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MSameer 2011-08-06 17:10

[Announce] Holy Quran for N900
I've just uploaded the initial version of my Quran app to extras devel.

It's very minimal at the moment. Only supports reading/browsing, adding, removing and jumping to favorites and an index page.

It's been designed for N900 and the upcoming N9 so it should be possible to get it for MeeGo DE at some point too.

Here's the package page as well:

The code is GPL'ed and it's here:

Ideas, tips, criticism and patches are all greatly welcomed :)

EDIT: Package promoted to extras testing

cloud596 2011-08-06 17:36

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
1 Attachment(s)
nice to hear that, anyway did u the one who create the thread at forum meego announce about holy quran and see if i reject with ovi store,do u need icon style for harmattan

SalmanAbbas 2011-08-06 17:50

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
what do you mean by adding/removing?

MSameer 2011-08-06 18:01

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900

Originally Posted by cloud596 (Post 1065234)
nice to hear that, anyway did u the one who create the thread at forum meego announce about holy quran and see if i reject with ovi store,do u need icon style for harmattan

Yup, I'm the same person and both applications are using the same backend but a different UI (QML for Harmattan and Qt for Maemo5). Thanks for the icon but as you notice, the background doesn't blend nicely. I'm yet to try to design a better icon. Let's see :)
Just keep the harmattan stuff there as this is the Fremantle forum :)


Originally Posted by SalmanAbbas (Post 1065240)
what do you mean by adding/removing?

There's a list of favorites. You can long-tap on an aya (verse) and choose add to favorites from the context menu (Or remove if the verse is already there).

Later you can invoke the favorites dialog from the application menu and jump to a particular verse directly.

HtheB 2011-08-06 21:49

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Any Screenshots? :)

MSameer 2011-08-06 22:17

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1065300)
Any Screenshots? :)

I'm attaching a bunch of them. Let's hope they show up here ;)

cloud596 2011-08-06 22:27

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
one suggestion though. can u make it using qml as well. it will be nice for background and colorfully. but i know it hook the cpu.

ayazpak 2011-08-06 22:27

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Is it possible to to provide translation in Urdu or English languages?

bzbnd 2011-08-06 22:27

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
Thanks for your great work. any plan for adding translations?

Jigzy 2011-08-06 22:43

Re: [Announce] Holy Quran for N900
would love english translation!!

Excellent Application, keep up the good work Man

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