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Dave999 2014-12-15 19:08

POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
What screen size shall Jolla use in their next mobile phone? Help them out! Or any other Vendor/phone/brand you are going for 2015.

tommo 2014-12-15 19:52

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
I think u have something for everyone in this poll :D

Sap 2014-12-15 20:00

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
Can we have the technology with variable screen size?

wrm 2014-12-15 20:06

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
Mobile phone (smartphone) should be not bigger than 4'' or 4,3'', all others can be called mobile devices, if you got my point :)

Dave999 2014-12-15 20:12

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)

Originally Posted by wrm (Post 1452299)
Mobile phone (smartphone) should be not bigger than 4'' or 4,3'', all others can be called mobile devices, if you got my point :)

I used the Word device first. But changed to Phone so poeple not started to tablet talk. Device is a great Word.

pichlo 2014-12-15 20:29

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1452300)
I used the Word device first.

Dave, just FYI, English is a case-sensitive language. For eaxmple, you can polish a Polish sausage but you cannot Polish a polish sausage.

"I used the Word device first" parses as, "my first device was one with Word installed". Some kind of a word processor, perhaps? ;)

toki 2014-12-15 21:13

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
oh man! the options!!!! @_@

Dave999 2014-12-15 22:16

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1452303)
Dave, just FYI, English is a case-sensitive language. For eaxmple, you can polish a Polish sausage but you cannot Polish a polish sausage.

"I used the Word device first" parses as, "my first device was one with Word installed". Some kind of a word processor, perhaps? ;)

don't blame me. It's the onscreen keyboard. I know nathin.

now, grow up and vote and stop bitching about Word is a word! It was my understanding that everybody knew that a Word is a...bird.

pichlo 2014-12-15 22:56

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
No, it's the other way around. The bird is the word.
I have voted, BTW.

Wikiwide 2014-12-15 23:29

Re: POLL What screen size do you prefer for your future mobile phone (2015)
Ok... Right now I am looking at:

1. Neo900;
2. BlackBerry Passport;
3. Openmoko aka Neo Freerunner.

There aren't many reasons why Openmoko could be better than Neo900. Yes, Openmoko already exists. Yes, it has two accelerometers, instead of one. Yes, it has unusual shape of case, and connector for external GPS antenna. But, as it could be expected, Openmoko is old-ish device (released one year earlier than N900), and new board for it is in prototype stage, collecting pre-orders. So, you could get old-ish device now, and maybe wait for a new board if you need-want one; or wait for new board, get a case kit, and a 3D-printed case.

At start, Neo Freerunner was being sold for around 200USD. Surprisingly, it's still possible to find it for that price, but not in Europe [where it's being sold for 600 Euro, at pulster ]. Many distributors simply say: "out of stock".

Both Openmoko and Neo900 have resistive touch screens, by the way.

Oh, and Openmoko has no camera. It's a phone, a map, a music player, an audio recorder, but not a camera. And it's not aimed at heavy calculations, I expect, with 400MHz processor? Though, drawing aka painting on it should be fine. :-)

Blackberry Passport has capacitive touch screen. And camera, slightly higher resolution than Nokia N950. The display has incredible resolution (453 ppi), but I wonder whether capacitive touchscreen is able to detect touches with 1-pixel accuracy (if user get a thin enough (no more that 0.5mm) stylus, of course ;-) ). Capacitive-touch-sensitive keyboard invites somebody to do handwriting recognition on it :-)

Oh, and Blackberry Passport seems to have NFC. Like Neo900 ;-)

Unfortunately, it seems that Blackberry has locked bootloader. So getting a different OS on it... would be virtually impossible.

There is plenty of interesting hardware... Raspberry Pi, Ben Nanonote, Pyra, for example. Pyra is the most powerful, and also heavy, of them; the only one with built-in cellular chip? Also, Wikireader, running on AAA batteries ;-)

Best wishes.

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