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Anatolian 2018-05-08 16:21

my phone cant install a lot of apps
Guys ı am sorry ı have flashed my phone succesfully but onemore aps cant install for example on warehouse it says 255, when ı trying to install on terminal aegis rejecting coundt open debian archive couldunt find loading policy bla bla bla , if ı try to instal regular it says installation failed. Somebody has an idea?

Kübi 2018-05-09 11:19

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps

Maybe because of some certificates expired?
If that's the case, try Aegis-install hack package.

Merenor 2018-05-09 20:39

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Hi, I changed the date to something like 2012 or 2013 and in some cases it helped (it might be connected to the expired certificates as Kübi mentioned), you can try.

Anatolian 2018-05-10 15:31

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
I have tried usr/sbin/pasiv, inception, downloaded repomirror, deb installer, changed the time to 2012 but no result :( and ı commanded (- purge force ) for remains of old apps but no result.

olso used qtweak coderus repository but the phone is not know the apps . for example when ı downloaded an app it shows ( ? ) on downloads list. all these apps before ı could install but after flash ı cannot.

thank for replies.

Anatolian 2018-05-10 15:40

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
somthing weird : when ı go to the ''etc/aptsources.list.d'' and ı tring to open ''aegis.ssu-keyring-427.list'' it says ''broken folder cant open''

nieldk 2018-05-10 17:05

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Assume you DID install n9 repromirror ?

Otherwise, you should

Anatolian 2018-05-10 18:09

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
ı have installed and tried both 0.7.2 and older version of repomirror and in the in the aptsoruces.lis.d there is repomirror list,

ı have tried on x terminal dpkg -i fennec.deb and it says

'' aegis rejecting fennec.deb could not open debian archive,

aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed files rejected,
compilation failed in require''

the x terminal log is this.

Anatolian 2018-05-10 18:23

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Actually ı was using deb installer for long time for this reason but something gone wrong and ı flashed phone .

After flashing the deb installer stopped and all the things gone wrong.

aspergerguy 2018-05-10 19:31

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps

Originally Posted by Anatolian (Post 1544159)
ı have tried on x terminal dpkg -i fennec.deb and it says

'' aegis rejecting fennec.deb could not open debian archive,

aegis aborting dpkg -- all listed files rejected,
compilation failed in require''

Did you not mean to use?

aegis-dpkg -i fennec.deb
Check syntax here:

Anatolian 2018-05-11 18:12

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Yes ı mean that to use,

and ı tried aegis installer hack but after that installig failing, its rejecting by aegis again :(

''could not open debian archive, aegis aborting all isted files''

Anatolian 2018-05-11 18:17

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
aegis.ssu-keyring-427.list says the file s damaged ??? this might be the reason?

İf ı cant solve this ı will try to change main.bin version :(

explit 2018-05-13 00:06

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
I made it this way:

Flashed Nokia N9
Manually installed warehouse.deb
From Warehouse installes n9repomirror
From Warehouse installed N9TweakUI
From N9Tweakui installed the Coderus Aegis Disabler and su

Anatolian 2018-05-13 16:26

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
tried but no good response
ı tried

''flasher -f -F main.bin -F emmc.bin --erase user data secure --no-preserve''

but still same , something weird its installing the ''deb installer'' but the ap doesent work.

Anatolian 2018-05-14 21:07

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Guys thank you all,

ı put the file to MyDocs and run this command: “ dpkg -i ( pathway) sample.deb"

it said: "signaturecheck failed"
And ı changed the time to 2013 and it installedç

So ı want to ask that what happen to aegis hack ?

So its still asking certificate time... Even the hack installed !

aspergerguy 2018-05-15 09:53

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps
Glad you got there in the end and thanks for pointing this out for the benefit of other users. I have now modified "sticky" on "Re-commissining N9" to alert other users should they get this error.

nieldk 2018-05-15 16:58

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps

Originally Posted by Anatolian (Post 1544319)
Guys thank you all,

ı put the file to MyDocs and run this command: “ dpkg -i ( pathway) sample.deb"

it said: "signaturecheck failed"
And ı changed the time to 2013 and it installedç

So ı want to ask that what happen to aegis hack ?

So its still asking certificate time... Even the hack installed !

Thats really a known issue, and would be solvable, if developers could get a new certificate, which, oh well, not for quite some time possible.
It is the mechanism of security trust, and is working as intended.

bypass: set date to a time after certificate issue, and before certificate expiration.

usually, 2013 is a good "choice".

Anatolian 2018-05-25 10:06

Re: my phone cant install a lot of apps

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1544338)
Thats really a known issue, and would be solvable, if developers could get a new certificate, which, oh well, not for quite some time possible.
It is the mechanism of security trust, and is working as intended.

bypass: set date to a time after certificate issue, and before certificate expiration.

usually, 2013 is a good "choice".

Thank you for this and ı think this been an update to see this problem and show how to solve for many peoples .

maybe this questions and answers keeping talkmaemo org alive :)

and just can you tell me how to install aircrack-ng drivers to my n9

ı have installed iw, wireless tools and aircrack-ng

when ı put airmon-ng it cant execute usr/sbin.... vs... ı am doing this as root and after that develsh. so ı think ı missing drivers but cant installed somebody may can help :) thanks community!!

by the way sorry for poor english ı dont using translator.

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