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Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
two in a row.....thinking about staying out since I'm really running out of ideas for theme but...
Being where I was and traveling a lot and looking at all the landscapes and old villages.... So something old, a church, a house, a barn, a mill...... Sadly not in Asturias anymore so it will be more of a challenge here. Rules are as usual: Photos must be taken during this month and posted before voting starts. Photos must be taken by the posting member. Photos must be taken with a camera phone. Post processing is allowed but you have to say what you did. Users must name the phone and software they used. Users post only one photo per entry. Users can change the entry only once. 3 day voting period starts on September 27th at 20:00 UTC and ends on the evening of September 30th. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Poor New Worldians are at a disadvantage ;)
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
why? USA is full of old barns, wooden bridges, abandoned factories, airplanes graveyards, wood cabins...... Didn't say it has to be from greeks or romans. Just looking for something that looks old, used and abused. Date of build is not what I am after.
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Such earthworks dot North America, often hiding in plain sight, and dating back over 5000 years. That pre-dates the pyramids of Egypt . . . But since old barns and such are fair game, Madison County, Iowa (of the bridges fame) is even closer. And closer still is the old machine shed at my grandparents' place, which may still be standing, despite the fact that the house site itself was replaced by a dentist's office a few years ago. We'll just have to see! Exciting theme, looking forward to shooting something but especially seeing what everyone else shares. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
I am reminded of the old (no pun intended) saying: "In America, 200 years is a long time. In Europe, 200 miles is a long drive." |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
EDIT: NOT my entry. BlessN900, brightness -10, contrast +8, downscaled to 75%.
Noah's Ark - if someone has wondered how it looks like. In Suomenlinna, Helsinki. This is the oldest apartment building there is - in Helsinki. https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1599631988 |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
The building is called Noah's Ark and it has own page in wiki.
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
image20200907_161001591_v2 Around here, this counts as an old building. The Oxford School, a one-room schoolhouse built in the late 19th century (1877) was used as a school until 1955! Due to the development of a mega church and surrounding mega strip-malls, it was relocated in the early 21st century to a nearby city park and restored to its original condition. Obviously -- from the presence of the well pump in front and the outhouse in back -- this structure lacked indoor plumbing. It was also heated by a central "pot-belly" stove. Since grades 1-8 (today, this would be ages 6-14, but at the time would have ranged from 5-20) all attended in the same room, there's a variety of desk sizes inside and a variety of seat sizes in the latrines. The last surviving building of its kind in this part of the county, it's now a living history museum, furnished with 19th century fixtures, school equipment and books. My own grandmother graduated from the school in the early 20th century. Her uncle (IIRC) provided the land where it was built, and the family also contributed to its construction. Shot on Oneplus One, running UB Ports Ubuntu Touch. Cropped a little in digiKam to remove distracting 21st century artifacts. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Check from the wikipedia how they have renovated the building in my entry. Taking away balcony, put wall and paint instead of changing and repairing the windows (the windows are painted on the wall), and covered all nice decorative structures. This is the way it is done in Finland many times.
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Else you should really make use of the **edit** button on the lower |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
My bad. Corrected.
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
BTW, for those interested, here's some info about the my schoolhouse. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
While I can't open the link to the old school, I'm quite sure there is not much information about the two old buildings in my entry:
http://talk.maemo.org/attachment.php...1&d=1599854838 Pro1, stock camera, sharpened and resized with darktable |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Not my entry because I took it in July already. I love the contrast between old/new or dilapidated/shiny and some sort of implied criticism towards people who spend tons of money on Disney castles but can't even be bothered to do something about that old shack out front. Or maybe that old shack belongs to someone else, a grumpy misanthrope who refuses to do something about it, deliberately annoying his nouveau riche neighbour. :) |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Here's Casa Milà aka La Pedrera which is located in Barcelona. It has an interesting design and it's my favorite building in there. Last year I've been to Barcelona to buy property in Spain and had a chance of visiting the historical places in Barcelona. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
so......is this a promo for that page or what???
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
http://talk.maemo.org/attachment.php...1&d=1600350079 |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
^ Lovely scenes Fellfrosch, is that where you live? The Alps maybe?
I remember childhood family hiking holidays in Mürren (CH), similarly fascinating landscape and typical houses. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
No, I don't live there. I live in Southern Germany, but we go to this place every year at least once. And it's not similar but identically to your childhood memories :D
What you see in the second pic are the Mürrenbach Falls. With 407m the highest waterfall in Switzerland. Indeed a very fascinating scenery and we fell in love with it a long time ago. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
My entry this month:
The Old Lady and the Lion Advanced Camera on Pro1, some light balance, rotation and sharpening in PS. https://iili.io/2ziAx9.jpg |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Have you also been "up there"? |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Do you mean with up there, if I was also in Mürren?
I was quite often in Mürren. Especially when we are there for skiing. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Edited my previous post it NOT to be my entry. This is my entry. BlessN900, +2 contrast, downscaled to 75%. Maybe the oldest building and the oldest inhabitant. Finns know the children song where BoogieBump is sitting in rain underneath this mushroom.
https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600805516 I was on my knees for some time in the bushes taken pictures of this. First came a teenage group of black teens who smoke pot around our block every night. "What the F....!" when I pressed the button and light came to the bush where I was worshipping this mushroom. Then came a lady. "Is everything ok?" Yes, I am just photographing a boogiebump underneath a mushroom. "Aah' you are taken pictures of bugs? Are you a nature photographer?" No, I'm taking a picture of a boogiebump. "I see" she said and went away. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
So, with probably no chance to win against that mushroom building ;)
And foreseeably no time to get a capture of another old building I had in mind. I still like to post a shot of a nice house I came across this month: the Dahlbusch Villa in Gelsenkirchen. (I know there are more impressive one's like VillaHügel) but... https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600887726 Informative: https://www.gelsenkirchener-geschich...irektorenvilla https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600887758 https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600887846 https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600887864 -- XA2, piggz AdancedCam, no edit |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
In the centre of Espoo there is an old stone church, built in the 1480s. And there's a museum with eleven farm buildings from the 18th and 19th century. And a café in an inn from 1737. I couldn't choose among those, so here's a granary built about 120 years ago.
Xperia 10 Plus, unedited (except the size). https://i1.lensdump.com/i/0gE0Pq.jpg This will be my entry, unless I have time to go one of the old manors nearby, especially one that has an imperial outhouse. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
100 years ago this was the local farmers forge. The building itself disappeared when I was a child, 60 something years ago.
Xperia X, Sailfish stock photo app, no editing. https://svenskasprakfiler.se/show/forge.jpg |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
no entry from me this month, got sick so can't go where I wanted to go. And the pics I have from Spain are all dated august :(
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
No entry from me either yet since i just realize voting starts soon, coming back from travel.
Try to take pictures when i go to Zons tomorrow to visit my brother who rents one of the few Apartments within the old castle walls. Zons was first mentioned by the Bishop of Cologne in the year 700. Probably will be tempted to go for the Tourist shot which is redundant anyway, so here, have a Stock Photo from the tourist website as Not my Entry, just in case i miss to post tomorrow :cool: http://www.zons-am-rhein.info/images...ichtbuehne.jpg And thanks for all your Photos, very entertaining to catch up! Well done Sir theme selector! Another hit after the beer party :D Get well soon kinggo! |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Where am I going?
https://matland.be/transfer/september.jpg Taken on Pro1 stock camera, no editing done. |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
OK, a bit later but here we go.....
Will skip that shakita guy cause it is clearly a spam for that property selling page #1 robthebold https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/...57c02acc_o.jpg Shot on Oneplus One, running UB Ports Ubuntu Touch. Cropped a little in digiKam to remove distracting 21st century artifacts. #2 Fellfrosch http://talk.maemo.org/attachment.php...1&d=1599854838 Pro1, stock camera, sharpened and resized with darktable #3 Bundyo https://iili.io/2ziAx9.jpg Advanced Camera on Pro1, some light balance, rotation and sharpening in PS. #4 Maemish https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600805516 BlessN900, +2 contrast, downscaled to 75%. #5 peterleinchen https://talk.maemo.org/attachment.ph...1&d=1600887726 XA2, piggz AdancedCam, no edit #6 Pentona https://i1.lensdump.com/i/0gE0Pq.jpg Xperia 10 Plus, unedited (except the size). #7 eson https://svenskasprakfiler.se/show/forge.jpg Xperia X, Sailfish stock photo app, no editing. #8 netman https://matland.be/transfer/september.jpg Taken on Pro1 stock camera, no editing done. pick one...... |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
Sorry for missing out...
#3 Bundyo just nailed it. Did you bribe the cat? The perspective shift of the building nearly put me off but the more i look at it the more i even like it somehow. Also nice color combination. with the blue car roof. And a small note. I hope you asked the house owner and i appreciate the effort. But if you go the length to do a graffiti to get my vote, last letter would be an n not an s :D |
Re: Phone Camera Competition September 2020: "Old building"
I vote #3 Bundyo
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