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damagedspline 2011-11-10 10:01

[Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app

Please support this port by donating:

Project page:


How to raise the debug level
Change it in the Settings -> General Settings -> Logging
After starting waze, you can recognize that you are in higher debug level as there will be a new baloon with your coordinates in the upper left corner of the screen.

How to add my repository for Harmattan
Starting with v0.0.11, all new Harmattan releases will be available in my Harmattan repository

killall  pkgmgrd && killall pkgmgrd
echo "deb ${url} ./" |  tee "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${repo}.list"
apt-get update

31-Mar-13 - v0.0.12 - codename: "Erlich"
N9/N950 - Available in my Harmattan repository - see instructions above, request added to be accepted in apps4meego
N900 - Link to be announced
Ubuntu - Available in my Ubuntu PPA
* Don't force ports - this will allow using the Waze site servers
* Comment the map editing feature
* Don't force full screen when running on desktop
* Start using Waze v3 icons
* Improve the main menu looks
* Add a navigate button to the main menu
* Move the exit button from the main view to the main menu
* Reorganize the buttons in the main view
* Remake the ETA bar to be specific for protrait and landscape
* Make the next street name bigger
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- When using a slow internet connection Waze might be slow as well at times and might take 30 seconds to start (and showing "Waze is not responding" dialog)
- Restart is required after upgrade/install for the sounds fix to work correctly
- Navigation might never end at some regions
- Language download cause crash
- Screen rotation only works after the second device angle change
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from previous releases or by providing mockups images for better user experience.

9-Jan-13 - v0.0.11 - codename: "Djako"
N9/N950 - Available in my Harmattan repository - see instructions above
N900 - Link to be announced
Ubuntu - Available in my Ubuntu PPA
* Main view layout change
* Waze sounds no longer interrupts external media players
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- When using a slow internet connection Waze might be slow as well at times and might take 30 seconds to start (and showing "Waze is not responding" dialog)
- Restart is required after upgrade/install for the sounds fix to work correctly
- Navigation might never end at some regions
- Language download cause crash
- Screen rotation only works after the second device angle change
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from previous releases or by providing mockups images for better user experience.

25-Nov-12 - UI Patch for v0.0.10
You need the v0.0.10 installed - it will not work on previous releases
Compatible with both N900 & N9/50
  1. Download MainView.qml
  2. Place MainView.qml in /opt/waze/qml (For n00bs: you will need root for that)
  3. Run Waze
  • Main UI now looks and behaves more like Waze 3.0
    • Slide the right button to report
    • Click the right button to see current reports
    • Slide the left button to Navigate or change the current navigation
    • Click the left button for settings/info dialog and anywhere in the grey area to close the dialog
    • "Show me" button is transparent above the reports button
    • Next to the minimize button is the name of the next street
    • At the center bottom is the ETA bar which either show the ETA hour and the remaining distance or the remaining ETA and the current speed - those will alternate every 5 seconds between the 2 options.

25-Oct-12 - v0.0.10 - codename: "Coco"
N9/N950 - Available in Apps for Meego repository
N900 - Available in Maemo Extras
* Main view layout change
* When navigating, the "Navigate" button allow navigation control
* Minimize button added
* Browser control orientation fixed
* Multitouch on Harmattan fixed
* Portrait mode added
* Rotate map buttons were added (for platforms without multitouch)
* The number of active connections has been limited to ~16
* Fix the road signs text (road shields)
* Make the map fonts bolder
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- When using a slow internet connection Waze might be slow as well at times and might take 30 seconds to start (and showing "Waze is not responding" dialog)
- The navigation instructions control has not been transformed yet into QML so it is not inline with the rest of the UI (noticeable in portrait mode)
- Screen rotation only works after the second device angle change
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from previous releases or by providing mockups images for better user experience.

8-Oct-12 - v0.0.9-45 Beta - codename: "Charlie and a Half"
This is an Beta release where some code changes has been done in critical areas of the application. Don't install this version unless you are willing to assist in finding and reporting bugs
N9/N950 here
N900 - Not yet available - for some reason Waze freeze after a few seconds
* Add AMOLED Optimized theme (contribution by ginggs)
* Fix routing navigation which sometimes didn't work
* Fix several network issues
* Small performance improvements
* Added Logging settings to General Settings
* Added Qt port release version to the about screen
* Remake most of the main view in QML
* Added portrait mode
- Waze might take 30 seconds to start and there is no splash screen yet. In that time you might encounter the "Waze is not responding" dialog.
In that case do not click either Yes or No, it will recover shortly.
- Only the main view has been QMLized. The rest is untouched.
- The navigation instructions control has not been transformed yet into QML so it is not inline with the rest of the UI (noticeable in portrait mode)
- Screen rotation only works after the second device angle change
- Screen gestures (pinch to zoom/rotate) does not work yet.
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from previous releases or by providing mockups images for better user experience.

17-May-12 - v0.0.9 Alpha - codename: "Chico"
This is an Alpha release where some code changes has been done in critical areas of the application. Dont install this version unless you are willing to assist in finding and reporting bugs
N9/N950 - Available in App4Meego testing repository
N900 - Available in Extras-devel repository
* Added 'backlight stay lit only when plugged' option
* Fixed the freeze that occured when data was transmitted, so no more 'Close application...' dialog.
* Fixed network data compression (i consider working 90% of the time better than 0% :p )
* Fixed adding a favorite caused crash
* Fixed pinging a wazer caused crash
* Fixed some crashes that occured when starting a new search
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- If a release previous to v0.0.7 (not including) was installed, saved configuration & settings will be removed during installation
- Default log level was set to maximum by default. As a result ~/MyDocs/.waze/postmortem can becoming quite big after several days of use, so you should delete it every once in a while.
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from v0.0.6
*** UPDATE: I have found another bug in the network compress logic that cause crashes, please don't use it yet.

2-May-12 - v0.0.8 Alpha - codename: "Batito"
This is an Alpha release where some code changes has been done in critical areas of the application. Dont install this version unless you are willing to assist in finding and reporting bugs
N9/N950 - Available in App4Meego testing repository
N900 - Available in Extras-devel repository
* Implement secured connections
* Fixed empty mood list
* Fixed empty car list
- When canceling an address search, Waze may crash
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- If a release previous to v0.0.7 (not including) was installed, saved configuration & settings will be removed during installation
- Default log level was set to maximum by default. As a result ~/MyDocs/.waze/postmortem can becoming quite big after several days of use, so you should delete it every once in a while.
- This version is compiled in debug mode. So if a crash occurs a core dump might be generated if your phone is properly cofigured (ulimit unlimited). Core dumps are the best way for me to track problems.
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from v0.0.6

19-Apr-12 - v0.0.7 Alpha - codename: "Azriel" => new naming convention based on Burekas movie characters
This is an Alpha release where some code changes has been done in critical areas of the application. Dont install this version unless you are willing to assist in finding and reporting bugs
Install link for N9/N950
Install link for N900
* Rewrite the network layer to be based on Qt instead of kernel sockets
* Rewrite the config layer to use QSettings
* Rewrite the path+file layer to use QFile & QDir
* Fix current traffic reports list dialog - reports not visible
* Support multiuser environments (such as Linux and Windows)
* Fix low battery warning still showing when charging
- When canceling an address search, Waze may crash
- Stable internet connection is mandatory for first run!
- If a previous release was installed, saved configuration & settings will be removed during installation
- Default log level was set to maximum by default. As a result ~/MyDocs/.waze/postmortem can becoming quite big after several days of use, so you should delete it every once in a while.
- Secure connection is not implemeted yet, so refrain from setting passwords in the application
- This version is compiled in debug mode. So if a crash occurs a core dump might be generated if your phone is properly cofigured (ulimit unlimited). Core dumps are the best way for me to track problems.
- Please assist by reporting issues with emphasis on regressions from v0.0.6

damagedspline 2011-11-10 20:19

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900
As promised, a clip showing Waze running on the N900. Sadly, it required a little more workarounds than the N950 and added 5 more TODOs to my list...

HtheB 2011-11-10 21:51

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900
You should change your topic title.. add N9/N950 aswell so non N900 users will also find out about this great app

bingomion 2011-11-10 22:49

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900
wow waze looks like a very cool app!
Is that v3.0?
Can't wait for a deb to start testing it :)

EDIT: is this your Waze implementation in pure QML based on the site API?

damagedspline 2011-11-11 06:24

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1121491)
You should change your topic title.. add N9/N950 aswell so non N900 users will also find out about this great app

the N9/50 will have its own deb, so i created a matching thread at the meego forums. but you are right, i will add a link to the meego thread and at the meego thread a link to here.

damagedspline 2011-11-11 06:27

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900

Originally Posted by bingomion (Post 1121514)
wow waze looks like a very cool app!
Is that v3.0?
Can't wait for a deb to start testing it :)

EDIT: is this your Waze implementation in pure QML based on the site API?

This is based on waze v2.4.0 specifically the android code branch. So this project is quite detached from my pure QML version :)

HtheB 2011-11-11 12:25

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1121682)
the N9/50 will have its own deb, so i created a matching thread at the meego forums. but you are right, i will add a link to the meego thread and at the meego thread a link to here.

You should change the topic title.... I think you aren't aware that 90% of the N9 users are still here on and not on

damagedspline 2011-11-12 08:15

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1121815)
You should change the topic title.... I think you aren't aware that 90% of the N9 users are still here on and not on

I can see your point.
Done :)

damagedspline 2011-11-19 12:56

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Preview release is out (see 1st post)

Schturman 2011-12-01 18:34

Re: [Announce] Waze for N900/N9/N950
Waiting for updates :)

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