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pali 2011-07-23 11:42

Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
1 Attachment(s)
These scripts for creating backup of maemo packages are now obsolated (but still can be used to verify openess of packages).

I created patch for apt-mirror which can download packages also from, so apt-mirror is good way to backup apt rpositories. See wiki page:

We know that Nokia abandoned Maemo5 and some day Nokia will stop Maemo5 repositories (SDK, apps, extras...). So I'm started creating shell scripts which will backup maemo 5 fremanle repositories ( and

Scripts can also create package index (from repositories) and separate open and closed source. Some info about closed packages wrote Carsten Munk on his page - but it was for PR1.1. I asked him for application which generated his page, but he refuse publish it. So I'm created my own (scripts + wiki page).

I published all my scripts attached in this post/thread. It may contains bugs and download script is very very slow - but it works.

Size: mr0+apps 280MB sdk+tools+nokia-binaries 5.8GB

Backed repositories are fully compatible with apt, so it may be used for n900 as mirror server.

How to use scripts: - backup packages (source + binary) from repositories specified in sources.list and use authorisation informations from file auth (both files are in n900 in /etc/apt)

other scripts needs downloaded indexes files from repositories need dpkg status file (copy from n900 after reflash /var/lib/dpkg/status)

Now I can say, that in default PR1.3 image is 355 closed packages and 364 open. But a lot of closed packages are now open (on or or in CSSU) and a lot of are marketing/third-party (skype, flash, installers) and some maybe be replaced (ofono, icd2, ...)

I created wiki page where is table of all closed packages + info:

I wrote some informations about packages (if exists alternative, if is now open, ...) - but not for all packages. Maybe this will be good start point how to clean/rewrite Maemo 5. Anybody who is interesting in this is welcome.

RobbieThe1st 2011-07-23 11:54

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
Also, it seems like someone from one of those countries where copyright is ignored to go ahead and make a large torrent image with *everything*(all closed packages, open packages, firmware images, etc.) just in case...

evan 2011-07-23 11:55

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
maemo5 may well have the kind of support that diablo has, but I don't see them closing down the repositories any time soon.
But then again, can we trust them not to do just that?

haffid 2011-07-23 11:56

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
great work, thank you so much

abill_uk 2011-07-23 12:01

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
This is good news if i ever seen on here and i hope pali is not hindered by anyone, i did note from his post that Carsten once again refuses to cooperate and that is still sad news but never the less good luck with this because i can tell you many people want this to happen !.

davedickson 2011-07-23 12:10

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
Out of interest how large are the repos currently (extras, testing + dev, plus the others, Nokia etc)?

Can't see them closing them down any time soon, but would be a good idea to back everything up and I'd be happy to help (with server space etc or anything else) :D

tuxsavvy 2011-07-23 12:12

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
pali: Please see my email in regards to deb files, amongst that link that I provided, there are other bits and pieces of things that I have found and noted which maybe can be of use to you :)

(edit) I'm currently on IRC on the same #maemo channel if you need to contact me :) (/edit)

pali 2011-07-23 12:14

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
extras, extras-testing and extras-devel are very very big. I will not backup it (sorry, but with my scripts can other users do it). has 280MB and SDK+tools+nokia-binaries has now on my disk 5.8GB (and still downloading)

davedickson 2011-07-23 12:17

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle
Well I don't mind backing up the lot (plus updating as new stuff is added - so if they do shut it down we have a complete backup), just need to know how big it is first, to ensure I have enough space. Can anyone give me an estimate, or is there anyway to work it out :)

tuxsavvy 2011-07-23 12:51

Re: Future of Maemo 5 Fremantle

Originally Posted by davedickson (Post 1056812)
Well I don't mind backing up the lot (plus updating as new stuff is added - so if they do shut it down we have a complete backup), just need to know how big it is first, to ensure I have enough space. Can anyone give me an estimate, or is there anyway to work it out :)

My old mirrored amongst a few other repositories totalled around half a terabyte. This doesn't include (which requires a slightly different method to download) and it includes repositories from other 3rd party developers. Also it doesn't contain any harmattan stuff.

If I were to run that mirror script now it would probably tell me there would be another 4+GB worth of downloads to grab minus and harmattan-dev repositories.

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