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LordVan 2012-01-16 07:47

What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
I've been thinking recently ..

My N900 Battery keeps getting worse (had It pretty much since it came out).. I have to charge it every night even if I don't use it much .. (If i forget it goes from ~50% to switching off just over night sometimes ..

So I've been looking around ..
N9? .. rather hard to get here
N950 ? ... even more difficult to get
some Android phone? Currently been thinking .. the Samsung note with the pressure sensitive Pen sounds nice - it is "huge" compared to most phones, but I don't mind that that much ..
(Windows Phone or iPhones are out of the question for me ^^ )

Currently I'm prolly mostly in favour of the Samsung Galaxy Note due to the fact it has a pen (I like that I can write/doodle more accurately -- e.g. on a Kanji recognition software since I'm learning japanese , ...)

That made me wonder .. which phone are other Maemo fans getting after the N900 ?

karam 2012-01-16 07:59

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
another N900 till the stores are empty

vi_ 2012-01-16 08:54

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by LordVan (Post 1151169)
I've been thinking recently ..

My N900 Battery keeps getting worse (had It pretty much since it came out).. I have to charge it every night even if I don't use it much .. (If i forget it goes from ~50% to switching off just over night sometimes ..

So I've been looking around ..
N9? .. rather hard to get here
N950 ? ... even more difficult to get
some Android phone? Currently been thinking .. the Samsung note with the pressure sensitive Pen sounds nice - it is "huge" compared to most phones, but I don't mind that that much ..
(Windows Phone or iPhones are out of the question for me ^^ )

Currently I'm prolly mostly in favour of the Samsung Galaxy Note due to the fact it has a pen (I like that I can write/doodle more accurately -- e.g. on a Kanji recognition software since I'm learning japanese , ...)

That made me wonder .. which phone are other Maemo fans getting after the N900 ?

None, the only people left here are the Nxxx hardcore. When I eventually run out of N900s I will do a 'den in the USA' and go for the tablet/dumbphone combo. Hopefully by then there will be a dumbphone small enough to be a wris****ch.

rich c 2012-01-16 09:20

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
As I mentioned elsewhere, I've recently 'replaced' my N900 with a Samsung Galaxy SII which seems to fulfil my day to day needs based on a couple of day's usage.

Having said that, my N900 will still get used at home with the sim removed. It works fine as a Skype phone/ssh client to my home PCs/etc. (Basically, the same kind of functionality & usage as earlier Nokia internet tablets.) As a bonus, the battery seems to last ages with no sim!

hathoda 2012-01-16 09:28

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
My phone is almost two years old it's battry work for two days with normal usage

i think he has got something that is eating phones battry. ::::::

bingomion 2012-01-16 09:38

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
buy a good battery!
these threads are getting old!!

corduroysack 2012-01-16 10:08

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??
my n900 is spot on if battery seems iffy get another battery i am currently using a scud. if this n900 dies i would get another n900 failing that a tablet and a dumb phone as vi_has said.

LordVan 2012-01-16 10:09

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by bingomion (Post 1151203)
buy a good battery!
these threads are getting old!!

I wanted a "fresh" reply of the people who still have a N900 now not an old thread ;)

LordVan 2012-01-16 10:09

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by hathoda (Post 1151201)
My phone is almost two years old it's battry work for two days with normal usage

i think he has got something that is eating phones battry. ::::::

I'm not sure what would be eating my battery .. I even got rid of most of the hildon widgets .. only thing that might run is the battery monitor . ^^

LordVan 2012-01-16 10:12

Re: What phone are you going to get after the N900 ??

Originally Posted by karam (Post 1151174)
another N900 till the stores are empty

the problem is that it is rather hard to get here .. especially in shops. There are a couple on ebay for around ~200€ but most are used and I'm not sure if I want to pay that if the only real problem I have is my battery :(

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