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antman8969 2011-03-18 14:39

Maemo 6 being released?

Aparently there is talk about Nokia releasing an update to Maemo before meego ships.... not really sure what this means but it's interesting.

Search for meego or maemo in google news for more articles.

jedi 2011-03-18 14:44

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
and this:

volt 2011-03-18 14:44

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
It has been known since the dawn of time that the first MeeGo release from Nokia would not be MeeGo, but "an instance of MeeGo" that was closer to MeeGo without getting all the changes through before release.

These days, it's unclear if Nokia is even going to be allowed to call that hybrid MeeGo since it's clearly not really MeeGo. Hence they're reenabling the "Maemo" trade mark for now. This is the same Harmattan that it's always been, with the same late course corrections as we always expect from Nokia.

Search for meego/harmattan in for more information.

teh 2011-03-18 15:04

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
Please merge with

cenwesi 2011-03-18 17:03

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
yeah right, after everyone is dumping on them and going to Android, they are trying hard to be relevance in the Mobile OS war. Too late Nokia, you really screwed yourself on this one.

deyons 2011-03-18 19:13

Re: Maemo 6 being released?

Dave999 2011-03-18 19:26

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
Nokia will create a new name for their "new" OS. Might be MeNoGo or MeGo...NO or something. I dont know, but I'm sure someone with a high sallary will waste a few months just to try to find a name the new old OS.

dumpystig 2011-03-18 19:27

Re: Maemo 6 being released?

AlMehdi 2011-03-18 19:43

Re: Maemo 6 being released?
I for one am looking forward to this. The rebirth of a Nokia Meego will always be a possibility in case the Win7 project fails.... which most like will happen. This will most likely give more blood for the n900 and also a new device.. Who know if there is more to come.

mikecomputing 2011-03-18 20:01

Re: Maemo 6 being released?

Originally Posted by cenwesi (Post 970455)
yeah right, after everyone is dumping on them and going to Android, they are trying hard to be relevance in the Mobile OS war. Too late Nokia, you really screwed yourself on this one.

They screewed it when they did go WP7 and Elop flop not because of meego(with harmattan) that could have succeed.

As an example is I am sure WebOS will take users from Android/Iphone! So there IS still chances.

Personally i dislike both Android and IOS and prefer Maemo/Meego.

But if Nokia had been smart they had started to work with HP instead of Microflop and merge efforts from webOS back too Meego that would be a winnerdeal for both companys!

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