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Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
HI everyone!
This is the official thread for the app Laufhelden which is a sport tracking application for Sailfish OS. You can download and install the app from here. The code is here. I would like to use this thread for everything related to this app, e.g. feature requests, discussions about existing and new features, ... This should also be the platform to coordinate the development of the app. There is a file in which you can see what new features are coming to the next release and what is all planned for further releases. I will update the file from time to time. Have fun using the app :)! |
Contribute with voice files
If you like to contribute you can record voice files for your language and send them to me or create a pull request on github. At the moment there are files for english and german.
You can find the voice files here. The filenames should speak for themselves. Currently there are 6 voice files per language but I plan to add more in one of the next releases. I recorded the files with my Jolla 1 phone and saved them as WAV. On Ubuntu I use Audacity to edit and cut the files. Personally I really like female voices, maybe you own one or have "access" to one of those :) |
Re: Contribute with voice files
Thanks for the program ... |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Forked from Rena, which is excellent :D
I have used my own slightly modified fork of Rena from the very beginning... I have to check this out! |
Re: Contribute with voice files
But wouldn't it make sense to also feature synthetic voice support ? Quote:
More seriously: if you add "skiing" to the list of sport, it would be great if there's a simple way to display "distance while going downhill" (i.e.: without lifts, as opposed to "total distance" as displayed by MeeRun). MeeRun can display detailed path (and thus you can see each individual run downhill, or lift taken up), but lacks a simple display like most android/iOS ski tracking apps do. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
2 Attachment(s)
Thank's for creating this thread.
I already did some work on the RecordPage.qml. Below are some screenshots of the current state, one in silica display mode and one in amoled display mode. At the moment it just resembles meerun. There is still quite some work to make it fully work, but I'm on a good track. How do you like it? The current code is here |
Re: Contribute with voice files
Feature parity: maybe one day, working on that :) More seriously: the next release will have the pauses working and also an auto pause feature. This should help to see each individual run. I will also add skiing to the activities. I might add distance while going down/up in a future release. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re synthetic voices: TTS engines have developed quite a bit. If you have access to PC, try http://mary.dfki.de/ for OpenSource version. For SFOS, you could use mimic (based on flite; recommended voices {"male": "ap", "female": "slt"}; English only) or picoTTS (de, en, es, fr, it). If you can prerecord you'll probably get better results, but TTS is an option these days as well.
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
I looked into your code and really like your programming style, it's much more cleaner than mine... However I see a few problems. There are reasons why I did not replicate meeruns record screen. - I like Laufhelden beeing independantly of meerun and hopefully doing things better where it is possible, so no need to copy meerun style. - I don't like the bad using of display space in meerun. I think the values letters should be larger. Don't get me wrong I really appreciate your work. But the meerun record page style is just not right for me. My suggestion would be that we add your page layout as an option. Maybe you can keep your record page in a different qml file and the user can choose that one in the settings. We can also make your style the default one as it may be the best for most of the users. Keep up your good work! :) |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
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What are your main itches with my current proposal? One thing is the size of the letters. That's easily solvable. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
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What are your main itches with my current proposal? One thing is the size of the letters. That's easily solvable. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
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I don't like writing more code than necessary and also don't like debugging to much and this helps. Quote:
What's your main itches with the current proposal? One is the size of the text. This can be solved quite easily. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
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I don't like to write more than necessary and also don't like to debug and this helps. Quote:
What are your main itches? Bigger letters are not a big problem. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
The major problem is that I might not be able to do things on that dialog because it is no longer my code. I have a lot of ideas for it and I would have to work through your code to implement them. If you really want to we can use your design although I really liked mine. But we have to make a few adjustments. Here are my points:
By the way, how is it looking in map mode? |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
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I would just try to keep the code simple, though powerful enough for the user to change it to their preferences. Quote:
Alternatively, the heart rate field could contain a bar with the percentage of the battery. At the moment all fields have the same QML element, but this is not necessary, it would also be possible to have a custom element for some/all fields. What do you think? Quote:
I would keep the button at their position, because it's easier to reach and you do not need to look for the buttons because the map moved them up. I don't have strong feelings about this though. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
So new release 0.9.6-7 is out now.
Next release will be Pebble integration and maybe some small other things. Then I am planning to integrate OSMScoutServer for the map. By the way, the map plugin seems to be buggy, has anyone seen those horizontal lines on the map while recording? At the moment I have no idea what to do about them. The track points added to the mappolyline are OK. They mostly appear when the map is in small mode. Maybe it is some scaling issue:confused: https://sdthumbs.ui-static.net/t/mc/...00&height=1000https://sdthumbs.ui-static.net/t/mc/...00&height=1000 |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
So weird "off by 1" in the display code ?
(e.g.: trying to link one more point on the spline than there are data points, and thus having something with weird coordinates) (that could typically happen in bicubic smoothing routine : to draw a spline between "point(0)" and "point(1)", you also need "point(-1)" and "point(2)" for the bicubic computations. Those might not even exist in the data array). |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
As others wrote, stored data is fine and closing and re-opening map view gets everything straight again. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
3 Attachment(s)
I've done some work the last days. The fields are now loaded dynamically and can be changed. The UI to change the layout is not yet ready, though. With the current implementation it would even be possible to have different fields for different activities.
There is also a first try with the status bar. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Hi everyone, sorry for the silence. I was working on the next release. It is essentially ready but we have to wait a little longer for the release of Rockpool. We need this for the Pebble integration into Laufhelden. Abranson is currently trying to fix a bug, I hope it won't take too long.
While waiting for Rockpool, I started to look around for a better map plugin. I did this mainly because of two things. First, I want to avoid the annyoing vertical lines bug. Secondly I would like to have access to OSM Scout Server for offline maps. It seems that there are two possible candidates. The first one is PinchMap QML component. This comes from the app FourSail. I modified it and it's working quite good now. Although it's not ready and I have to add tracklines to it. Second candidate is the MapBox component of rinigus. This one is very different as it uses vector tiles. It's got a very nice look&feel and allows for linear zoom. Both solutions should solve the vertical trackline problem and allow for offline maps via OSM Scout server. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Problem is, I don't know which one to prefer. Maybe you (the users of Laufhelden) could give me a little advise on what map component to use. Here are the advantages of PinchMap: - using the already downloaded map tiles of the old map component is possible Advantages of MapBox: - really smooth operation as it's OpenGL accelerated, feels very mature (try Poor Maps GL) - many functions like tracklines and POI's already implemented and ready to use - nice map styles choosable Disadvantages of MapBox: - does not work on Jolla 1 and maybe other phones. It seems to need quite decend hardware, like enogh GPU memory. - users have to create their own account on MapBox if they want to use online maps (free account max. 50000 tiles downloadable) - users have to manually install MapBox bindings from Openrepos to their phone - OSM Scout Server needs vector tiles for MapBox. If you want to keep your classic tiles, this needs much additional space on your SD card Sorry for too many text. So what is your opinion about that? |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
While I am running without the phone so far (hence not using the app, but maybe I should), let me add few comments.
* Mapbox GL can display raster maps as well. The tiles will be slightly blurry (issue https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/10076), but its simple and possible (see example style in the same issue). And you will be able to draw on top of them using its API. * Using classical raster tile implementation implies that you have to deal with the downloads. Mapbox GL takes care of it leading to simpler code for you. Same goes for keeping cached tiles or vector data - Mapbox GL has it all implemented. * OSM Scout Server works best if you request larger than standard raster tiles (1024x1024 is used by Poor Maps). It boils down to efficiency in rendering bigger tiles that take care of reducing label cutting on the edge. So far, in addition to Mapbox GL, only Poor Maps has been able to request bigger tiles. Hence the performance of Poor Maps vs modRana, for example, when rendering tiles from OSM Scout Server. * Mapbox GL is way faster. * I think you'll be fine with 50000 downloads. Don't forget, vector tiles are cached. When people run they tend to take the same route or at least the same region. Hence the cache should be resolving lots of requests. Right now, while admittedly with the bug in online download for few days, during 6 days we had 3000 requests by Poor Maps GL users. @otsaloma, though, knows better with his stats of Poor Maps and tile downloads. * As for disadvantages, the hardware limitation is summarized at https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/10029 . In short, J1 and Photon Q failed, everything else was fine. Although I have one user reporting issues with Jolla C and OSM Scout Server vector tiles. * The other disadvantage of Mapbox GL: you will not be able to get to Jolla Store. Assume: ever. Be surprised if Jolla allows this API. In my eyes, its just so much easier to program with Mapbox GL. Don't underestimate the time you have to spend on many aspects of map drawing, updating, caching. PS: I do wonder whether I am biased... |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
@rinigus and @otsaloma, thanks for the clarifications. As there is no veto from anyone I will go with MapBox now :). |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
So as a little christmas present, here is the new release. :)
It's mostly about Pebble integration. All three parameters on the watch are adjustable. The pause button (middle button) on the watch is also working. Remember that you need the new version of Rockpool 1.4! You can now also edit workout name/description/type. The changes are then saved to the GPX file. @niemisenjussi made some optimazations on the sports-tracker.com implementation:
Next release will be about a new map plugin to have offline map support. I am making good progress on that. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
There is a small bug in this release.
When I launch training, after 2 seconds mode turning to night mode. When I use pulley menu to change it back to normal mode, after 2 seconds it's turning back to night mode again. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Didn't notice this option. I disabled this option and it's OK now. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Of course you can always do it yourself, I will accept pull requests. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Hi everyone!
Release 0.9.9-1 is out now. This is mainly about fixing bugs. The new map plugin made by rinigus is now working really well. Except of course on Jolla 1 phones. For these phones there is now a setting to completely disable the map. Planned improvememts/features for the next release are:
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
What are the requirements for localized voice announcements? Can I do it?
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Basically all voice files are located in one directory. The filenames should speak for themselves. For example the file hr_toohigh_en_male.wav. The en stands for english language. If you record this file with a male voice for example for swedish it would be named hr_toohigh_sv_male.wav. You can then check in your files on github and make a pullrequest. Then I will make your language selectable for voice announcements in the app. If you don't like to make a pullrequest you can also send the files to me somehow. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Anybody using this with heart rate monitor?
I tried to use Suunto smart sensor. The sensor is found , and connected, but soon after unconnected. The heart rate is not shown, but the average rate is running wild ( some millions) when heart rate sensor selected to be used. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
The Suunto smart sensor is a BLE (Bluetooth 4.0) device and as such it does not work with this app. I am trying to get a Xperia X then I can mess around with BLE. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
I have xperia X .
Tested also with my JollaC and behaviour is identical. |
Re: Contribute with voice files
Maybe I can convince my girlfriend to record the female version. I hope to upload spanish male this week. |
Re: Laufhelden - Sport Tracker for Sailfish OS
I would like to contribute translating it to italian, how can I do it?
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