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imperiallight 2010-09-21 13:54

Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like pissing in your pants for warmth

Oh dear. Better have something to back that up with...

alienhead 2010-09-21 13:56

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
I agree with him, because if every phone has the same experience, then whats the point?

quipper8 2010-09-21 13:59

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
from a company's standpoint, that is exactly what it is like

I mean, you are sacrificing all of your possible margin on OS to a third party, so yes, while you may sell more phones in the short term(the warmth), soon enough there will be many many more competitors with nearly the same thing and you will be lost in a sea of cheap hardware with little to distinguish youself(the wet cold that comes after)

companies hopping on android are basically selling their souls to google, and google is very good at soul-sucking

imperiallight 2010-09-21 14:02

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
So you are saying proprietary is the way to go?

Like big, bad Apple?

ysss 2010-09-21 14:02

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
Well.... if it's sub zero out there and you're not dressed enough... it may be a matter of survival.

Texrat 2010-09-21 14:04

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 822368)
So you are saying proprietary is the way to go?

Like big, bad Apple?

Maybe there's another alternative...

*cough* MeeGo *cough*

johnel 2010-09-21 14:08

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 822370)
Maybe there's another alternative...

*cough* MeeGo *cough*

Pardon Mee going repeat that?

yorg 2010-09-21 14:08

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but isn't this what nokia wanted (wants) to do with Symbian/Maemo/Meego?

imperiallight 2010-09-21 14:10

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but isn't this what nokia wanted (wants) to do with Symbian/Maemo/Meego?
This is what I thought as well. Its typical Orwellian Animal farm if you ask me. But its only my opinion.

Texrat 2010-09-21 14:24

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by yorg (Post 822376)
Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but isn't this what nokia wanted (wants) to do with Symbian/Maemo/Meego?

No, it isn't.

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