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aspergerguy 2022-02-13 14:17

De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
5 Attachment(s)
Sure that a number of us have ended up with say an older Xperia XA2 which had licensed Sailfish OS and wonder what to do when selling it on. From a number of potential buyers point of view there is little purpose in trying to find user for un-licensed Sailfish OS, and so instead make a virtue of its unlocked bootloader as it may realise more on Ebay promoted as a "de-googled device". Although basically Lineage OS underneath Iodé OS (now Android 11) has a slightly different UI and can be applied to XA2 and Tama devices such as XZ2 & XZ3 running "rinigus" port. For XA2 Ultra (discovery) and XA2 Plus (voyager) probably still need Lineage OS as option.

nonsuch 2022-02-13 16:23

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
What's wrong with LineageOS for these devices?

Will it be possible to lock the bootloader again with either Lineage or Iodé?

Aside: by the time I'm done with it I don't think my XA2 will be worth much anymore...

aspergerguy 2022-02-13 17:55

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Just pointing out the crazy prices being asked for refurbished device(s) upon the back of "de-googled" or "protest" phone:

AFAIK Xperia 10II is the first device where bootloader can be re-locked to receive updates:

nonsuch 2022-02-16 17:07

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1573604)
Just pointing out the crazy prices being asked for refurbished device(s) upon the back of "de-googled" or "protest" phone:

240€, Are they crazy? The XA2 hardly cost more when it was new!
I bought mine for 60€ - almost 2 years ago, + 50€ for a full SailfishOS license.:confused:

deutch1976 2022-02-16 18:56

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573628)
240€, Are they crazy? The XA2 hardly cost more when it was new!
I bought mine for 60€ - almost 2 years ago, + 50€ for a full SailfishOS license.:confused:

They are not crazy. Crazy is who buys from them at those prices. They are taking advantage of those who don't know how to flash sailfish

ric9K 2022-02-16 23:30

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Iodé website: "✓ 100% functional smartphone" :rolleyes:
If it is true, I'd by ten right now!
Having tried dozens (well, some, like Openmoko, Pinephone, N900, Sfos...) we know it isn't possible, don't we?
Even Goopple can't!

nonsuch 2022-02-19 10:10

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
So, according to this it's just LineageOS with a preconfigured system-wide Adblocker. Points for being honest about it.
These Adbloclers exist in F-droid, easily installable.
Shipping devices with those preinstalled & preconfigured is worth some money (remember, the vast majority of people have never installed an operating system), but it all seems a little steep.
OTOH I had a look and the markup for the Fairphone is less than 100€ (439€ directly vs. 519€ from iodé) - maybe that's the intended audience.

dredlok706 2022-02-19 17:50

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Anyone knows is it possible to get full Sailfish for XA2 for free (I mean full with Android app support etc.)? Or anyone has a unneeded license to give for free/sell cheaply?
I just don't think paying $50 for LINUX (it wasn't open source?) system is a good decision. I want to have full SFOS experience on XA2, but it isn't enough I need to pay for device? Why I need to pay also for system?
Anyway, you see my questions ;) If anyone can answer on them, feel free, I will be grateful for any help ;)

ric9K 2022-02-20 22:05

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
You could try to use the free version of SFOS and install Waydroid on it to use android apps.

(Waydroid is a community thing allowing to use android apps.
AlienDalvic is the Jolla paid system allowing to run android apps.)

[non tech]
About not paying a Linux system, I don't fully agree, as everyone must get paid for his work.

Linux is free.
Mushrooms are free.
If we go during weeks pick mushroom in the forest and go sell them to the market, won't we sell them for money? We must pay the car, taxes, fuel, and like others, all the bills at the end of the month.

I don't know Jolla enough to defend it but I know they worked a lot to make things possible. I had some other free phones with free OSes. I liked them very much too but I was sometimes not even able to make a phonecall.
I am pretty sure that we also paid for people who made maemo when we bought our new N900.

Remember that being able to work for free is a luxury. Asking others to work for free...
I'd love if we all could work for free. Sometimes we can, sometimes not. Developing money-free progs often brings other things back (reputation, work, ego...). Is it really free?

We have 4 XA2 in the family. 2 have paid version of SFOS. Mine runs a free SFOS. I tried Waydroid w/o success ATM and it already took hours. I don't imagine how many workinghours AlienDalvic nedded to be built but I can understand that people having a loan to pay ask money for that job.
[/non tech]

So, if you try Waydroid with success, as I didn't manage it ATM, please share...for free :D:);)
Here is (one of the) threads:

nonsuch 2022-02-22 07:22

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1573639)
Anyone knows is it possible to get full Sailfish for XA2 for free (I mean full with Android app support etc.)?



Or anyone has a unneeded license to give for free/sell cheaply?
Even if they had, and did, it might not succeed and most importantly it's against jolla's rules.


I just don't think paying $50 for LINUX (it wasn't open source?) system is a good decision.
That's just like, your opinion, man.

And yes, some parts are closed source. It's still a fully functional GNU/Linux with a familiar paradigm, on a smartphone.
I wonder how many blobs you use on your other computer every day.


I want to have full SFOS experience on XA2, but it isn't enough I need to pay for device? Why I need to pay also for system?
Because paying for the device doesn't pay SFOS devs, not one bit.

Personally I think they've done a good job, and a singular payment of €50 (not USD btw) is a fair price for an OS fully working* and still fully supported with upgrades on a now 4 yo consumer device. When did SFOS introduce the XA2? 3 years ago? That's a very long support span for a smartphone, and it isn't over yet.

* what ric9k said about this

deutch1976 2022-02-22 17:15

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Talking about overpriced devices...

aspergerguy 2022-02-22 18:28

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1573654)
Talking about overpriced devices...

See even the N9 doubles in price (ex-China refurb.) for the time it takes to use Harmattan flasher. :D

dredlok706 2022-02-22 19:00

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Ok, so I will use free version and maybe buy in future. Thanks in advance everyone

ric9K 2022-02-23 16:24

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573649)
fully working* and still fully supported with upgrades ...
* what ric9k said about this

Well... I am very satisfied but fully working is not really exact.
Still some small (I'm lucky, others are less) frustrating things but generally, I prefer it 1000 times than an Goopple thing, even with the bugs and (relative) youth issues.
EDIT: If I could surf, pic-mms, manage videos and take pics faster without crasshing, use gps fluently, I'd still prefer my N900!

aspergerguy 2022-02-24 14:05

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1573654)
Talking about overpriced devices...

In the light of recent developments you will find that Sony devices with SailfishOS pre-installed have been temporarily withdrawn upon this site.

nonsuch 2022-03-05 06:31

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1573661)
Well... I am very satisfied but fully working is not really exact.

I didn't mean it like that. I meant it makes a fully usable smartphone with what is considered standard features - most notably, the ability to reliably make and receive phone calls and SMS via touch UI.

ric9K 2022-03-06 14:11

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573709)
I didn't mean it like that. I meant it makes a fully usable smartphone with what is considered standard features - most notably, the ability to reliably make and receive phone calls and SMS via touch UI.

Oh, yes, in that case yes.
phone, sms and also:
-photo/video (which sets focus too often and w/o discretion)
-mms with photos (didn't try video)
-music + bluetooth
-gps (with necron hack (, tracking
-on/offline maps (pure maps+osm scout) + nav with speech
-easy link with pc (ssh/sshfs) = easy backup (rsync)
-browser (some sites don't work though)
-offline dictionary/translation
+ all what I don't remember ATM

I regret:
-few cli linux tools
-more closed than N900 = harder to fiddle/hack/program
-no raw pictures
-no arrows/ctrl keys to select/move into text
-some closed parts, no guarantee I am not spied
+ all what I don't remember ATM

nonsuch 2022-03-09 07:14

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1573722)
I regret:

-few cli linux tools

Um. There's a lot available - even in the official repos - that doesn't show up in jolla store. And more in Openrepos.
Ever tried some 'pkcon' commands in the terminal / via ssh?

-more closed than N900 = harder to fiddle/hack/program

Unless you have specific examples, this is either highly subjective or simply not true.

-no raw pictures

Maybe Advanced Camera can? I'm not sure. Maybe not.

-no arrows/ctrl keys to select/move into text

Well, it doesn't have a physical keyboard obviously but virtual keyboard extensions for that exist, I'm using this.
Text selection is tricky though, no argument from me.

-some closed parts, no guarantee I am not spied

Isn't N900 partly closed too, if that's what you're comparing to?
Also, did you ever read the license, TOS & privacy policy for SFOS?

You might want to check out the SFOS articles in my signature.

ric9K 2022-03-09 14:20

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573744)
-few cli linux tools

Um. There's a lot available - even in the official repos - that doesn't show up in jolla store. And more in Openrepos.
Ever tried some 'pkcon' commands in the terminal / via ssh?

I maybe repeat myself: I am not complaining at all and am very happy with my SFOS XA2.

Yes, pkcon/zypper through ssh.
FWIR, I was searching for expect, screen, some tools like that.
No other examples to my mind ATM but I had the impression that much more tools/apps were ported to N900. I might be wrong.


Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573744)
-more closed than N900 = harder to fiddle/hack/program

Unless you have specific examples, this is either highly subjective or simply not true.

Highly subjective. I should have said I'm not a dev. I made lots of scripts on my N900, some with zenity or Tk with python to have kind of a GUI.
In SFOS, I have the impression there are less workaround for half-ignorants like me. Only the SDK which I'd love to use but seems very frightening to me, hyper complicated. Dunno where to begin with.


-no raw pictures

Maybe Advanced Camera can? I'm not sure. Maybe not.
Alas, Advanced Camera is not working on the XA2.


-no arrows/ctrl keys to select/move into text

Well, it doesn't have a physical keyboard obviously but virtual keyboard extensions for that exist, I'm using this.
Text selection is tricky though, no argument from me.
Oh great. what extension are they?


-some closed parts, no guarantee I am not spied

Isn't N900 partly closed too, if that's what you're comparing to?
Also, did you ever read the license, TOS & privacy policy for SFOS?

You might want to check out the SFOS articles in my signature.
Yes, comparing to N900. Are there as much closed parts on N900 as in SFOS?
Love is blind :) I never imagined I could be spied on my N900. Maybe because it was more like an UFO.
I admit, I didn't read the license, TOS & privacy policy for SFOS, not fully, at least. Because Goopple also say the are protecting privacy.
I end up thinking there is always a rhetoric and few proofs, finally.
I prefer trusting a community or e.g. a guy/group having analysed the outgoing traffic.
I live with it but just can't swear to others it is a fully safe system.

Your articles are interesting, thanks. Placed in my next "to read".

nonsuch 2022-03-16 19:21

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1573750)
FWIR, I was searching for expect, screen, some tools like that.


$> pkcon search screen
Available      screen-4.7.0+git1-1.5.3.jolla.armv7hl (jolla) A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
$> pkcon search expect
Available      expect-5.45.4+git1-1.2.1.jolla.armv7hl (jolla) A Tool for Automating Interactive Programs


I made lots of scripts on my N900, some with zenity or Tk with python to have kind of a GUI.
In SFOS, I have the impression there are less workaround for half-ignorants like me.
Couldn't find either zenity, yad or tkinter :(
FWIW I use qCommand for GUI access to scripts.


Alas, Advanced Camera is not working on the XA2.
I noticed soon after I wrote that :(


Oh great. what extension are they?
I think it's called arrowboard (English keyboard with Arrows).

I'm going to keep on answering your questions until you give up ;)

ric9K 2022-03-17 09:47

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS
Hmm, thanks for pointing screen and expect availability. I got to take a new course on repositories, I guess.

Yehai! Piggz updated his Advanced Camera app. Now working on XA2.

Promise @nonsuch, no more questions ! (for a while :D)

Lomax 2022-03-17 18:26

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573649)
That's just like, your opinion, man.

Thanks for that, made me smile :cool:

nonsuch 2022-03-20 08:38

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by ric9K (Post 1573785)
Yehai! Piggz updated his Advanced Camera app. Now working on XA2.

Oh, that's good to hear. Yee-haw!

ric9K 2022-03-20 16:10

Re: De-commissioning Xperia devices on SailfishOS

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1573782)

$> pkcon search screen
Available      screen-4.7.0+git1-1.5.3.jolla.armv7hl (jolla) A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
$> pkcon search expect
Available      expect-5.45.4+git1-1.2.1.jolla.armv7hl (jolla) A Tool for Automating Interactive Programs


I must miss some neurons but I fail finding those.
What repos did you use and how do you enable them?
Lot of thanks

EDIT: Reflashed, now it's working.

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