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hhmah 2011-04-06 13:35

My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
its not turning on, not sure shows blu light for abt 10 seconds than turn off completely..
i did charge it for a bit and it doesn't show the yellow light when charging.. not sure whts wrong with it

can someone help plz... thankx

shardul 2011-04-06 13:53

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
Try to flash your n900

abill_uk 2011-04-06 13:54

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983039)
its not turning on, not sure shows blu light for abt 10 seconds than turn off completely..
i did charge it for a bit and it doesn't show the yellow light when charging.. not sure whts wrong with it

can someone help plz... thankx

Not quite enough info there to put a solution to it but the first thing that comes to mind is the usb port and i really want to be wrong here !.

abill_uk 2011-04-06 14:00

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
What was the last thing you installed? can you give any more info?.

Switch_ 2011-04-06 14:08

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 983055)
Not quite enough info there to put a solution to it but the first thing that comes to mind is the usb port and i really want to be wrong here !.

Then look on the bright side because you just might be wrong. BME manages the charging of the battery > if the battery has discharged to the point where BME cannot kick in > no charge and no power.

Try to charge the battery in either an external charger or a Nokia 5800. Then try again.

Don't for the sake of all that is good an holy, try to flash your N900 like the numpty above told you to do. It WILL result in a £300 brick.

abill_uk 2011-04-06 14:12

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 983065)
Then look on the bright side because you just might be wrong. BME manages the charging of the battery > if the battery has discharged to the point where BME cannot kick in > no charge and no power.

Try to charge the battery in either an external charger or a Nokia 5800. Then try again.

Don't for the sake of all that is good an holy, try to flash your N900 like the numpty above told you to do. It WILL result in a £300 brick.

The re-flash suggestion at this stage horrified me, my thoughts were that the usb port is not allowing the battery to be charged being the reason it will not turn on.

Even if the battery has fallen below BME detection it will still charge over a long period of time which makes me think it is a usb port problem.

But as Switch_ said you MUST get the battery charged before going any further.

PS it is not possible to flash anyhow when the battery is not up at least 3/4 and charging via the usb/pc connection.
And second thought here have you tried connecting it via usb to your pc and wait to see what happens, also did you get the verification the pc detects the N900 in any way or form?.

ashwin 2011-04-06 14:35

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
i had same problem couple of times battery charged externally and it worked fine

abill_uk 2011-04-06 14:42

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by ashwin (Post 983087)
i had same problem couple of times battery charged externally and it worked fine

After charging the battery did the charger then work as it should?.

hhmah 2011-04-06 14:43

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 983060)
What was the last thing you installed? can you give any more info?.

i was trying to download meego on my memory card,

hhmah 2011-04-06 14:47

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 983068)
The re-flash suggestion at this stage horrified me, my thoughts were that the usb port is not allowing the battery to be charged being the reason it will not turn on.

Even if the battery has fallen below BME detection it will still charge over a long period of time which makes me think it is a usb port problem.

But as Switch_ said you MUST get the battery charged before going any further.

it was like abt 60%, i was trying to download meego on my memory card, than toke the battery out and put back in, and than every time i turn it on the blu light comes up

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