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mderazon 2011-05-15 13:41

i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
somehow after 2 years with this device i have managed to lock myself out of the phone. the weird thing is that i don't remember setting a lock code, and it's not the default 12345.

what are my options ?
can i somehow manage to keep my data intact ? or do i have to do a complete wipe of the phone


qwazix 2011-05-15 13:58

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
maybe you had installed openssh?
use filezilla to access your data from a pc if you have
Roll Blunts

anapospastos 2011-05-15 14:01

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
If you got ssh then this post will solve your problem.

m4r0v3r 2011-05-15 14:13

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
i think even a wipe wouldnt help

mderazon 2011-05-15 14:20

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
i do have ssh installed but i have rebooted the device, does it connect to the network even though it's locked ?

mderazon 2011-05-15 14:32

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
is there any way to ssh the phone without it connecting to wireless ? because i don't thin it's connected now since i can't find it on m network.

mderazon 2011-05-15 15:05

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
please someone ?
is it possible to ssh the device when lockscreen is activated ?
i am locked out and network ability is not on probably

qwazix 2011-05-15 15:12

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
have you got bootmenu maybe?
there is an option for usb ssh on bootmenu

Other solution is to put meego on an sd. Boot into meego by loading the kernel with flasher, and then ssh to meego, (or do whatever inside meego)

James_Littler 2011-05-15 15:18

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
You can decode the lock code but people aren't inclined to help new users with this sort of issue as you may have found/stolen the phone.
Can you provide any proof of purchase or any proof that the phone is yours?

mderazon 2011-05-15 15:22

Re: i have managed to lock myself out of the phone
don't have bootmenu installed.
about the second option, sounds complicated i think i rather wipe the phone and try to break the code with ripper.
why did i reboot it ??

i think it's a good time to switch to android

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