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Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Let this be a place to collect watchface ideas and spark watchface creation for Asteroid OS.
It got unnecessary quite around Asteroid Os since the dire demise of the not project related "ConnectWatch" and its creators sad runoff. I am kind of proud to present my very first ever public code contribution to Asteroid OS. You all know me as a humble coding noob, so any suggestions to existing watchfaces are highly appreciated. Since i developed some kind of fun in the process, i am also looking for creative ways how to display time according to Asteroids UI guidelines. So if you have an idea, describe, create mockups or code snippets and someone might finish it in collaboration. My unofficial-watchfaces repo official - AsteroidOS/unofficial-watchface repo to pull against my collection as of 2018-02-01 https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...alog-rings.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...binary-lcd.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...hour-bebas.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...ital-rings.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...-clock-24h.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...o-45degree.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...-asteroids.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...nt-seconds.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...ails/worte.jpg |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Hi Mosen,
those look wonderful! I hope to publish one or two I've been making next weekend. But they're not as good as yours. :) edit: would you be willing to try mine before I make a pull request? I only have a dory watch and don't know for sure if they look ok on other models. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I can test on dory and lenok(LG watch R) wich has higher resolution and round display. I got aware of lineheight problem in my day-clock-24h that way beause it was/is set parent.height related :) |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I had some time to sort of finish the second one, so I pushed them tonight.
kitt https://github.com/jgibbon/unofficia...nails/kitt.jpg Well, it's supposed to look like a watch from an old tv series. Initially, the dial was supposed to be a compass. But I didn't get any readings, so I scrapped that. It has a battery indicator, though, and shows BT connectivity via the white icon below the LCD. arc https://github.com/jgibbon/unofficia...bnails/arc.jpg Arc is the second one, but with it's variants it's (currently?) eight watchfaces. The variants are different in colour (light/inverted), draw style (pie chart/arc) and seconds (visible or not). It has a barely visible battery indicator as the centre circle background. Same thing as with mosen: My unofficial-watchfaces repo and a link to the official repo, as well ;) @mosen Thanks for checking it out! |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
The kitt is very nice because you took the effort to make it transparent. Will dig into your battery reading code and play around some more when it gets quite again. Arc on round watches will look very pretty imho. i am going to make a photo from the actual g watch running it. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
After trying some of your watchfaces, I must say I like the "contemporary digital rings" best.
It's a bit like a much more cheerful version of my arc. ;) Also, I like "worte" a lot. But maybe consider changing the second "true", because it shows as "fünf nach drei uhr" instead of "fünf nach drei". Another thing I noticed: I think it would be better if you tried to put the various get-screenshot.sh outside of the project directory and remove it from the repository. While useful, it does not really belong there IMHO. Perhaps some of it would be nice to have in the README.md…? Regardless of my bickering: Great job! Oh, and "my" battery reading "code" is hardly anything, just some imports and two QML elements directly taken from the asteroid launcher itself. Feel free to take anything you need. ;) cheers! edit: fixed a thing on arc I missed yesterday where Qt Creator sometimes inserts 0 at font sizes and made it less noisy at start up (journalctl). |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Will be back home tmrw morning and test yours on lenok.
the scripts are a result of my lazyness. Initially i wanted to do one script that recieves parameters from commandline so you can choose the folder the scripts operates in, but yeah, 15 minutes later i just copied the script to every watchface folder. lol. not quite professional. I am going to remove them and try again to do a decent script for the readme! Thanks for the hint. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Greetings !
any suggestions on the best (current) watch to try this on ? https://asteroidos.org/install/ seems to indicate DORY has the fewest issues, but is that a fair assessment ? Are there any reports of someone running AsteroidOs on one of the cheaper types we find in Asia ? I could see buy a cheap one, but if someone has already had luck with something I would start there. seeing this makes me think I can make a watch that runs a derivative of TAI which is a killer app for me thanks |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Hw wise, if you seek low price entry, go for dory which you can snatch for ~50-70€ used but good condition. downside of dory is low display resolution, tiny battery and lack of wlan. (not supported now anyway) lenok has nicer and brighter display but is not quite as good maintained afaik. Owning both i will go for bass next as it seems to combine nice hw and support. Also Jolla choose bass for theyr stuff so maybe if jolla ever releases something smartwatch related, bass is the likely candidate. anthias, wran, sprat, swift & tetra seem to be initial ports with much work to do, but i may be wrong and would love to hear contrary reports from users! |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
So much wow for the kitt!! generally the screenshots can not quite deliver the same feel as the actual watchface but the kitt is another level :eek: especially the gradiant lcd background is very convincing! Totally worth the effort to try again with gps imho :p Didn't i see a tweet of an actually working unreleased compass app for asteroid? I learned much about svg usage and will update my day clock soonish. From the arc concepts i most like the idea of combining fixed digits with the advancing arcs for good readability. my attemps now seem quite "overdone" after looking at yours. https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox01.jpghttps://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox02.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox03.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox04.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox05.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox06.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox07.jpg https://mosushi.de/misc/asteroidos/velox08.jpg |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Kitt does even look bearable on a round screen, I didn't expect that. Quote:
A thing to keep in mind when roaming ebay: Keep an eye on the bare contacts, those tend to corrode (contact with skin/sweat) at some point. When there's no picture of them, request one. I managed to get a mint condition, never unboxed dory that was in a drawer for over a year for just about fifty euros. With a bit of patience and lower expectations, it should be possible to spend even a bit less. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Some news from the watchface front!
Velox got his watchfaces merged to the official unofficial-watchface repository some days ago! Congratulations. I somehow lost my lenok during travel sadly, but i still hope it will resurface on its own when i got everything unpacked again. speaking of lonely nights in hotels, i got 3 more watchfaces ready and just now finished all requested changes to my pull requested from two weeks ago. Hope you like them as much as i had fun doing them :D https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...s/greenium.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...w-uprising.jpg https://github.com/eLtMosen/unoffici...orty-round.jpg |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I hope your lenok will resurface and just needed a quick time out (chrhr) and a nap somewhere deep in a pocket. The new ones look very nice, as well. You really have an eye for this stuff! |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
By now, every watchface i did was just finding out a new way to display time (arc, bars, segments, etc) and make up a design from those possibilities while trying to hold the code together :rolleyes: I still have not accomplished all i got in mind. e.g. the new sporty-round was supposed to have segmented hour arcs (one for every hour) but i could not get the arcs to "devide" correctly using a for-loop. The yellow minute segments are just thick lines from center and thus the technique can not be used for bigger/longer segments imho. I drew the analogie to "80s synthesizer music" and my current approach doing watchfaces the other night. Back in the 80s, popular music mainly consisted of musicians being equiped with new toys (synth, sampler, etc) and trying out their possibilities. Most song where made with "look what kind of new sound i found" in mind and lacked overall planning. Thus they sound naiv nowadays. it took years for musicians to just use this equipement in full potential and not being influenced by wow effects. If i exhausted all possibilities i plan to do a kind of tutorial with all code examples properly explained. Maybe then i will start from actually having a design/mockup/sketch and forge it into a watchface, as a design process would usually go ahead. :D EDIT, my pull request got merged while i was typing \o/. Thanks for guiding me Florent Revest! |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Congratulations for the merge! Now you are a developer and contributer! :)
By the way (sorry, a bit off topic – maybe we should start a more general "Asteroid Contribution/Dev" thread?), have you managed to install the SDK and build/deploy apps with qt creator as described in the docs? For me, only command line compilation kind of worked, but my already installed qt creator might have been to blame for that. When at some point apps can interact with apps on the phone and Accelerometer is working (it's not when testing with watch faces), I'd love to make a "slumber extension" for the watch. ;) cheers! |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I am now only using the editor in qt-creator and have not set up sdk knowingly.
If only "we" (as in not me obviously, but community) could help florent with his "starfish" / sfos client for Asteroid. It would be already killer to only have the limited functionality of AsteroidOSSync android client for sailfish. Further, i have the strong feeling that Rockpool might be of great use while coding an sfos client as the sfos side, eg. collecting notifications and uploading stuff to the watch has already been catered. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I see, we're keeping him busy.
I've opened an issue for starfish, as well. ;) edit: already closed. nice. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Great watchfaces!
I'd love to see Sailfish on a watch like in the demo video they made, but I've been a fan of Asteroid for a while now (and did the Georgian translation for it). I'm happy to see some interest in a sync client for Sailfish. When testers are needed, I'll be glad to try it! Until then, a Sailfish themed watchface might be interesting if any of you could make one. :) |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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Welcome to TMO saba!
The only sailfish watch related watchface i tried is the one attached. It is a rough recreation of the one jolla uses on bass/g-watch-urbane in promo fotos https://blog.jolla.com/watch/,but with a different font-type than jolla uses. I made it to find out how to mask layers with text so the background image shines through. It is not finished but i plan to release with my next pull-request to unofficial repo. I would need some more hints what you expect from a specific sfos design. I guess it is about the font type mainly? EDIT, regarding watches. my lenok is gone and i just bought bass for 99€ from a slowakian guy. HINT HINT: There is another bass/LG Urbane i found without bids on german ebay, starting at 79€ or 115€ direkt buy. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
I was thinking something with SailfishOS logo in the center, similar to the ones with the AsteroidOS logo. Maybe the same blue color for font which is the default for Sailfish(font color from Freedom ambience, I think) and with an all black background would be nice, IMO.
I'm getting a new computer next week! Maybe I'll try to make some sometime after I get it. right now, I only have the LG G Watch. I'd like to get something with a round face. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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Not quite exactly what @saba requested, but here are the recreations of the Jolla watchfaces from their mwc2017 presentation.
Before i push them to my repo i am going to ask James how to properly credit jolla since they are almost exact copies from their work. Also it would be nice to get permission to distribute the wallpaper with the watchface. Lets see :) Here the originals: https://cdn-blog.jolla.com/wp-conten...12/watches.png And my recreations/copies: |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Hello @mosen, I just asking why the last nightly build of asteroid still not come with your nice watchfaces? :mad:
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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I think that will not happen too soon because kido got more important decisions to make atm. They (dev-team) made some general design decisions regarding the whole ui last year and i do not even know if that decision process is already finished. Currently, the stock watchfaces are all really simplistic and i can see why mine break the currently intended guidelines quite a bit. I have 5 more in the works which are all intended to be more straight forward and reworked all of the earlier ones for better readability. So, yes, it would be great honor if the dev team decides to put some of them into v1.0 release or even nightlys but i am also fine with sideloading them. I made this script to deploy the watchfaces. just place it in the unofficial-watchface folder after pulling from github. It will selectively copy the watchfaces, fonts and wallpapers to a connected watch. Also attached, my personal favourite watchfaces of the unreleased batch, planned for next week after some weekend coding. And i got a photographer friend to send me some background images he is willing to release under gpl v2.1. Code:
#!/bin/bash |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Wow \0/
@mosen you are Awesome to make watchfaces. I will like see a watchface on Big-Pixel-Simulated. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Nice to see you appreciate them!
Only two more watchfaces i come up with else i am relying on your ideas :) One will be a trollish (as kido called it) copy of the original pulp fiction watch, which is really hard technically for the complicated clock arms. Th other one is a readability optimize "tactical" analog watch with neon clock arms. I searched around and could not find matches for "Big-Pixel-Simulated", so i don't quite understand. Do you mean like "Low Bit / 8 Bit Pixel Arts" or "Low Poly"? |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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Something like this... ;)
Using nice colors: Cyan,Magent,Amber,Violet,Cerulean as example will look beautiful Asteroid logo is on big Pixel too. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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here you are ;)
It was a bit challenging to adapt the black background theme to AsteroidOS wallpaper ux and i am not perfectly happy with the bars. Maybe i will stroke them with a gradient so they fade to zero opacity on the left and right edges. Also the colors might get some optimization, maybe you have suggestions like date = magenta, or alike :) |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
\0/ @mosen you are the best on it really.
I want to give Redbull & Pizza's for you nice work. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Yeap the bars lines not look very well. a solid black background will highlight the colors of the clock.This will look ok with "black-background with cyan/or amber"
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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I hope you like this version with your color suggestions added, also i did name it karlos-matrix for a little name drop. Thanks again for the suggestions. This is what i got for april after some easterhack :D |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
AsteroidOS v1.0 is relased as you may have seen, so it is time to do a little wrap up on the watchface front.
For one, velox updated his kitt and got merged to unofficial yesterday. Earlier this month Hunterb optimized his retro-lcd to comply with asteroids wallpaper focus. Kido kindly selected some of my watchfaces to become stock in v1.0 and i spend much time into further refactoring and nicening those. If not already done, it would be really great if you all could retweet the official announcement for some more exposure of this cool project :) EDIT, my favourite wallpaper + watchface combinations in Asteroid v1.0 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dda7lOeVwAABo0h.jpg |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
As I find the lack of lcars styled watchfaces dissappointing I tried to create a nice looking watchface during my tests of AsteroidOS 1.0
(if you are interested in it RadioTux Juni 2018 will have a review [german podcast]). This is the result. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ak3dsPBGG...622_171242.jpg You can find the watchface used font aswell as two wallpapers here: https://github.com/llelectronics/lca...ace-asteroidos P.S.: Is there a way to make the delay longer until the AsteroidOS watch sleeps the display? It is set to 5 seconds or so which I want to raise to 15 or even 30 secs. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
Gotta love it. I quickly asked kido on #asteroid and the simple answer is: Quote:
Thanks again for you effort. Very cool. Can't wait to hear your "transmissions" as always |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
When i was "planning" an lcars design i had in mind to have a stardate display :) Maybe that would be cool to have in your design now so i can stop thinking about?
I failed to calculate/assign the month numbers correctly back then, tho it looked quite easy... https://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-Stardates More important, on the wallpaper and ui elements mix up. Best practice in Asteroids UI (currently) is to supply the graphical elements independent from the wallpaper, as transparent image. Then integrate it like you already did but commented out in your linked source code. The black background is a much discussed topic and will not be available by stock means (afaics). For having pure black your are right in providing it as custom selectable wallpaper with your watchface. Main reasoning for separating graphical elements and background: 1. by not providing the ui elements in the watchface, it will look "naked" in the watchface selection list even if the current wallpaper is active. 2. two steps are necessary to have the watchface look like intended (select watchface, then select wallpaper) 3. users are forced into full black background where it would be possible to offer them choice to have the ui elements on a differnt wallpaper like the stock starry one or other fitting dark images. For the different designs, i guess it would be good to have two separate qmls. They then show up neatly side by side in the watchface selection list. Or be the first one to employ touch detection on the watchface and switch the design within one qml by e.g. doubletap? If you are short on time i would be very happy to provide you with the sliced images and PR them into your repo somewhen next week. And again, absolutely frikkin' great that you are looking into Asteroid. I hope you find some things you like about it. |
Re: Asteroid OS Watchface frenzy
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