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412b 2010-08-16 15:46

[ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
3 Attachment(s)
Home widget to control MediaBox :)

nax3000 2010-08-16 16:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
So are you too shy to show us what music you listen to? Haha.
Anyway, build 9 still doesn't work.. going to try and check the error msg.

mase 2010-08-16 18:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
So you said, that play / pause works for you, when you are
in the shelf screen? For me only skipping works there.

pycage 2010-08-16 19:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
The widget appeared right after installation on my N900.

Play/Pause doesn't work when on the shelf. But that's my fault rather than 412b's. :)

But why does the package depend on 'advanced-power-common'? That sounds strange.

mase 2010-08-17 04:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Here are some issues:
The timestamp takes a few seconds, before it starts.
Jumping is not possible. The bar and time moves, but the track keeps
When opening another window, or switching off the screen (manually or
automatically by powersave), the timestamp freezes. After skipping the
track, it works normal again.
the play / pause issue, as me pycage and me described.
Maybe the bugs appear, because I am using the svn build?

I have an idea for cover art: Mediabox could provide a thumbnail of the
cover art in the /tmp folder, that the widget could load and display.

Why not integrating the FM radio and the widget in mediabox?

What do you think?

d-iivil 2010-08-17 05:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Great! Only one "complain"; why it has to be so large? Fills up almost half of the screen :D

Would it make sense to make it same sized as the original widget is?

ivgalvez 2010-08-17 06:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I'm with D-livil, it's a little big for me.

Enyibinakata 2010-08-17 10:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I have decided to keep using my N900 despite the phone UI bug all because of the latest version of MediaBox. It really is excellent and I love the track bookmark feature in particular. Nokia should give up and adopt this as their standard Media player. I will gladly pay for this app. Where can I contribute ? I need to thank you with some real action.

pycage 2010-08-17 11:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
By popular request I'm gonna work on a "donate" button in MediaBox. :)

412b 2010-08-17 12:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 788445)
The widget appeared right after installation on my N900.

Play/Pause doesn't work when on the shelf. But that's my fault rather than 412b's. :)

About play/pause: quite strange... What I'm doing is starting some playlist and then go to the Shelf. In that case play/pause works fine.


Originally Posted by pycage (Post 788445)
But why does the package depend on 'advanced-power-common'? That sounds strange.

Because it uses some stuff from that library :) Advanced Power, Advanced Power Monitor and Advanced Interface Switcher also depend on that library :)

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