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qwazix 2011-08-17 14:17

[early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
1 Attachment(s)
I started to code a python application for reading

I have made an application for the garage (since I want to use svn, not git) but they say they want 72 hours to review and approve. If this is nokia timing, merry christmas.

Anyway, i will paste the sources here, now it just loads the recent topics and reads the first topic off the page when you click on it. In all it is relatively easy to make it, so if anyone is interested drop by.

Captwheeto 2011-08-17 14:35

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
I'd give you additional thanks for The Onion in the source code :')

qwazix 2011-08-17 17:29

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
Garage page

first commit


show the recent threads, open the last page of that thread
scrolling hopefully works

I'm not sure what you mean...

qwazix 2011-08-17 23:27

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
First crude beta on devel (haven't even tested if it installs ok)

Now one can (barely) use it.

You can see the list of active topics, refresh them and read them.
Next and previous buttons exist but no pager.
Navigation buttons do not disable when in last or first page.

If anyone wants to take on the tedious work of beautifiyng the app, check in.

Latest sources on the svn of the garage in a while

robin92 2011-08-18 08:47

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
finally :D

Captwheeto 2011-08-18 08:51

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
My bad. The pyquery test code contains methods for searching The Onion. Here I was thinking you were cool ;)

Thanks for this though :D

amadeukaos 2011-08-19 14:02

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
icon is not working =/
how to run it via xterm?

pierrem 2011-08-19 14:08

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application

Originally Posted by amadeukaos (Post 1073038)
icon is not working =/
how to run it via xterm?

that's because the script does not begin with the magic sequence #!/usr/bin/python
so to run via xterm, type:
python /opt/tmoread/

qwazix 2011-08-19 14:18

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
Indeed, I thought I did that, anyway it will in the next build.

amadeukaos 2011-08-19 14:57

Re: [early development] tmoread, a tmo reader application
nice, a little basic, but the idea is good, really good, you should get tips from the guy who did twimgo, with transition screens, and possibility to log in and comment, this could be awesome :)

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