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droitwichgas 2010-12-23 21:35

AR - drone flown with a N900
I don't think this has been posted before but an amazing, in my view anyway, of a AR - drone being flown by a N900 acting as a remote controller.

Not sure if it is a poster from this site but it would be interesting to know how easy it is to get install the app/program to fly the thing. It would no doubt impress a few other OS mobile phone owners!!

It seems the programmer is/was a meamo chief engineer!

ZogG 2010-12-23 22:04

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
from when meego looks exactly as maemo, or the bloger on official nokia doesn't understand a thing?

droitwichgas 2010-12-23 22:09

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 903105)
from when meego looks exactly as maemo, or the bloger on official nokia doesn't understand a thing?

A Nokia meamo chief engineer should know a bit more than the average poster on here about meamo/meego??

snookh 2010-12-23 22:15

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 903105)
from when meego looks exactly as maemo, or the bloger on official nokia doesn't understand a thing?

Since it's QT it should run with little or no modification on both maemo and meego (and other platforms that support QT) am I right?

ZogG 2010-12-23 23:00

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900

Originally Posted by snookh (Post 903112)
Since it's QT it should run with little or no modification on both maemo and meego (and other platforms that support QT) am I right?

i was talking about UX )


Originally Posted by droitwichgas (Post 903108)
A Nokia meamo chief engineer should know a bit more than the average poster on here about meamo/meego??

i don't think he even knows guys who wrote that. and as UX shows us maemo, maybe blogger made mistake and it's even not chief

GameboyRMH 2010-12-23 23:29

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
One big flaw I see is that only one virtual control stick should be on the touchscreen, since the N900 doesn't have multitouch. The other controls will have to be set as keys (the controls seem to be on/off style, so maybe they should all be key anyways)

But this is great, I was thinking I'd have to use urbi or compile the Linux test client app under Easy Debian.

TiagoTiago 2010-12-23 23:58

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
Why not combine 2d input from the accells with 2d input from the screen for a total of 4 degrees of freedom?

GameboyRMH 2010-12-24 00:14

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
That can work too...I think the iPhone client has that option actually.

nerfiaux 2010-12-24 09:07

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
To compensate the resistif 1 input touch screen, that the N900 have, Could we take advantage of the keyboard, compared to iphone.
We would keep full screen video.
1 idea would be, like for starcraft, to log macro commands under 1 key stroke.
So when i press "B" ar.drone makes a 180° rotation Left and forward.
With such feature, N900 owners will be able easily to kick Iphones *** in ar.Drone battle.

gregoranderson 2010-12-24 10:58

Re: AR - drone flown with a N900
That's Kate Alhola, and she's a learned and wise clever cookie. Those of you launching ill-advised grenades of ASCII should maybe read up on some of her work before cracking off the suppositions and insults.


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