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M_99 2011-07-01 09:25

Google+ invitation requests
I don't want to hijack this thread, but don't know if it's worth opening a new one It seems there is a high demand for an Invitation-Thread, so here we go :D

I'd love to get an invitation to Go_ogle+ (<- just to avoid the whole Web spamming the Forum :D )
Anyone here who could contact me per PM :o

Thanks ysss and torpedo48 :)

CU - M_99

mr_jrt 2011-07-01 11:30

Re: Google+
Ditto on the invite thing. I'm somewhat curious.

sjgadsby 2011-07-01 12:17

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I've moved the two Google+ invitation requests above from another thread they threatened to take off-topic. Please confine requests for Google+ invitations to this thread. Thanks!

jedi 2011-07-01 12:21

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Me too - anyone with a spare, please PM me :)
Edit: thanks Lex ;)

phedders 2011-07-01 12:44

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Great idea - I'd love one too if there are any spare around....

ddwwf1 2011-07-01 13:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
agreed would love to try this out a invite would be awesome thanks in advance

M_99 2011-07-01 13:24

Re: Google+ invitation requests
WTF :eek:

CU - M_99

aathava 2011-07-01 13:54

Google+ invitation requests
Due To Insane Demand Google Closes Google+ Invites


1. Go to your Google+ homepage

2. Make a new post under Stream. Write anything in it.

3. Click on 'Add Circle or People To Share With...'

4. In the text field, enter the Gmail address of the person you want to invite

5 Click Share

The person with whom you have shared your post will receive an email, asking him to sign up for Google before seeing the post.

I would love one too .,

glabifrons 2011-07-01 14:18

Re: Google+ invitation requests
As much as I hate posting a "me too" reply, it's appropriate for this thread.

Me too! :)

damnshock 2011-07-01 14:25

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I wouldn't mind one either :D


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