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nicolai 2010-07-23 10:03

App Search Widget
1 Attachment(s)
Some users asked me, if I can add an application search in my
search program (scout).
I think a desktop widget would be a better place.
What do you think?


In extras-devel:

aanckar 2010-07-23 10:18

Re: App Search Widget
Well, personally I don't think I would have as much use of an app search as of scout, but if one were to exist, I would prefer if the two were combined into one all-purpose search app, rather than having to download another separate app.

jakiman 2010-07-23 10:22

Re: App Search Widget
Just tried it out. I think I'll definitely make good use of it as my number of apps installed increases each day. =)

Is it possible for it to only list search results like Faster Application Manager (FAM) instead of just going to a certain position?
ie. when i typed "tran" for transmission, it goes to:
- phototranslator
I need to type "transm" to get to get to Transmission.

In FAM, if I type "tran", I get 3 search results.
- phototranslator
- transitioncontrol
- Transmission

nicolai 2010-07-23 10:27

Re: App Search Widget
You can use the app/down cursor key to jump between

jakiman 2010-07-23 11:06

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 761989)
You can use the app/down cursor key to jump between matches.

Ahhh. Guess this is fine. Is it possible to at least give visual feedback to the ones that contain my search text?
(highlighting the entire app name or just the characters I typed)

Laughing Man 2010-07-23 11:44

Re: App Search Widget
A widget works if it could be on all desktops. Even better would be having this built into scout and in addition optionally make it replace the regular type to search from the desktop. =)

nicolai 2010-07-23 11:56

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 762070)
A widget works if it could be on all desktops. Even better would be having this built into scout and in addition optionally make it replace the regular type to search from the desktop. =)

You can put the widget on all desktops!

I don't know if it is possible to bypass the current
"type to search" action. It is part of the hildon-desktop.
(Maybe Matans modified hildon has an option to
change the default search action).


Natan_xy 2010-07-24 10:53

Re: App Search Widget
nicolai, you are incredible!!
Many thanks ;)

dbrodie 2010-07-24 19:28

Re: App Search Widget
A few suggestions I would appreciate to the widget,
1. To have it possible to 'hide-on-type' (like the Add Shortcut menu, or the other type to find menus)
2. To have it support also contacts.
That would make this the perfect widget for me,

Thanks you very much regardless....

ToJa92 2010-07-24 19:32

Re: App Search Widget
Would be way cool to have a 'proper' application launcher using Ctrl + Space as shortcut for example.

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