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N8x0's in 2019!
Continue to use in 2019 :)
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
damn straight.. :D
ooooh I love my lil ol' beasties ...they just keep going.. hm...perhaps this year I will start a couple new threads.. "N8X0 monthly photo competition" (love my freaky little grainy n800 periscope cam :D) and maybe another different one...not sure yet.. I have considered doing a weekly or monthly youtube show ... pertaining purely to the n8x0. we'll see how much time I have... It may end up being called the "Diablo Variety Show" (one can only stand watching a single person talk about a device line so long...) find an "Ed McMahon" to laugh at terrible jokes...shout "Hey--Yo!" every now and again get some special guests to come on in... Some plate spinners spinning n8x0's instead... A dancing dog act .. Is Tiny Tim still alive...? maybe get him to play "Tiptoe through the Tulips" on the maemo theremin program... dammit... Tiny Tim has been dead now for 23 years... The guy isn't tiptoeing through the tulips any longer...he is pushing up the tulips... Hm...gotta find someone else... |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Alas, my n810 has separated into two pieces, although it still runs if held together by a rubber band.
I still remember when I first read the ads for the N810 ten years ago -- the Nokia Internet Tablet. I thought, that's exactly what I want -- an Internet Tablet. Not a cell phone where I'm paying big $$$ every month just to use the blooming thing. I want to use *WiFi* to browse the web. Now, of course, there are many different kinds of tablets, but the N8x0 series was way ahead of its time. And, although I confess I have moved on & don't use my N810 anymore, I will always be grateful that it & this forum introduced me to the world of Linux and free & open-source software & software communities. It's my "how I get into Linux" story. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
You too eh?
Yeah...I hadn't really got my feet wet with lnux before the n800/n810 ... For me too it was the device that really made me change to using linux... I think it was easier because of the tablets.. to learn linux...but that is my view... Its in 2 pieces ...held together with a rubber band ...and STILL it works ! hahaha... yeah baby! That is a good build for a device. I still use mine...but I have thought of gutting one and seeing if I could get a banana pi ...or some such ...running inside an n810... I think it would be a fun experiment ..and if it worked ...give the device a real jump in variety of new stuff to run on it... (Unfortunately I would be more like Dr Frankenstein's 2nd cousin removed ...as far as my technical ability to see a success in such a weird endeavour..) |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I use my N800 and N810 every day to listen internet radio. For this, I made a small pygtk application.https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram...ninstagram.com
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
excellent idea...genius if I may say...
yeah I use my n8x0's daily for just that as well... Usually I use oscp...now... But every now and then... I enjoy opening up streamtuner and getting surprised by what I find ... Still love that ol' streamtuner.... |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I have one of my n810s setup to play audio cds, by piping the output from cdparanoia into play (sox)
It took me a lot of googling to get this to work, and I had to compile most (all?) of the software. It is endlessly satisfying though :D |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
inventive I must say.
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I ripped my CDs, copied the ogg files to the n810 and played with xmms or mplayer. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
hm...yeah...I do the same... actually I messed around with mp3pro back in the day...converted a whack of music to it...it cuts out a huge chunk of bandwidth...and makes the mp3 much tighter and smaller... many would think that to be a detriment... and it is... unless you then utilise mp3pro "unwrapper" (shall we say...can't remember it's name at the moment ..) that simply adds that bandwidth back on playback... handy dandy.. means that you can store 4-5 times the audio...than normally done. I still have a whack of those favourites in a folder... But I am kinda a purist ...ogg is also one of my preferred formats for the n8x0... and xmms for the n8x0 is the freakin' best player period wish we could get milkdrop running on it ...god that is mad mad mad but I think the poor n8x0 would explode from an attempt at using projectM. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I've just rediscovered my N810s, reflashed them both and set them up. Still use them occasionally for ebook reading and music playing.
Does anyone have an updated openssl (or equivalent) for Diablo? It would be nice to keep email secure over IMAP. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
ANOTHER comedian!! you can check...but... I don't think so alexc. There are still plenty of us around here still who use the n8x0's ... and about once a month a new member joins with their n8x0.. But we don't have devoted folks updating... However things aren't falling apart ...the n8x0's are ageing gracefully... The bulk of the progs for the n8x0's still work...though there is little maintaining being done... we do have the odd patch or new thing or backport or some-such ... from innovative folks using their n8x0's and the n900 community.. but you will have to check out openssl and see.. perhaps if you ask one or two of the n900 gurus ...they can look into it and see what can be done... Openssl is not my forte or I would myself.. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I just bought my first N810 from ebay, it arrived yesterday. New in the box. Seeing what I can do with it in 2019. I had a 770 when they first came out.
https://i.imgur.com/K2OyOYC.jpg?1 More pics of the unboxing: https://imgur.com/gallery/7lTyAWH |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
You've been around here for a long time...
Since the place began, pretty much.... I found this place a year or so later... Researched the hell out of the best options at the time..and the nxx0 line just fit the bill...and skulked around in the shadows for years before officially joining... I don't believe in social platforms...and have always steered clear of them... But in the end relented and joined here. And... if you remember the 770... then you should know... that the feeling will be even better. I can only speak for myself of course... But ...for me it's like Christmas-morning-present-opening-time ..for me.. EVERY time I turn mine on to use it. The feeling for me just never went away... Welcome to the n8x0 - fold. Have lots and lots and lots of fun man. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Many of the repos and debs discussed here are long gone. I'll see what might be put together. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Not much has disappeared... our repos work...and then there is the gronmayer catalogue project ...hunting down what 3rd parties are gone and what are active still..... I did extensive research and cataloguing on just what has been lost. Very little in the end... But that isn't to say we haven't lost some things...especially from third party repos . Also you may wish to install cssu , turbo, and few more things. Check my signature for complete walkthroughs for the n8x0 that is what the links are there for...the new n8x0 folks |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Arora ...hm...
as I have mentioned before ... the depth and vastness of the n8x0 subforums are such that I have not seen everything in them, in all my years of study of them. https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=27283 first post mentions a website and uploads which are nonfunctional and gone. N8xx.com which I have never stumbled across to my recollection... (I may have ...but it doesn't ring a bell...I have squeezed so much into my head concerning the n8x0's over the years ...much has squeezed out to compensate ...I have forgotten much... it's either do that...or go mad with all the info ...) However ... wayback does have saved snapshots of the site.... https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://n8xx.com/ Serious sifting through them ...page by page if necessary may yield a stable deb I have done so before....so I know it is a viable method of examination. One second... further reading of the Arora thread in Talk... Last page, post by xes, he compiled it and it does have a viable and still functional download link. https://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?...9&postcount=57 As an aside to this conversation... It may be that n8xx.com could yield a great deal of information that is not present in our own archives and could benefit us from the inspection and potential gains....gains beyond the n8x0 models... since they also were a forum on the fremantle and meego platforms as well.. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Just got a new(!) n800 and I'm looking to get it all set up again. I remembered in the past how I moved the OS to an internal SD card. I found the instructions on here in two different posts, but at this time it doesn't seem like any are working due to missing repositories. I've gone over to gronmeyer's site and added all of them.. thank you endsormeans... but still having no luck...
are there any instructions .. in 2019.. that will work to get the OS moved to the internal SD? really need help! I've checked everywhere and just find old instructions. thank you! |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
did you check my signature?
pimp my n8x0? It should have everything there you need. as far as adding all of gronmayers repos ...one must carefully select the repos one needs...or you will have issues. (not to mention the dead repos will slow down the systems ability to refresh...) |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
thanks for replying! :)
I'll go through it again, but yes I was aware of your signature .. I love your signature :) but was still hitting roadblocks... dependency issues, and missing repositories.. but I'll go through step by step again and see.. If I can just get it all on the SD card.. that's the big issue now. I'll give it another go. it's a shame I don't have my old N800 anymore.. I had that all set up once upon a time. it's a shame gizmo and skype are gone as well. breaks my heart. thanks again! |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
p.s. Yeah from the site, I noticed there were several missing, or inactive repositories.. I'm only adding the ones that are online. let's see how it goes :)
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
if the intent is to get the os onto the internal sd
Then you want a pristine diablo installed on the internal system. nothing added...at all. then xterm installed as I mention in the walkthrough...so as to allow console tools to do its job... and then console tools installed. then you are fresh and ready. Install nothing more than the stated prerequisites in the walkthrough. add no repositories until their time to do so...and only add what is advised in the walkthrough to achieve the cloning. then prep your sd card (that is mentioned as well ...) put it in...make sure your device is charged up sufficiently .. and begin cloning. Once cloned properly ..then boot into the cloned sd and add all the stuff you want....TO the cloned os on the sd card. It is best to leave the original internal diablo nice and spartan with only what is needed ...in case you wish to clone again ... Putting all kinds of stuff into the internal device flashed diablo ...and then...cloning ...will meet with all kinds of issues. Lastly when it comes to gronmayers catalogues ... I suggest you refer to the link in my sig "the lost gronmayer cats" there are detailed references there concerning offline cats online cats duplicate cats and cats that appear online but are problematic if installed ..or are empty and are problematic if installed. and much more info. (my findings are not up to date...so there may be one or two new issues ...possibly...so be picky initially...install only what you need to ...and test the functionality afterwards to ascertain all is well...note any addition that you add that causes issues ...and post it in the thread if you could...) so be picky until you know what for certain does work with no prob. Blanket install ...even what appears online...is not a good idea..from gronmayers Frankly there are more than a few repos inside gron's meta repo that I think should be pulled into the central repos here ...stuff like xmms ...hate if that one is lost...(I have a back up of it all ...but still...)...which should be dissected ....and a version made ...and applied to the n900 anyway... have fun.. and fill me in on how it goes.. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
got it all installed.. running diablo turbo off of the ssd and all seems wonderful.. unil I tried to install software, and received dependency errors once more. so close but going crazy.... libfontconfig, libfreetype6, libglib and libgtk... I installed only the working repositories and deleted ones that still showed up as not working...
sad thing is I DID have abiword installed previously. I think Diablo is cursed lol.. any help.. as usual is greatly appreciated.. and than you so far... pb was soo great. :) are there .deb files around anywhere for these missing dependancies? |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
try installing other programs that contain ...for example...
libglib and libgtk... from our community diablo repos that should do the trick. works for me. Don't know what you have been putting on your Wheaties man.... Haven't used skype on my n8x0s in about 6 months to a year now...but it should still work... worked last year... so unless some drastic change has occurred ...it should still be working. (and yeah yeah...forever and a day now...skype was supposed to stop working for old devices...fact of the matter is the n8x0s have been bullet proof so far...) |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
what repo still has skype? or did you have it in back up because I can't find it anywhere...
do you have any idea of applications that might use those libraries? I thought of that.. but couldn't find any that use it that would install. I've really hit a wall here.. there are many favorites that now won't install. :( |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
had a little chit chat..
hopefully all works out... |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
I ended up re-cloning.. not too much work this time thanks to your awesome directions. everything worked on the stock os2008 image (latest) installing apps is working now... proceeding to the repositories with trepidation.. going to be very selective as to which.
good point on the browsers.. I didn't know if there was a more current one or not.. need to be careful with those repositories.. really go one by one and search for what I need then install only those ones. I'm basically 100% now, and can always resort back if needed. cloning is the way to go.. even if it isn't accepted by the public. ;) thanks again.. it's 2019 and everything's running smooth! :cool: |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
If you robertbyronz have now managed to get things working could it be possible for you to make how to instructions of it (what repos work and where to find, what not to do etc.)? I bought one N810 over a year ago but have so far been only using N900. I would really like to try N810 and would appreciate a lot updated information. Had in mind that I would follow endsormeans instructions but if there are some things that should be known when following those orders to get device work please share them.
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
My question was appointed to robertbyronz, not to you endsormeans. Reading all the posts in this thread I got the understanding that you too held it possible that some repos you mention in your instructions may be dead. And that mention about private chit chat made me think that maybe there is something more to know before following the instructions.
Thank you endsormeans so much for the instructions! For some reason I feel that always when I write you in some way misunderstand what I mean or to whom I speak and then you get a bit upset. Sorry. Didn't mean (again) to poke you in any way. Gonna try to follow your instryuctions precisely when I get time to do it. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
4 Attachment(s)
Before I flash my N810 wanted to ask how these look like? Not really knowing of the best partitioning or these repos and not wanna get rid of them before knowing if it is ok.
So the question of mine is should I flash fresh or disable bad repos and clone this setup to sdcard? |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
the partitions will be wiped scrubbed and the system freshly reformatted.
Best to do so when dealing with a n8x0 one has acquired from another (especially if you do not know the person who has given it to you.) You may wish to check the sites of the functioning repos you have that ARE 3rd party ones...against the gronmayer thread lists ...just in case you have a 3rd party repo in your cat that isn't a known one... (very very doubtful...but remotely possible...and if so write down exactly all repo details showing in your cat exactly the way they should be displayed ...for example in how the gronmayer repo cat details are done. and that way said repo can be studied for its contents and weighed against what is known and unknown) When you do your reflash ... everything ...including your n810 repo cat will be reset. Don't fret about that. Just follow the walk through precisely. Currently your device is running chinook .. It should be running diablo ... Diablo repos are what one should be seeing ... One can of course enable the chinook repos ...but by default ...Diablo supersedes chinook repos. I note that you have some 3rd party repos that are problematic (as in nonfunctional) shown with a red x and red lettering. That is understandable...considering the obvious last time the device was used was during the chinook era....when said 3rd party repos were undoubtedly functional at the time. I ALSO note that you have duplicate cats enabled "maemo Extras" "Maemo Extras" "maemo Extras (chinook)" "Chinook Extras" It is entirely possible you have conflicts occurring in your cats as we speak. When you have finally cloned your clean pristine diablo and set up cssu and all the other important stuff ...telescope etc... And have finished setting up diablo turbo... and BEFORE you start mucking with installing tons of stuff and BEFORE you start playing with installing 3rd party repos ... I SUGGEST for anyone...to utilize console tools one last time ...and make a back up copy of your nicely set up diablo turbo set up. Tuck it away on your computer... That way ...you don't have to clone all over again if you screw something up after setting everything up nicely... Just toss on your (clean ready to screw up) diablo turbo back up... the first couple of times of doing the entire set up ...one feels nervous anxious worried etc... But as long as you follow the walk through...it is impossible to do any damage. If you screw up...just start over... Its good practice... And frankly it is fun to do after one gets the hang of it. Hmmm... oh yes...last thing... if you do wish to use repos which can impact functionality or conflict with other repos ...disable said questionable repos after you have installed from them what you needed to...just so it negates the effect on the other repos... ie : an up to date system running diablo turbo will be using Diablo cats...there may be progs or bits from Chinook or earlier that one may wish to access for installation of programs or debs. so installing the chinook repo is understandable ... enable it when installing what you need .. you do not need to delete it afterwards...just disable it ...so there is no possible conflict with your Diablo repo... (Just in case ...that is..) A great example of conflicting repos that give a false positive ... Say you have 10 functioning repos ...official and 3rd party... you add one more that seems fine...until you take a look at your cat and it shows some or most of your cats as red and nonfunctional ... THAT is a definite conflict. So then ...it is the issue of how well you paid attention to exactly which repo it was which caused your conflict. and disable or delete it ... Or .if you are uncertain which one it was ... ..you end up in the situation where you scrub your cat except for the obvious official repos and begin again :D Also ...avoid duplicating repos...they will be obvious ...ie : Chinook repo ....chinook repo ... Are 2 different named repos that go to the same place .. Also ...if you get any repos that are non functional (in the red) it is suggested to (at the minimum) disable them ...immediately ..if not delete them . Enabled non functional repos will tie up a lot of time with your repo catalog ...trying to establish a connection to them... Meaning refreshing will take much longer. Also 3rd party repos as I suggested should be cross ref. against the lost gronmayer catalog list ... essentially... be picky about which ones you choose as a consequence... You do not want to just install 3rd party repos randomly or do a blanket install ..or you will end up with false positive issues that technically don't exist . Which means it casts doubt on the veracity of your catalog You don't need to reflash your system ... But you may be scrubbing your catalog of everything except the official cats and starting over again with 3rd party cat installs . Not that that is a bad thing either... Remember ... as long as you do your system reflash ...and keep your onboard system spartan... as long as you clone your spartan diablo to a card ...then set it up according to the walk through... and lastly ... as long as you make a back up of your undisturbed diablo turbo clone... Then you can blow up your diablo turbo a bzillion times ...and just throw on the back up in a heartbeat and do it all over again... Then it is all just fun and games ..and not so tedious. (I know that it may seem like a lot to have to deal with concerning the 3rd party repos...but remember then to please be vocal in suggesting that important programs and work in said repos be transferred to our official repos for safe keeping and ease of proper installation... and also remember..that yes it seems like a lot to deal with the 3rd party repos...BUT there is SOOOOO many of them....with SOOOO much in them.... in fact...all told...the amount of work done for the n8x0s in both official and 3rd party repos ..eclipses what has been done for the n900 or n9 ...massively...) |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Aah, at last started to pimp the N810. Was stuck on the first link. Where to get the tablet update wizard? The link seems a dead Nokia one. I'm a bit toughier noobie to guide this through.
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
So I copied the address of the link to download Tablet update wizard to wayback machine search box and bang it was downloaded. Fist block taken care of.
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Next block. Updater from windows update did not recognize the device. Stopped there my path. Connected the device when open to windows. Windows recognized and installed drivers. Did again with wizard and this time it gave a green light and got it flashed! This is an adventure!
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
Now ...
considering this is now quite thickly in the realm of the topic of doing the walkthrough... please move any further conversation to said thread... Having post issues spread all over hells eight acres doesn't help.... and we'll leave this thread here for what convo it was meant for. |
Re: N8x0's in 2019!
N810 in 2019 definately! Listening awesome music with streamtuner and surfing the maemo forum for learnng to fly with this.
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