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jami chat
https://jami.net/ - GNU Jami - have android app but seems nothing for maemo
Re: jami chat
Re: jami chat
Yet another chat that no one uses. Great.
Re: jami chat
Re: jami chat
Re: jami chat
"Jami chat" ?
it isn't new! its been around for hundreds of years... why I remember as a kid ... http://i1.adis.ws/i/hanoverdirect/60..._0752?$medium$ we used to sit around and "jami chat" all the time... |
Re: jami chat
^You are there in the middle? ... or left front?
Re: jami chat
Oh god no....
This isn't MY family! Who in their right sane mind ...makes their entire family wear the same outfits and patterns?!?!?! This is a family of psychopaths... They look like the freakin' "Borg" from star trek... Frightens me! I just followed them home from the local Walmart... If you look closer...you will see a pair of eyes peering from underneath the couch... I am just waiting for them to all go to bed ...so I can steal and fence their X-Boxes, Playstations and Stupidphones |
Re: jami chat
https://pkginfo.devuan.org/stage/asc...1~dfsg1-1.html |
Re: jami chat
Hi juiceme, eson, wicket :-)
It is a debian package but doesn't porting also include writing UI for Hildon also? I think Wikiwide suggests writing it as a telepathy (?) plugin to better integrate it into the system |
Re: jami chat
writing it as a telepathy plugin IS a really good idea...
lot less probs to encounter and time to take... |
Re: jami chat
Thank you endsormeans! Is there a guide for how to do this?
Re: jami chat
I don't know if there is a guide or not... Not a forte of mine ....telepathy...that is.. I never hunted and dug around to see if there was one... Maybe there is... Definitely asking others and doing a serious forensic hunt, not just here either...hunt the web, internet archive wayback machine too... I am betting that some folks must have at least talked at length of the methods of implementing telepathy plugins on the maemo platforms...somewhere... If not for M6...(due to its youth...) Then for the older maemo platforms... It is plausible to extrapolate from that information then and have a basis for applying it to Harmattan ... |
Re: jami chat
cursory search brought up interesting finds.
google "how to make a telepathy plugin for maemo" one statement from 2014 interesting statement on maemo / meego "For Maemo and Meego we can add new telepathy plugin with own configuration module in settings." it appears on initial cursory searching that compared to other platforms creating telepathy plugins is not only doable, but far less painful than on other platforms... hunting down methods is the next step. interesting paper on maemo telepathy and social networks here... https://fruct.org/sites/default/file...-telepathy.pdf it appears that you should expect a learning curve, not a steep or insurmountable one, but a need to study to achieve your objective . (some times it is great to learn and know how stuff works, especially to do something new and innovative ...and sometimes it becomes a headache... personally I enjoy learning new ways to bork a nxx0 :D ...but as well...I enjoy not knowing things ...it adds to the aura of maemo magic ... It is fun sometimes looking at the wizardry in our devices and just realizing that THAT "thing" , "topic", "area" of inspection or research" (whatever it may be... inside our devices ) is so specialized ...I just don't have enough time on the planet in my lifetime to figure out everything in my device...and so I putter away at what little corner of the totality of our devices I decided I do have time to understand ...and so primitively call it "My magic box the gods dropped at my cave entrance" :D ...) (actually not to topic divert too much...but I am in perpetual awe at what new thing someone has come up with to implement on the old n8x0's .....or the n900 or n9...even...I mean...really....one guy comes up with a sonar app for the n900...a sonar app!! Another makes a program so once an n900 is hooked up to a drone it then can hack foreign drones in flight, take them over and turn them into slave - zombie - drones under your control!!! My wonder at our devices capabilities never ends....) |
Re: jami chat
Re: jami chat
Having said that, I do agree with you, a Telepathy plugin be best but at least we have something that should be usable in the meantime. |
Re: jami chat
If a new version is desired, a package maintainer may release a backport. If the end-user is someone who desires the latest and greatest packages, they may prefer to run "testing" or "unstable" releases of the operating system. There is a newer version of RIng in ascii-backports which can enabled in Maemo Leste: https://pkginfo.devuan.org/stage/asc...-1~bpo9+2.html There have been initial preparations for Maemo Bayamo, the successor to Leste which is based on Devuan beowulf/testing. This will have a newer version of Ring: https://pkginfo.devuan.org/stage/beo...~ds6-2+b1.html Unstable now uses the version rebranded as Jami. I guess there will eventually be a version Maemo based on Devuan ceres/unstable but it isn't really a priority right now: https://pkginfo.devuan.org/stage/cer...469~ds1-1.html |
Re: jami chat
The presentation about telepathy is useful, thank you, endsormeans :)
It would be great to see examples of existing telepathy plugins, but I don't know where to find this. Checked https://duckduckgo.com/lite/?q=maemo...hy+source+code but the results seem mostly irrelevant. I see there are telepathy packages for regular debian, but as I understand telepathy is only the library/backend, so what chat application do I install on the regular debian to test it out? |
Re: jami chat
No prob at all gry
fact is ..if it hadn't been for the pajamas larking about jami ... I wouldn't have ever bothered to post ludicrous stuff, and then get fixated on an actual answer to your question, or even related material....for that matter... But now that my mind is fixated on it...it is hard to let go of a puzzle or riddle. Perhaps google instead of ddg , that is what I used to find the paper I mentioned, Only did a cursory search, nothing in depth. there are also very serious search engines that scour as well, they may find more. And failing that, alter the phrasing words of your search, you may find that doing so multiple times will yield vastly different results. I have had extreme results when changing the phrasing of my query 5, 6, 10, 15 different ways. How you phrase your query will definitely yield varied results, some worse, some better, I suggest you try that until you hit on the golden combination of words in the right order that nets you the most definitive results. |
Re: jami chat
as far as your last question...
on standard debian...involving telepathy... What chat application should you install to try it out? I would suggest pidgen and then any chat app for it. Since, for the purposes of study and research, what you are aiming for is base or rough compat with maemo and what you should also aim for is what is known to run on our devices ... Try to keep things in a rough parallel with our os and devices... pidgen runs on n9 right? (I never went down the Harmattan road so I am ignorant of whether or not pidgen runs on Harmattan) If so, it will make it easier on you if you try to keep what runs on debian and study it and then try to apply those findings to the maemo counterpart. |
Re: jami chat
https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/ https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/resources/ Quote:
Re: jami chat
I did see a lot of kde telepathy results...but I tried to keep my search from going down that road and tried to aim for os agnostic telepathy if I couldn't find maemo specific |
Re: jami chat
Pidgin on the other hand, doesn't support Telepathy plugins but it does provide libpurple which is like the equivalent of Telepathy for apps. Interestingly enough, there is a libpurple plugin for Telepathy which allows you to use Pidgin plugins. So the other route you could take would be to develop a Ring/Jami plugin for Pidgin and then run that under Telepathy using the libpurple plugin. |
Re: jami chat
I thought libpurple was telepathy oriented ...hence pidgen...erp ...pidgin...was the reason why I suggested it ...since it is such a maemo common a function...(pidgin that is...) |
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