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nonsuch 2020-10-16 09:59

System update available (
So this is the stable version now I guess.
I'm not subscribed to early access updates.
I've had that notification for ~2 days now.
I'm not in a hurry to perform the upgrade - been looking around here and on to see what people have to report.
Nothing here so far?
Some worrying threads on forum.sailfishos, but they all seem to apply to the early access version ( afaics). Also this one, but it has some interesting info towards the end.

Nevertheless, I'd like to hear how the stable version update went for people (who didn't get the developer update)?

Maybe some tips? Making a backup beforehand is a given.

I'm on Xperia XA2.

mankir 2020-10-16 10:25

Re: System update available (
did the upgrade with xa2 and x10+, went fine so far! next i will try gemini pda and xz2c...

pagis 2020-10-16 13:26

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569729)

Maybe some tips? Making a backup beforehand is a given.

I'm on Xperia XA2.

I am on EA release, make sure you make a backup first and that your root partition has more than 500MB free space.

Also remove if you have applied any special patches.

aspergerguy 2020-10-16 13:27

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by mankir (Post 1569730)
did the upgrade with xa2 and x10+, went fine so far! next i will try gemini pda and xz2c...

No doubt seen this post from "rinigus" concerning Xperia Tama port?

Gemini PDA seems OK on but then as no AD a lot less to go wrong with update. As usual if you have optional rear camera it only works using MiracuCam.

rob_kouw 2020-10-16 14:01

Re: System update available (
I'm on XA2, and I have some problems. I use the XA2 as my daily driver, and regret the upgrade at this moment. I am not in the EA programme.

- AlienDalvikControl had an invalid uninstall script at some point of time, and as a result I had two versions installed.
- The upgrade process said there were problems, and the upgrade would not follow through (or something similar). Well, the upgrade was here to stay, and I had a black screen. SSH was available, and with some help I uninstalled AlienDalvikControl. Then things seemed OK.
- OKBoard made the screen black above the keyboard. After disabling more things seemed OK.
- Except Email did not update, nor fruux (CalDAV, CardDAV). A proven solution is to delete the account, and create it again. Unfortunately I cannot create new Email accounts: the busy indicator never stops. I haven't got any response so far to resolve this.

So phone, bluetooth, browser, Whatsapp all work. But no Email, which is very unpractical.
(I added a new fruux account just now, hurray!)

For XA2 you need 700 MB of free space in root.

pichlo 2020-10-16 19:19

Re: System update available (
Not too keen on the new Email UI. I understand why they did it (to share the HTML engine with Browser), but I still do not like that the pull down menu had to go.

Markkyboy 2020-10-17 08:37

Re: System update available (
I've patched that part of the email client. Bye-bye buttons, hello pulley menu.

If users are interested, leave a Thanks! here. If enough users show interest, I'll upload to Openrepos.

XOleg 2020-10-17 09:51

Re: System update available (
@pichlo and @Markkyboy, I don't like it either(buttons). It's a nightmare.

suicidal_orange 2020-10-17 20:08

Re: System update available (
Just upgraded my X, everything seems to work but the top menu on the homescreen is maybe 90% transparent and barely visible. Anyone seen this or know how to fix it?

pichlo 2020-10-17 20:11

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1569755)
Just upgraded my X, everything seems to work but the top menu on the homescreen is maybe 90% transparent and barely visible. Anyone seen this or know how to fix it?

Happens on my X all the time. It was quite freaky the first time but I've learned that restarting Lipstick before it's too late solves the problem.

suicidal_orange 2020-10-17 20:18

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569756)
Happens on my X all the time. It was quite freaky the first time but I've learned that restarting Lipstick before it's too late solves the problem.

Thanks, restarting lipstick has indeed fixed it - for now? Had my X years and this is the first time I've seen it so hopefully it's not a 'feature' of 3.4...

pichlo 2020-10-18 10:52

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1569757)
Thanks, restarting lipstick has indeed fixed it - for now? Had my X years and this is the first time I've seen it so hopefully it's not a 'feature' of 3.4...

I have not seen it for a while.

It started for me after the upgrade to 3.3. The advice to restart Lipstick is from the same thread (thanks, peterleinchen!).

The upgrade to 3.4 introduced another bug which forces me to restart Lipstick at least once a week, which presumably keeps the "top menu transparency" bug at bay.

Markkyboy 2020-10-18 11:11

Re: System update available (

Patch: Returns pulley menu for email view can be found here;

Or a direct link for download here;

XOleg 2020-10-18 12:04

Re: System update available (
Thanks! But I don't use patchmanager.

nonsuch 2020-10-18 12:15

Re: System update available (
Thanks for all the feedback!

To summarize:
- uninstall Aliendalvik Control first
- make sure it is completely uninstalled
- at least 700MB free space in /


Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1569733)
Also remove if you have applied any special patches.

What is a "special patch"?
I use some patchmanager3 patches.

juiceme 2020-10-18 17:35

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by XOleg (Post 1569766)
Thanks! But I don't use patchmanager.

Neither do I, I just apply the patces I need directly.
I'ts just a patch, after all. :)

XOleg 2020-10-19 13:03

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1569775)
Neither do I, I just apply the patces I need directly.
I'ts just a patch, after all. :)

I have error message "nothing provides patchmanager needed by sailfishos-patch-email-pulley-menu-0.1-1.noarch" from Storeman.

taixzo 2020-10-19 16:14

Re: System update available (
You need to install patchmanager first; it's in a different repo (coderus' repo, I think?) and so it won't get automatically installed as a dependency if you don't already have that repo enabled.

XOleg 2020-10-19 17:37

Re: System update available (
Yes, I added(only) coderus' repo, installed patch, enabled this option in Settings-patchmanager, but... mail client blinks only :-(

kaari 2020-10-20 13:26

Re: System update available (
What patches works with 3.4. There is just important patches I prefer. eg. No home carusel, launcher combined... Would like to know.if those works on X2A. thanks

juiceme 2020-10-20 16:54

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by XOleg (Post 1569790)
I have error message "nothing provides patchmanager needed by sailfishos-patch-email-pulley-menu-0.1-1.noarch" from Storeman.

It is just RPM packaged patch, open the RPM and pull out the "unified_diff.patch" which you can then apply with patch :D

juiceme 2020-10-20 16:56

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by kaari (Post 1569806)
What patches works with 3.4. There is just important patches I prefer. eg. No home carusel, launcher combined... Would like to know.if those works on X2A. thanks

Well patches are made to be looked at
If a patch does not apply, you most often just need to readjust it a bit...

foufoutos 2020-10-20 18:54

Re: System update available (
hello i made a clear install of latest os for my jolla1.
I cannot install any app from jolla store , give me error cannot install and cannot install storeman.
Try the command as root pkcon install zypper and get this error
fatal error : zypper-1.14.6-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl requires but tis requirement cannot be provided any help?

pichlo 2020-10-21 09:17

Re: System update available (
You don't need zypper. Just run pkcon refresh.

(A decent OS update sequence would refresh the package cache automatically but that would be too much to expect, I suppose.)

nonsuch 2020-10-21 10:38

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569825)
A decent OS update sequence would refresh the package cache automatically but that would be too much to expect, I suppose.

These are separate actions, and there's a good reason they're separate.

pichlo 2020-10-21 15:37

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569831)
These are separate actions, and there's a good reason they're separate.

What would that reason be, if I may ask?

"Hey, we are updating most packages on the system, almost certainly breaking the package cache consistency. But hey, let's keep updating the cache a 'separate action'. It makes perfect sense!"

nonsuch 2020-10-22 09:48

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569836)
What would that reason be, if I may ask?

"Hey, we are updating most packages on the system, almost certainly breaking the package cache consistency. But hey, let's keep updating the cache a 'separate action'. It makes perfect sense!"

Take Debian stable for example:
You can keep installing packages that fit the current level of up-to-dateness of your system.
You can succesfully install software without updating the sources databases.
That makes sense.
Not for my personal habits, not for a rolling release distro, but it does make sense.

AFAIK Sailfish OS works on the same principles, it's a release-based distro with software catalogs stored locally.

pichlo 2020-10-22 10:55

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1569846)
AFAIK Sailfish OS [is] a release-based distro with software catalogs stored locally.

I wish it were. I asked about that a hundred times. Why on earth do OS updates have to be huge, monolithic, 400+ MB releases? Why not release one package at a time, like every other Linux distribution under the sun? But no, Jolla knows better.

And then refuses to refresh the package cache.

foufoutos 2020-10-22 17:07

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569825)
You don't need zypper. Just run pkcon refresh.

(A decent OS update sequence would refresh the package cache automatically but that would be too much to expect, I suppose.)

nothing change . The same error

peterleinchen 2020-10-22 19:53

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569836)
What would that reason be, if I may ask?

"Hey, we are updating most packages on the system, almost certainly breaking the package cache consistency. But hey, let's keep updating the cache a 'separate action'. It makes perfect sense!"

Especially as all packages are stored with their specific release on a repo which is tied to the OS release!
And still NOT publicly accesible!!!

peterleinchen 2020-10-22 19:59

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by foufoutos (Post 1569815)
hello i made a clear install of latest os for my jolla1.

How? Updating via GUI?


fatal error : zypper-1.14.6-1.3.1.jolla.armv7hl requires but tis requirement cannot be provided any help?
Sounds like a borken update (as it seems hundreds of others have experienced as well this time!).

First check output of
ssu re

If both point to the new release you think you should be using.
Try as root (devel-su):
version --dup

nonsuch 2020-10-23 17:42

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1569848)
I wish it were. I asked about that a hundred times. Why on earth do OS updates have to be huge, monolithic, 400+ MB releases? Why not release one package at a time, like every other Linux distribution under the sun? But no, Jolla knows better.

And then refuses to refresh the package cache.

Admittedly, what you said might be true, or worth criticizing, for SailfishOS.
I just felt the need to point out that in many (Linux) scenarios it makes sense to separate software catalog updating from software installation.

foufoutos 2020-10-24 17:27

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1569854)
How? Updating via GUI?

Sounds like a borken update (as it seems hundreds of others have experienced as well this time!).

First check output of
ssu re

If both point to the new release you think you should be using.
Try as root (devel-su):
version --upgrade

my sailfish os is and my device is

peterleinchen 2020-10-24 18:42

Re: System update available (
So something wrong here.

If it were my device and I knew what I did I'd just set ssu to correct version and do the system upgrade.
But reading all those messages on I suggest:
install sfos-upgrade from olf found on
make sure you have lots of space on rootfs
do the btrfs balancing
backup your precious data
run sfos-upgrade from cli like

XOleg 2020-10-25 10:14

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1569810)
It is just RPM packaged patch, open the RPM and pull out the "unified_diff.patch" which you can then apply with patch :D

Yes, but this command(patch) don't install for me. The process ends with errors. enough.

pichlo 2020-10-25 13:31

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by XOleg (Post 1569883)
Yes, but this command(patch) don't install for me. The process ends with errors. enough.

Let me elucidate:

A Sailfish patch is exactly what it sounds like: a patch. Most Sailfish apps are written in QML, a descriptive language not dissimilar to C++. In other words, they are provided in a text form. A patch lists a set of changes: replace these lines in this file with this text, that set in that file with another text, etc.

What juiceme is proposing is to inspect what the patch does and apply the same changes manually. Note it may not be suitable for everyone. You need to know what you are doing. Juiceme is talking from a geek's perspective. Hence the smileys at the end of his posts.

Amboss 2020-10-26 10:38

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by XOleg (Post 1569793)
Yes, I added(only) coderus' repo, installed patch, enabled this option in Settings-patchmanager, but... mail client blinks only :-(

In my opinion the email buttons are disturbing and their explanation is only half valid. All other menus within mail client are still in pully except the ones in the mail view.
And saying it gets hard to use with nowadays large devices is wrong. Pully menu was made for any device where you can't reach the top easily. Pull down as far as you need an release. No need to reach the top with a finger.

The patch doesn't work for me as well. On my Xperia X the mail client starts flickering wild when the patch is installed.

s_mario 2020-10-27 17:01

Re: System update available (
Markkyboy released a new version of the patch patch-returns-pulley-menu-email-view in openrepos.
Version 0.1-3 now also works on my XperiaX very well.

pichlo 2020-10-27 18:37

Re: System update available (

Originally Posted by Amboss (Post 1569892)
The patch doesn't work for me as well. On my Xperia X the mail client starts flickering wild when the patch is installed.

Look in your Drafts folder. You may find hundreds of draft emails there. It happens every time the flickering starts. I would not be surprised if every flicker meant another draft is created.

Edit: It looks like 0.1-3 fixed it.

deutch1976 2020-10-28 08:57

Re: System update available (
I there. Anyone here updated Jolla 1? I tried on mine, update showed, downloaded, installed but in the end it said update was not possible and i should restart. After that i went to info and it shows version If i go to updates on setting is says "page not available". Any ideas? Thanks

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