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rinigus 2018-08-21 05:35

WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
2 Attachment(s)

on Osmo's suggestion, I am going to fork WhoGo Maps and publish my work under a new map application. This is mainly due to the lack of Osmo's time to review all the changes and, as a consequence, to move forward with the map application development. This fork is planned to be permanent and maintained by me.

There is some ground work to be done for proper forking, including arrangement of new API access codes and making translation pages.

The big part that has to be done before release is in finding
  • new name
  • new icons

And here, with the new name and icon, I would like to ask for help. Please use this thread to suggest the name for new app. If needed, we can later make a poll in respect to it.

If you are good with icons, please make one. Its investment in time to make an icon, so warn others that you are on it.

The name of the app would be ideally reflecting its nature. I would like to keep options open in respect of the platform support. I think, while not trivial, its possible to port the current code to other Linux platforms (Nemo, Ubuntu Touch, desktop), so, maybe SFOS could be kept out of it. However, we can always refer to the roots as well. Think about unique features, maybe modularity of backends, how to stand out in the crowd.

As for timeline, I would like to get it all up and running by the end of this week. The new code is ready and tested over ~2K km drive. I may tweak few things, but otherwise, it should be OK. So, the release is mainly behind finding the name, icon, and some behind the scenes work.

Edit: just few screenshots are added

claustn 2018-08-21 06:30

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
maeMaps? OSDrive (open street drive)? SFOSDrive? HereWeDrive?

pichlo 2018-08-21 06:39

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
How about getting an inspiration from Patchmanager and others and naming it very imaginatively, WhoGo 2? ;)

rinigus 2018-08-21 06:44

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Great, great, keep them coming. Tiny detail : we have some providers that use not OSM but some other data. I will probably add Here, since, as pointed out by Osmo, they just made a good free plan for their data.

rinigus 2018-08-21 06:46

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1547333)
How about getting an inspiration from Patchmanager and others and naming it very imaginatively, WhoGo 2? ;)

That would depend on Osmo, I consoder WhoGo his trademark and, in future , he may want to develop WhoGo further, which will make 2 or NG bit odd.

itdoesntmatt 2018-08-21 06:51

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I would like to suggest the name PureMaps, since it recalls the roots of this project (Poormaps) and at the same time pure let me think about something free from (google and others) contamination.

pichlo 2018-08-21 07:34

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1547335)
That would depend on Osmo, I consoder WhoGo his trademark

Yes, of course. It was early in the morning, I was not yet fully alert and missed the tiny detail that you are not Osmo :o

How about WhereYouGo, then? ;)

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 08:46

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)
Maybe something like that?

nthn 2018-08-21 08:54

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547341)
Maybe something like that?

If you turn that 90 degrees clockwise, it looks like a looking glass, otherwise it just looks like an icon.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 08:58

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I would support @itdoesntmatt with PureMaps even so WhereYouGo is also quite nice. But then I would find WhereWeGo better, just to make clear it's the community which goes somewhere and choose this masterpiece of Sailfish software.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 09:05

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1547342)
If you turn that 90 degrees clockwise, it looks like a looking glass, otherwise it just looks like an icon.

looking glas? Do you mean a magnifying lens?
Well of course the Icon is turnable in every direction. I can also draw a simplified magnifying lens in the middle instead of the arrowish circle. But I wanted to keep some correlation to the WhoGoMaps Icon.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 09:46

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)
Made some polishing and tried to implement @nthns suggestions

pichlo 2018-08-21 09:51

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547344)
looking glas? Do you mean a magnifying lens?

I thought "looking glass" meant "a mirror". As in Alice. But I guess you are right re what nthn meant.

txus 2018-08-21 10:02

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I also like PureMaps best. Even though WhereWeGo is a really nice alternative, with emphasis on the community, from a product placement/psychological point of view it is a more complicated name, with no noun defining WHAT it actually is, like Maps or Nav(igation) or Drive. It is very easy and intuitive to say "Launch PureMaps and do blah", in contrast to "Launch WhereWeGo and do blah".

rinigus 2018-08-21 11:32

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
@Fellfrosch: thanks! I think the first version was better in terms of an item in the icon signifying navigation (rather "active" part of the software) against geocoding (searching loop). Maybe it has to be bigger, but that I don't know.

I tried to reduce the icon to the sizes corresponding to the app grid. I don't think you could see the color gradients on Africa with such size. If you compare your icon with the browser icon on SFOS, you could see that the browser has simplified color scheme which is actually OK for an icon.

Many SFOS icons have the main image surrounded with some border. This goes for browser, messages, settings. I guess, we could introduce the similar border for the icon as well.

If we want to put into the center the navigation symbol, then its good to ask whether we keep WhoGo and Poor Maps icons? If we do, I suggest to tune them later as well to introduce better visibility. If you look closer on night mode screenshot that I posted, it has location icon with small border around it which helps to see the location on the map (compare with the day mode). But, as such, I would like to keep the icons for location (still and direction) after such minor adjustment.

Please note I am far from any arts designer and my understanding of used colormaps is limited. I don't know whether we have to make it with larger contrast or not.

pagis 2018-08-21 12:48

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Not an arts designer either, here is a link for SFOS icon design

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 13:12

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)
@rinigus: I'm not sure if I understood everything like you meant it, anyway:

rinigus 2018-08-21 13:15

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547359)
@rinigus: I'm not sure if I understood everything like you meant it, anyway:

I think you did! :) [probably better than me understanding myself]

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 13:18

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
@rinigus happy to read that. But it looks somwhat stained on Here is the original:

did some smaller fixes:

carlosgonz 2018-08-21 13:44

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
why not? kaart, tänav, tänavKaart, kaardid, avatudMap, vabaMap, openMap, libreMap, osmMap, osMap, OSMap, sailMap, sailorMap, planet, planetMap, neptune, neptuno, saturn, saturno, mapbox, map, mapas, maps, horizon, navmap, opennav, navigator, showmap, and many many more.

carlosgonz 2018-08-21 13:52

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
@rinigus take ur time to choose the best name and icon, this is import to start.

MartinK 2018-08-21 13:59

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
For possible etymological inspiration, let's talk about why modRana is called modRana. :)

The modRana project started back in 2010 as a fork of Rana, which apparently means "moon/wanderer" in some foreign language according to the original author.

As my fork was a modification of the original Rana software I've called modRana. But there is also another reason - there was traditionally a lot of blue color in the Rana/modRana GUI and blue translates as "modrá" in Czech. This is the second, kinda hidden meaning of the name, which can be approximately translated as "the blue one" in Czech. :)

txus 2018-08-21 14:21

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
@Fellfrosch try using the "indicator", including the white dot, already as the outer icon layout, and include the earth icon as background. I think that could look quite nice.

(Don't know if you understood what I mean... and I better not try to draw anything, I wouldn't want the forum to implode or something)

carlosgonz 2018-08-21 14:26

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MartinK (Post 1547364)
For possible etymological inspiration, let's talk about why modRana is called modRana.

As my fork was a modification of the original Rana software I've called modRana. But there is also another reason - there was traditionally a lot of blue color in the Rana/modRana GUI and blue translates as "modrá" in Czech. This is the second, kinda hidden meaning of the name, which can be approximately translated as "the blue one" in Czech. :)

ok now I understand why the icon is blue, nice concept.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 14:34

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by txus (Post 1547365)
@Fellfrosch try using the "indicator", including the white dot, already as the outer icon layout, and include the earth icon as background. I think that could look quite nice.

(Don't know if you understood what I mean... and I better not try to draw anything, I wouldn't want the forum to implode or something)

Just a quick and dirty job...
If rinigus prefers that i make a neat job. In my eyes the world looks now like a disk. Better to say a compact disk ;)

r0kk3rz 2018-08-21 14:40

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by carlosgonz (Post 1547362)
why not? kaart, tänav, tänavKaart, kaardid, avatudMap, vabaMap, openMap, libreMap, osmMap, osMap, OSMap, sailMap, sailorMap, planet, planetMap, neptune, neptuno, saturn, saturno, mapbox, map, mapas, maps, horizon, navmap, opennav, navigator, showmap, and many many more.

please no more sailWhatever apps...

pichlo 2018-08-21 14:42

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Or follow the traditional Linux naming convention (mutt, pine, vi, apache, ant, git, xxd, anjuta...) and make up a name that has nothing to do and gives no indication of what the application is for.

Kabouik 2018-08-21 14:43

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I like Weego because it looks like the Wario of Meego, an OS that fathered Sailfish. It also stays close enough to WhoGo and Here WeGo, which is good to acknowledge where are the roots of this fork.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 14:47

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1547371)
I like WeeGo because it looks like the Wario of MeeGo, an OS that fathered Sailfish. It also stays close enough to WhoGo and Here WeGo, which is good to acknowledge where are the roots of this fork.

That made me laugh. Just have a look what wee in english means.
Even so I find it funny, WeeGo is a NoGo :D:cool:

Kabouik 2018-08-21 14:49

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Damn, forgot about that. Stupid Anglo-Saxons! Seems however that it is more often used to describe something tiny (no, no that) or yell excitement (Weeee!) than as a synonym of you know what, isn't? I'd happily travel with my wee Jolla and Weego app.

(Yet I found at least two other brands named Weego, one for products to carry babies, one for portable batteries; and no, I don't think they are related and meant to power your babies on the go).

pichlo 2018-08-21 14:51

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547372)
Just have a look what wee in english means.

It means at least two things. One of them is quite acceptable :)

Kabouik 2018-08-21 14:59

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
If Winnie the Pooh managed to get this popular, Weego can do it.

carlosgonz 2018-08-21 15:00

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1547371)
I like Weego because it looks like the Wario of Meego, an OS that fathered Sailfish. It also stays close enough to WhoGo and Here WeGo, which is good to acknowledge where are the roots of this fork.

yeap funny name - make sense too

rinigus 2018-08-21 15:03

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547367)
Just a quick and dirty job...
If rinigus prefers that i make a neat job. In my eyes the world looks now like a disk. Better to say a compact disk ;)

Trying to see it with the same size as other icons on app grid, that could actually work. It has less fine details which is probably good :)

carlosgonz 2018-08-21 15:29

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by r0kk3rz (Post 1547368)
please no more sailWhatever apps...

yes you right,sorry. But english name will the same "please no more". :D

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 16:01

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1547378)
Trying to see it with the same size as other icons on app grid, that could actually work. It has less fine details which is probably good :)

So I shall do a clean version of that?
Maybe I'll also offer a version without the marker inside and just the globe. Will do that tomorrow.

rinigus 2018-08-21 16:01

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1547371)
I like Weego because it looks like the Wario of Meego, an OS that fathered Sailfish. It also stays close enough to WhoGo and Here WeGo, which is good to acknowledge where are the roots of this fork.

Yeah, but for Weego we will need then an icon with a small boy from Brussels. And relieving himself on a map, I presume. Too many jokes can be made, although I may start taking easier on all bug reports...

As for origin of the WhoGo, see . In this aspect, Pure Maps (suggested earlier) and maybe Hugo Maps (interpretation of WhoGo Maps) fit the bill.

Lets see if we can formulate names that will get the preference by many,

rinigus 2018-08-21 16:07

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547380)
So I shall do a clean version of that?
Maybe I'll also offer a version without the marker inside and just the globe. Will do that tomorrow.

Sorry, typing on phone => not clear reply by me.

I think its the good icon as it is. If you remove the marker, it will suddenly become rather generic globus inside SFOS shaped curvy surrounding. This marker, for me, transforms it into direction pointer with the globus showing any destination.

Any preferences by others?

Thank you very much for taking the initiative and making it!

nthn 2018-08-21 16:22

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Is it really necessary to split off, though? It would be the third virtually identical map application in the timespan of a year. Is there no way to co-author? If you suddenly find yourself in need of more time to review your own changes, is someone else going to create another fork, and then another, and one more? These applications are already more or less one-man projects, I don't think losing the coordinated development you have going on now is a good thing.

peterleinchen 2018-08-21 16:43

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

If we really need a 'new' name I vote for PureMaps, clean, clear and back to the roots.
I also liked the HuGo approach :)

And applause to Fellfrosch for this nice icon!

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