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elros34 2013-12-27 23:29

[Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
1 Attachment(s)
It's in beta stage but basic functions are working. Whole menu is done in qml so it's easy configurable.
This package will modify your /usr/share/policy/etc/rx51/syspart.conf to avoid 2 seconds lag issue - it's risky operation then you must restart phone.

From 0.7 version qmllockscreen read battery level via i2c. To achive this qmllockscreen changes permission of /dev/i2c-2 so be aware.

Portrait mode works only in cssu testing/thumb. Qmllockscreen doesn't works in stock PR1.3 firmware!


Download thumb version.

After uninstall you must:
apt-get install --reinstall osso-systemui-tklock
killall systemui

License GPLv3
sources: qmllockscreen


* Easy way to modify ui
* Fix for black window bug
* Qmlradio dbus control
* Bluetooth initial state fix
* Cellular rat
* gsm signal level added
* bluetooth indicator
* bme replacement fix
* new way to use pull menu
* initial support for qmlradio control
* read battery level directly form bq2700 (probably it fixed hang bug)
* added stop button
* stop assigning music playlist when video is playing
* added blank-osso-systemui-tklock plugin to speed up show process.
* few improvements (rotation lock, hildon-home) 0.5
* fix for fullscreen windows
* fix for locking orientation of random windows
* fix for hiding windows after unlock
* added call/sms notification
* added partially proximity sensor support
* added settings (~/.config/qmllockscreen/settings.ini)
* increase lockscreen sensitivity
* fixed play/pause button
* few changes in hildon-home support
* pause on headphones disconnect
* added n9 like quickbar
* initial

bill_klpd 2013-12-27 23:43

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
It reminds me a little bit the sailfish home screen!

Akkumaru 2013-12-28 04:22

Ahhh nice! How does it unlock? Swipe?

kraker_abhy 2013-12-28 07:08

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
It is looking awesome. Thanks for great work. I figured out one problem though, it scale the desktop widgets just vertically and rotate portrait wallpaper to landscape while swiping up which look kind of bad. Can you please fix that? Thanks again

elros34 2013-12-28 09:56

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo

Originally Posted by Akkumaru (Post 1401348)
Ahhh nice! How does it unlock? Swipe?

Yes, I will upload video later.

kraker_abhy, please take a screenshot ( ctrl + shift +p).

Sohil876 2013-12-28 10:23

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
Looks really good but... Only for thumb? Any plans of release for cssu stable users and landscape mode?

elros34 2013-12-28 10:31

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
Sohil876, you will be tester :). There is landscape mode but application only rotate when phone it's unlocked ( no more rotation to landscape in your pocket - I hate this).

Sohil876 2013-12-28 14:24

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo
Ill definetly test it out (use it everyday) but i have cssu stable not thumb, so i can only test if you release a version for cssu stable.
EDIT:- Thanks bro, ill try it out.

Sohil876 2013-12-28 15:57

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1401406)
Sohil876, you will be tester :). There is landscape mode but application only rotate when phone it's unlocked ( no more rotation to landscape in your pocket - I hate this).

Works pretty well for me, and pretty stable for a beta, this lockscreen used with timenow = Awesome :) . But i see is it keeps lockscreen orientation in which it was locked even if we try to unlock it in diffrent orientation, so if i lock in portrait mode and try to unlock it having phone in landscape it will still show a portrait lockscreen but it is not a big issue to me since i always keep my desktop in landscape mode, but since installing it i notice a little slowness in desktop, opening menu and apps, i was using qtlockscreen before but never encountered this so you might want to look into it.

elros34 2013-12-28 16:12

Re: [Announce] QmlLockScreen - another lockscreen for maemo

Originally Posted by Sohil876 (Post 1401540)
But i see is it keeps lockscreen orientation in which it was locked even if we try to unlock it in diffrent orientation.

It's a feature not a bug.


Originally Posted by Sohil876 (Post 1401540)
since installing it i notice a little slowness in desktop, opening menu and apps, i was using qtlockscreen before but never encountered this so you might want to look into it.

It use a lot of memory so check in conky ram and cpu usage. I have swap only on sd card maybe therefore I don't have slowdowns.

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