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khuong 2011-07-17 18:31

[ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Callerx is a simple calls blocker app daemon for N900, it blocks calls based on a simple whitelist.txt or blacklist.txt file in MyDocs folder. This app is auto-start after installed, auto-start upon boot, auto-detect and reload if any changes made to to the list. It allows range block by entering first partial block of phone number in list Lists format are using each phone number per line without any other characters or spaces except prefix "+" if you see it on your screen (just digits and "+" with no spaces in between or in front) To block unknown number just enter "unknown" without quote To switch to whitelist mode which allow block all callers except those listed in whitelist.txt, use command "/etc/init.d/callerx loadwhitelist".

Usage command:

"/etc/init.d/callerx loadblacklist"
"/etc/init.d/callerx loadwhitelist"
"/etc/init.d/callerx start"
"/etc/init.d/callerx reload"
"/etc/init.d/callerx stop"

Usage Note: This a daemon app running in background and currently there is no user interface to keep it small and simple. It will auto-start after installed, and default to blacklist block mode, a new file name blacklist.txt will be also created in MyDocs folder where you can start enter the phone number you want to block. If you want to switch to whitelist mode, just create a new whitelist.txt file in MyDocs folder and run comand "/etc/init.d/callerx loadwhitelist" in xterm. The configuration file is located /home/user/.config/callerx folder, you can change the default whitelist.txt or blacklist.txt location to different folder by edit the config file if you want.

Callerx 0.1.3 * Added a Call Block button to powerkey menu, which is an option rejecting call and add that number to the blacklist when phone is ringing ( button is only visible while call is ative ).

Callerxui 0.0.5 *A callerx with user interface allows controlling and managing blocklists, settings, import phone numbers from address book, file, list, kept inbound calls log with blocked indicator. It install/update callerx along with it. So no need to install callerx if you haven't done so. For those already have installed callerx before, all you need is just install Callerxui and it will update your callerx to latest version which is compatible with it.

santiago 2011-07-17 18:51

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
unknown numbers?!?!
u made my day!!!!!! thx!!!!!!!

Can You change the blacklist and withelist path ? i mean, if i format the MyDocs, i'll lose everything.. Better that we can save list in a secure folder under /home/user path.. Can you do that ? ;) thank in advance ;)

khuong 2011-07-17 20:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1052824)
unknown numbers?!?!
u made my day!!!!!! thx!!!!!!!

Can You change the blacklist and withelist path ? i mean, if i format the MyDocs, i'll lose everything.. Better that we can save list in a secure folder under /home/user path.. Can you do that ? ;) thank in advance ;)

Yes you can, just edit the config file in /home/user/.config/callerx folder
to change path or file name to whatever you want, and move the files to new folder before enter command "/etc/init.d/callerx stop" then /etc/init.d/callerx start". Just make sure the user have the read permission to that file.

santiago 2011-07-17 20:07

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by khuong (Post 1052871)
Yes you can, just edit the config file in /home/user/.config/callerx folder
and move the files to new folder before enter command "/etc/init.d/callerx stop" then /etc/init.d/callerx start".

u made my day and saved my lists :D
i see a link in the application menu under the ls command from xterm, maybe u r working to a GUI for that ?

x61 2011-07-17 20:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Does it also block private numbers?

khuong 2011-07-17 20:18

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1052875)
u made my day and saved my lists :D
i see a link in the application menu under the ls command from xterm, maybe u r working to a GUI for that ?

Yes I will, but it will be a seperate app ui to control this one and edit the blacklist and whitelist with auto-activate list based on time. Ex. at night I dont want to accept any call except my gf.

khuong 2011-07-17 20:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 1052879)
Does it also block private numbers?

private number? enter unknown in the list should block it. I never see a private word appear on my phone. unknown should block it as well if it doesn't show any number.

Estel 2011-07-17 20:35

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT
Operators in some countries show it as (translation to english) "Private". Still, it's same as "unknown" i think.

santiago 2011-07-17 20:37

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by khuong (Post 1052889)
Yes I will, but it will be a seperate app ui to control this one and edit the blacklist and whitelist with auto-activate list based on time. Ex. at night I dont want to accept any call except my gf.

Good IDEA u made my week then!!! :D it works :) finally what i want to have in my super N900

PS: do you need a translation for the Italian Version? i mean if u'll use the file in /usr/share/locale/lang_LANG/LC_Messages

khuong 2011-07-17 21:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Callerx -- Call Blocker in QT

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1052903)
Operators in some countries show it as (translation to english) "Private". Still, it's same as "unknown" i think.

Though I used the word unknown here doesn't mean that it only block the word unknown. Most unknown ,private or any withheld number will come as a blank string "", I just used the unknown as a equal value in the app code.

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