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matts76 2010-11-18 10:04

desktop dockbar?
Hi i've just found and installed desktop dockbar, before instalation i tried searching to se what it was but couldn't find any info anywhere:(
so i thought i'd install it and see for myself, but after instalation i cant find it anywhere, ive looked in the app list, settings, status menu, and even in the widgets.:confused:
Does anyone know what desktop dockbar actualy does?



James_Littler 2010-11-18 10:15

Re: desktop dockbar?
Was is 'homescreen-dockbar'?

CepiPerez 2010-11-18 11:17

Re: desktop dockbar?
Yes, I made it, its a simple dockbar.
I didn't made a thread because I'm testing it yet. I need to figure out how to allow multiple dockbars using different config files.
But it works fine if you want to try it.
Here's a screenshot:

sts1976 2010-11-20 11:42

Re: desktop dockbar?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 876955)
Yes, I made it, its a simple dockbar.
I didn't made a thread because I'm testing it yet. I need to figure out how to allow multiple dockbars using different config files.
But it works fine if you want to try it.
Here's a screenshot:

Well done mate..
this is a great little widget for the homescreen and can only get better.

Found a quick way to get multiple dockbar widgets on your desktop by;

(1)install the app and place the widget on the screen,
(2)uninstall app (but keeping the widget onscreen),
(3)then reinstall app (now you have another dockbar onscreen)

You can do this as many times as you like...

Again great app. Really makes a difference to the look and feel of the homescreens.

One bug to note? For some reason i cannot locate the web icon shortcut to place in the dockbar.

moudy91 2010-11-21 02:54

Re: desktop dockbar?

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 876955)
Yes, I made it, its a simple dockbar.
I didn't made a thread because I'm testing it yet. I need to figure out how to allow multiple dockbars using different config files.
But it works fine if you want to try it.
Here's a screenshot:

dear cepiperez, i did try to install the widget but it didn't work at all, so if you please can you send it to me or post it .
thank you

frostbyte 2010-11-21 03:15

Re: desktop dockbar?
so next step is getting effects like on AWN or Cairo-Dock :)

ceroberts75 2010-11-21 03:53

Re: desktop dockbar?
when i first installed it yesterday, it would not even lauinch. there was an update today that made it work. the challenge is that after you choose all the items to put in it, after you reboot, it all disappears the data and puts the empty bar back on screen 1.

i am sure it will be fixed, but that has mbeen my experience so far.

AlMehdi 2010-11-21 04:32

Re: desktop dockbar?
When you have installed it.. it appears on the desktop. But as it has no short cuts in it.. is not very visible. It is transparent.

If it could work as the MicroB arrow it would be a very cool widget.

moudy91 2010-11-21 07:38

Re: desktop dockbar?
about me when i installed it even i didn't see anything on my desktop, but all i saw is when i want to put a new widget just the name and nothing else.
so any help ?!

etuoyo 2010-11-21 08:02

Re: desktop dockbar?
Sounds like a great widget. I have been asking for the equivalent of the windows quick launch bar since I got my N900 and this is exactly what I need. I note from the screen shot that it is not right at the bottom of the screen so there is a bit of space wasted. Can it be moved any lower or is that a limitation in the N900?

Also I presume there is an option to set how many items you want to put in the dock bar. Correct?

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