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qgil 2012-08-27 16:21

Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Dear Maemo community,

I will leave Nokia in a couple of weeks. With this, I will also leave my official and unofficial responsibilities in The main reason is that I'm getting a new job in a new area (for me) that will require plenty of learning and extra time: the Wikimedia community. More details here:

Moving up in the freedom stack

I will connect the council with the right people in charge of the hosting and the distribution of devices. As far as I know these are the only areas where Nokia and myself have still some items open.

I also want to advance here my Big Thank You to this community. I have learned a lot with you and I have enjoyed the fun in the good times, and also in the other ones. When I joined Nokia my goal was to convert the official site in an authentic community made of passionate contributors. We've got our ups and downs but I believe the core mission has been accomplished.

My address will still work during a couple of weeks. I'm subscribing to this thread and you can use it to reach me out even after that. In any case it's easy to find me.

thedead1440 2012-08-27 16:25

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Qgil thanks for all your help over the past few years at this site [even though unofficially you won't be around I'm sure the pull of this community will always bring you back]...

Unfortunately, s*** has happened and we lose yet another valuable member of the community...

However, we stay strong and this community will not go off easily...

Dave999 2012-08-27 16:28

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thank you and hope you staying around to the end of the end of Tmo(as a real user ;)).

Let's hope you have a few great inside stories to tell after you left. Love to take a beer and read a great nokia inside story :D

ivgalvez 2012-08-27 16:35

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Congratulations for your new job. You deserved to work in a company where openness and freedom is a must instead of a curse.

I really hope we will see you here, now as part of the community and a very valuable contributor.

ibrakalifa 2012-08-27 17:30

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Thx you sir, and goodluck with your new adventure, gbu

im newbie here, but i know who you are, :)

AMD 2012-08-27 17:36

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 1256328)
Dear Maemo community,

I will leave Nokia in a couple of weeks. With this, I will also leave my official and unofficial responsibilities in The main reason is that I'm getting a new job in a new area (for me) that will require plenty of learning and extra time: the Wikimedia community. More details here:

Moving up in the freedom stack

I will connect the council with the right people in charge of the hosting and the distribution of devices. As far as I know these are the only areas where Nokia and myself have still some items open.

I also want to advance here my Big Thank You to this community. I have learned a lot with you and I have enjoyed the fun in the good times, and also in the other ones. When I joined Nokia my goal was to convert the official site in an authentic community made of passionate contributors. We've got our ups and downs but I believe the core mission has been accomplished.

My address will still work during a couple of weeks. I'm subscribing to this thread and you can use it to reach me out even after that. In any case it's easy to find me.

I actually don't know you since I am a newbie, but I bet you have done great things and changed the way everything worked here :) So thank you for everything you have done and congratulations for your new job, we hope you enjoy it to the max :) Bye :)

ajalkane 2012-08-27 17:55

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Big thanks Quim for all you did for this community. It's a big loss for us, but no doubt an inevitable outcome after June incident.

Hopefully fun times ahead for you in the new job - it is at least a great and important place to be for fans of free information.

jalyst 2012-08-27 17:56

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
Quim thank-you for the *huge amount* you've done over the years.
I hope the new community entity currently being built, can somehow work with Wikimedia in a mutually beneficial manner in the future!
More importantly I wish you absolute happiness & fulfilment in life!

fw190 2012-08-27 18:41

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting
thank you for your time and work and I hope that you will stay with mameo as a regular user :) 2012-08-27 18:51

Re: Leaving Nokia & thank you very much for everyting

I guess that video is last quim's public talk as qt/nokia spoke person :

I am wondering if we'll get some nokia news now

else let's wait for the digia/jolla erra ...

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