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
of course, but without testing, we can not know about problem of the app :)

dscobsct 2010-07-16 10:12

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
the problem is that its got to load the ringtone from the slower memory before playing it. mine also takes about 3 rings before my phone starts ringin. dont know how the dev can get around it really but hope there is a fix

!!Nokia N900!! 2010-07-16 11:00

Re: Custom ringtones for your contacts [in Extras-Devel]
yea, without testing, we couldn't solve problems :)
Hope to get this app. very soon in Extras.

I have many nice ring tones would like to assign to my contacts

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