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Brock 2011-06-29 12:11

No N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D?
Found this article (in german) which says that they got confirmation that the N9 wont sell in 6 european countrys (UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D)...

If this is true, i will be really pissed *sorry for bad words*

i will try to find more sources and a translation or something like this

"Die Niederlande wird, zusammen mit 5 anderen Ländern, eines der ersten Länder sein, in denen Nokia erstes Windows Phone anbieten möchte."
"the netherlands, together with 5 other countrys, will be on of the the first countrys where nokia will sell their first wp7 phone"

here is another article in english

JD2010 2011-06-29 12:14

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL and D

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 1041421)
Found this article (in german) which says that they got confirmation that the N9 wont sell in 5 european countrys (UK, FR, IT, NL and D)...

If this is true, i will be really pissed *sorry for bad words*

i will try to find more sources and a translation or something like this

Don't worry they will put the N950 for sale right after

Brock 2011-06-29 12:17

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL and D

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 1041422)
Don't worry they will put the N950 for sale right after

cmon, be serious, we all know that the n950 wont be sold in any way, so stop rumoring, someone else could believe you

johnel 2011-06-29 12:23

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
It's fascinating watching a company like Nokia slowly implode from consistant corporate stupidity.

dansus 2011-06-29 12:23

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
Seems the N9 will be available through 3rd party sellers in strong WP carrier markets, Expansys and others claim they will offer it for sale.

johnel 2011-06-29 12:27

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by dansus (Post 1041432)
Seems the N9 will be available through 3rd party sellers in strong WP carrier markets, Expansys and others claim they will offer it for sale.

Which will probably mean at inflated prices too.

Brock 2011-06-29 12:29

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by dansus (Post 1041432)
Seems the N9 will be available through 3rd party sellers in strong WP carrier markets, Expansys and others claim they will offer it for sale.

yes, i have read another article about the company "fun mobile" saying that they will sell the N9 and some accessories in the UK

sjgadsby 2011-06-29 12:33

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by Brock (Post 1041421)
Found this article (in german) which says that they got confirmation that the N9 wont sell in 6 european countrys (UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D)...

Very soon, Nokia won't be selling any phones at all in the UK. They plan the same in other developed, competitive markets.

Nokia not selling phones directly in a market does not necessarily equal Nokia phones not being available for sale in that market.

Brock 2011-06-29 12:40

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 1041440)
Very soon, Nokia won't be selling any phones at all in the UK. They plan the same in other developed, competitive markets.

Nokia not selling phones directly in a market does not necessarily equal Nokia phones not being available for sale in that market.

i hope you are right, but keep in mind that germany is missing in that list too and has been mentioned by the vice pres to be primary wp7 market... and nokia is not closing the online store here (afaik)

corduroysack 2011-06-29 12:46

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL and D

Originally Posted by JD2010 (Post 1041422)
Don't worry they will put the N950 for sale right after

lol it made me chuckle Cheers :)

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