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woody14619 2013-06-21 01:18

Interesting watch/cell device
Interesting new device from a new comer. Probably closed like the rest of the world, but hey, it looks neat.

Gizmag review

Oh, and seriously... mod, maybe turning off the naughty word filter for URLS would be nice. It's triggering on the word smartwątch, without the accent.

nokiabot 2013-06-21 03:06

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
This looks great:) i saw a couple of feature watches from chineese manufacturers with fb twiter intregation:) bamm they even have mic and speaker

danested 2013-06-21 03:22

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
HONestly it looks brilliant. But then the thought of keeping my wrist constantly microwaved is a little frightening... Cos as a mobile communications device it is bound to emit them periodically.

i keep my beloved N9 either in my bag, or on my office table, or my bed stand, carry it only when I move without the(laptop) bag

reinob 2013-06-21 07:38

Re: Interesting watch/cell device

Originally Posted by danested (Post 1353591)
HONestly it looks brilliant. But then the thought of keeping my wrist constantly microwaved is a little frightening... Cos as a mobile communications device it is bound to emit them periodically.

i keep my beloved N9 either in my bag, or on my office table, or my bed stand, carry it only when I move without the(laptop) bag

And you live under a salt mine, I presume.

pichlo 2013-06-21 08:16

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
Oh dear. I carry mine in my (trousers) pocket. I'm doomed!

Wikiwide 2013-06-21 12:12

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
Yes, you are doomed to destroying your device, sooner or later. I do not carry anything in my trouser pockets for that reason. And I do not carry anything in my shirt pocket for the easy-to-lose reason. So, I use a messenger bag since before-I-received-my-first-cellular-phone. And I have got to replace my current bag, soon, due to everyday wear, with something even more durable.
Yes, this watch-phone device is elegant. Yes, I would prefer to put on a space-suit first, and this watch (or anything electronic) second. No, I am not going to do it, for two reasons: first, I cherish my electronic devices and wish to protect them as extension of myself; second, a human should adapt to the changes wrought by him onto outside world, instead of avoiding them.
Best wishes.

stickymick 2013-06-21 12:40

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
Nokia's Morph Concept from way back when.

Morph Concept


Was actually revealed as early as 2008. Of course, probably shelved indefinitely in favor of their current strategy.

bingomion 2013-06-21 17:33

Re: Interesting watch/cell device

Originally Posted by reinob (Post 1353615)
And you live under a salt mine, I presume.

and doctors recommended cigarettes...
And asbestos is okay to work with..
Dont put it next to your head!

javispedro 2013-06-21 17:59

Re: Interesting watch/cell device
My vaporware alarm is tingling heavily on this one.
  • Uses some new technology that seems at least one year too early for public consumption ... ✔
  • Promises tremendously high hardware specs: the SOC on it is more powerful than the one on my phone ... ✔
  • Ignores or looks down on battery life concerns in extremely tight form factors: they promise "2 to 3 days" of battery life. ✔
  • CGI shots only and are already taking preorders ✔
  • Mentions outright impossible or "WTF would you being doing this" technologies: Thunderbolt on OMAP, which would require a complex and energy-hungry bridge chip (not only for PCI, but also for DisplayPort). ✔
    Even "Dropout-free, hi-fi enthusiast-pleasing 16-bit, 44.1/48 KHz CD quality audio" is already impossible if you are using something like Bluetooth.
  • Plenty of buzzwords that simply make no sense: "The Smile runs an algorithm-based, custom Linux AI operating system" ✔

Why would you actually want to use such a "display for your phone" considering it would actually have better hardware than your phone?


stickymick 2013-06-22 08:19

Re: Interesting watch/cell device

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 1353763)
My vaporware alarm is tingling heavily on this one.
  • Uses some new technology that seems at least one year too early for public consumption ... ✔
  • Promises tremendously high hardware specs: the SOC on it is more powerful than the one on my phone ... ✔
  • Ignores or looks down on battery life concerns in extremely tight form factors: they promise "2 to 3 days" of battery life. ✔
  • CGI shots only and are already taking preorders ✔
  • Mentions outright impossible or "WTF would you being doing this" technologies: Thunderbolt on OMAP, which would require a complex and energy-hungry bridge chip (not only for PCI, but also for DisplayPort). ✔
    Even "Dropout-free, hi-fi enthusiast-pleasing 16-bit, 44.1/48 KHz CD quality audio" is already impossible if you are using something like Bluetooth.
  • Plenty of buzzwords that simply make no sense: "The Smile runs an algorithm-based, custom Linux AI operating system" ✔

Why would you actually want to use such a "display for your phone" considering it would actually have better hardware than your phone?


Should. be fine with a 6 foot x 4 foot solar panel strapped to my back.

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