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slai 2011-10-05 06:40

Top Apps for Nokia N9
Personally Ive only got a few downloadad:

ScreenshotMee - Ovi Store

Basically you run the app, swipe it away, navigate where you want to take a screenshot and cover the proximitysensor with your hand to take the picture. Pretty good!

Recorder - Ovi Store

Records sound. Nuff said. Dictaphone style thing.

What are your recommended downloads for the N9?

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 06:48

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Have a look at software catalog!
For me: no apps yet.. N9 should be available in november:s

slai 2011-10-05 06:56

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Nice, found a few nice ones there :)

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 07:41

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103074)
Nice, found a few nice ones there :)

now it's your turn to recommend us;)

slai 2011-10-05 07:48

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Well I installed filebox at the end of it all. Looks like most were games I wouldnt even bother looking at.

But its a new device, so Im patient :P .

Hakki_01 2011-10-05 08:30

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by slai (Post 1103113)
Well I installed filebox at the end of it all. Looks like most were games I wouldnt even bother looking at.

But its a new device, so Im patient :P .

There are a lot more nice apps already available.. not that curious to test them all?:p
Tell me about installing new apps.. Does it stall the phone like old symbian devices (very slowly installs) or is it more like android/ios?

slai 2011-10-05 09:02

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
I went to the site on my n9 browser, navigated to "try it" or "download" or whatever the link was to download the deb file, then a download screen pops up showing the download, and once it was finished, I pressed the file and it gave me a warning that this was a risk since it wasnt through Ovi Store, which I said "I DONT CARE" to, and it installed the deb file.

Then i used a file manager to go into downloads folder and delete the deb file.

what other nice apps? i only saw the one that caught my eye; the file manager program :P .

afaq 2011-10-05 09:23

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Go through all the pages in this link. Lots of Apps.

mece 2011-10-05 09:32

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
Some stuff I like:
EmuMaster, QSpot, SwipeManage, Bambuser, SpeedX, PhoneTorch, KhtEditor, Tweed Suit, Irc chatter

slai 2011-10-05 11:55

Re: Top Apps for Nokia N9
maybe swipemanager. the rest i can do without =p, have emumaster ofc ;)

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