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pichlo 2018-11-11 13:01

[poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
The idea is to have a bit of light-hearted fun, please do not take it seriously.

Two options ought to be enough for everybody :D

Dave999 2018-11-11 13:07

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
Fun. A POLL! I am always up for a good time! Please remove ambience and put refund in the Q instead(at least in your thoughts)

By the way. I VOTE yes.

Exacly as usuful as sailfish... if anyone find sailfish useful is a completely different animal :D

gaelic 2018-11-11 14:52

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
YES, fast switch between Ringtone and Silent, including indication by color & wallpaper.

Manatus 2018-11-11 15:06

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
No: I find the potential of Ambiences high, but the feature is far too limited as it is for now.

Five years and still counting... ;)

Edit: I also have to give thumbs up for theming support such as this in the place. We should not take that as guaranteed (iPhone).

kinggo 2018-11-11 15:42

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
no, not really. But I never used profiles in any phone even before sailfish.
Except back in the very old days of monochrome LCD display when I used to have one with light on for the night and one with off to get better battery life. Funny thing, no matter what you did with the phone then, 5 days was like normal. And I was trying to extend that.

nthn 2018-11-11 17:42

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity

Originally Posted by Manatus (Post 1550484)
No: I find the potential of Ambiences high, but the feature is far too limited as it is for now.

Five years and still counting... ;)

Edit: I also have to give thumbs up for theming support such as this in the place. We should not take that as guaranteed (iPhone).

I agree entirely.

peterleinchen 2018-11-11 20:03

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
In principal: yes (voted)
but definitely not in the shape it is, since how many years?

Markkyboy 2018-11-11 20:36

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
Somewhat pointless, difficult to truly develop being closed source. Visually not very clever, obscures text in many cases. Does not allow for a full Black and White theme/ambience.
As for the inverted theme now applied, well, too little too late and still does not make the device any more attractive.
Synopsis = crap/poop/shite/waste of time.

rob_kouw 2018-11-12 07:36

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
Voted yes, although I'm not too happy now. Ambiences should really be a combination between the current visual and sound settings, and Situations. Or rather Situations the way it was allowed to work before security measurements were taken.

Silent is useful, although I think Whatsapp sounds may still come out. But I want Car (with Bluetooth and geolocation automatically switched on).

Oh right, I want a blue light filter in the evening. Except for Salamander and Intense, all Ambiences contain so much blue!

atlochowski 2018-11-12 09:55

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
In current state ambiences don't have sense to me. At the begining idea of ambiences was awesome but it's still nothing more then sound profiles on other OSes.
I miss mute in pulley menu on lock screen which was removed in SailfishOS 3. It was enough for me. I don't need ambiences in current state and big ambience switcher in top menu.

pichlo 2018-11-12 10:04

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity

Originally Posted by atlochowski (Post 1550528)
I miss mute in pulley menu on lock screen which was removed in SailfishOS 3.

There was mute in the lock screen pulley menu before SFOS 3? :eek:

I must have completely missed it. And believe me, I looked VERY hard. I have a faint memory of it being there a very, very long time ago. Maybe as long as SFOS 1.

peterleinchen 2018-11-12 11:01

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
2 Attachment(s)
Always there but do not like it as you may incidentally switch to silent and do not notice it (I know the little icon).

And you find it in settings - lock screen

pichlo 2018-11-12 11:25

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
No such thing. I had three shortcuts: Settings ,Camera, and Phone. "Add shortcut" was greyed out. Deleted all three, now "Add shortcut" opens the launcher. No "Silence" to be found. Do I need a patch?

atlochowski 2018-11-12 14:23

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
@pichlo I had mute phone option on lock screen for sure. When I was on version 2 I had 3 things in pulley menu on lock screen. Phone, Messages and Silence,
It was possible to add to this pulley things like Torch, Bluetoth etc. For know it's possible to add there only apps from app grid.
If I find time for that I will restore my test device to version 2 to prove that.

atlochowski 2018-11-12 14:30

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
@pichlo and it is not the first time they removed this option

pichlo 2018-11-12 14:50

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity
That must be it. They removed it once and I filled the menu with other stuff.
Then I must have missed when they restored it again.

juiceme 2018-11-14 08:57

Re: [poll] Sailfish ambiences popularity

Originally Posted by gaelic (Post 1550480)
YES, fast switch between Ringtone and Silent, including indication by color & wallpaper.

This is also my use case; I need just these 2 ambiences, silent and my own ringone set.
For fun I have also created the wallpaper for my "non-silent" profile but that is not a hard requirement.

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