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venn 2023-02-11 20:08

Using the N900 in 2023
Which applications are still good and usable on the N900 in 2023?

Is there a way to get Telegram running? Is there a good maps application? Is there a working way of getting weather forecasts?

What kind of changes are helpful for still getting the most out of the device?

teroyk 2023-02-12 10:29

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
I think this hints works also in 2023:

Maemish 2023-02-12 11:48

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Either go this way:

Or this way:

venn 2023-02-12 18:27

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1575072)

Is it actually recommended nowadays to use CSSU-testing and Extras-testing?

Maemish 2023-02-12 19:01

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
CSSU testing yes. But are you gonna use it now for calls also? If not, try Leste.

venn 2023-02-12 19:18

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1575077)
CSSU testing yes. But are you gonna use it now for calls also? If not, try Leste.

Is Leste really that good already? If it is really only about calls, I think they will introduce their call ui with chimeara which is supposed to be released this month.

Maemish 2023-02-13 07:19

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Not that good actually. Just installed yesterday. If it is the latest I get the feeling it is much slower than previous images. So still some work.

venn 2023-02-13 20:53

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1575081)
Not that good actually. Just installed yesterday. If it is the latest I get the feeling it is much slower than previous images. So still some work.

Yeah, I just tried it as well. I remember it being smoother earlier too.

Can I switch to CSSU devel by just enabling the repo in HAM or is there something I have to be aware of for switching from stable to devel?

Maemish 2023-02-13 22:17

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
With devel do not do apt upgrade. On the forum there is my thread devel upgrades. Check it. And if I recall right when you enable the devel repo you will get to application manager the cssu devel as a choice to install on the apps list.

deutch1976 2023-02-15 15:25

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
If Pinephone + keyboard will reach one day a stable Leste version i will surely make it my daily driver. N900 still is an amazing and beatiful device but is becoming limited each year

teroyk 2023-02-15 16:19

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1575095)
N900 still is an amazing and beatiful device but is becoming limited each year

We see hardware limits, but not software limits yet.

N900 has 2000 times more RAM and 200 times more powerfull CPU than what is minimum system requirements for this OS:
Even maximum ram for it is 1024 KB.

So we only have to push some limits with optimized code for N900.
Or at least make TSL 1.3 support with this
And N900 is fast enough to work both client and server for it.

nikos523 2023-02-15 18:23

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by teroyk (Post 1575096)
We see hardware limits, but not software limits yet.

N900 has 2000 times more RAM and 200 times more powerfull CPU than what is minimum system requirements for this OS:
Even maximum ram for it is 1024 KB.

So we only have to push some limits with optimized code for N900.
Or at least make TSL 1.3 support with this
And N900 is fast enough to work both client and server for it.

This reminded me of the legendary quote “640K ought to be enough for anybody”.
Are we talking about random OS’s for the sake of the argument though? Or about something that a N900 user would actually install to make his phone a bit more usable than stock Maemo?
Cause I can’t see that thing you mentioned being something that anyone would want to install on N900 when trying to “modernize” the software.

About software in general I also disagree. The only limit software has is hardware, that’s why time takes care of stuff like that.
The more the hardware evolves and becomes cheaper, the better the software we get. Not the other way around.

venn 2023-02-19 16:33

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1575092)
With devel do not do apt upgrade. On the forum there is my thread devel upgrades. Check it. And if I recall right when you enable the devel repo you will get to application manager the cssu devel as a choice to install on the apps list.

What is the recommended way of running Telegram? I got an incorrect phone number error with the Pidgin plugin from ```devel-extras```.

Maemish 2023-02-21 16:09

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Some use telegram cli wirh xterm. It should be somewhere here on the forum.

teroyk 2023-02-22 09:13

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by nikos523 (Post 1575098)
Are we talking about random OS’s for the sake of the argument though?

It was an example that when hardware was taken to full use with optimized software. If N900 software take full use of its hardware with optimized code, where is the limit?


Originally Posted by nikos523 (Post 1575098)
About software in general I also disagree. The only limit software has is hardware, that’s why time takes care of stuff like that.
The more the hardware evolves and becomes cheaper, the better the software we get. Not the other way around.

Actually my point is when we get faster hardware more cheaper, we get lazy to use its full potential with software. The software limit is more are more how optimize code and how it use full potential of hardware.

Maemish 2023-02-22 17:52

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
The hardware would be exponential compared to needs if we could make a KolibriOs or MenuetOs fork for N900. Or just writing apps with assembly, like Netsurf browser.

nikos523 2023-02-22 18:34

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by teroyk (Post 1575108)
Actually my point is when we get faster hardware more cheaper, we get lazy to use its full potential with software. The software limit is more are more how optimize code and how it use full potential of hardware.

That is true. But in this instance hardware evolved so much the last decade, that even if software is poorly optimized the difference in favor of the new hardware is still chaotic.

Lambda the Typer of Terms 2023-09-02 14:42

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
I use Extras-Devel to get some packages like, for example, mscim and anki. It is risky, but I pinned Extra-Testing for all software to prevent my system from upgrading to Extras-Devel.

I also use BackupMenu. Coincidentally, I needed to restore from back-up yesterday. A package made my system broken beyond my power to repair it. Again, Extras-Devel is risky, but some packages in it are really good.

panjgoori 2023-09-05 03:38

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by Lambda the Typer of Terms (Post 1575573)
I use Extras-Devel to get some packages like, for example, mscim and anki. It is risky, but I pinned Extra-Testing for all software to prevent my system from upgrading to Extras-Devel.

I also use BackupMenu. Coincidentally, I needed to restore from back-up yesterday. A package made my system broken beyond my power to repair it. Again, Extras-Devel is risky, but some packages in it are really good.

I have been using Extras-Devel from the day I bought N900. It's good as most of the updated packages are in that repo.

N900 is truly one of its kind device and I have recently started using mine again.

teroyk 2023-09-20 16:21

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Sometimes old default browser is more compatible with old web pages than any modern browsers:
scroll down page little that game fits to screen. Some N900 keyboard layouts don't work (example finnish/swedish), because need arrow keys without bluearrow.

teroyk 2023-11-05 15:52

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
How to change default search engine of Micro-B-browser to another than Google? With 2.5G connection might be more usefull use Frogfind.

Maemish 2023-11-05 15:57

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Any help from this?

Maemish 2023-11-05 15:58

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Maemish 2023-11-05 16:07

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
This could actually have what you look for:

teroyk 2023-11-05 19:11

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Interesting..why I didn't find those pages before today..thanks Meamish.

It was easy:
start Micro-B
write address bar: about:config
search keyword.URL
choose it and press enter
write adrees bar:
press enter
restart Micro-B

Remember if you click results of Frogfind, they are translated to plain text only html. So if you want see original version of result page you have to cut off start of url.

Interesting thing that Micro-B still says Google search and logo, but these cosmetic thinks and it might hard to get out.

Maemish 2023-11-06 06:31

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Always use search engine outside the forum and add on the search maemo talk. Normally you find the right threads better.

sebar 2023-12-18 08:10

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Hey guys! I didn't want to open a new thread for this - or should I? I own several N900s that have been collecting dust for a while, but I always get back to them :). I've been failing to find certain commands, though! Where do you get for example



I've already tried installing coreutils or gnu-coreutils. I don't seem to have the corresponding repos installed. I also get this message:

Note, selecting busybox instead of coreutils
busybox is already the newest version.

dredlok706 2023-12-18 14:06

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
On all Maemo/MeeGo retail systems (i.e. not emulators, Scratchbox etc.) BusyBox replaces all core packages, to have more space. And BusyBox conflicts with their full versions.

One solution is to compile the needed things manually. They can go to /usr/local or even to custom directory (I use /opt/wunderw in my N9 packages). Then edit PATH in profile file, so your new directory is first.

sebar 2023-12-18 16:16

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Thanks for the info! I know I might be wrong here - but can you just point me towards a how-to...? Also - would I compile the tools separately or a whole package like coreutils?

dredlok706 2023-12-18 17:49

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
1 Attachment(s)
BTW just saw this. Looks like you don't need to compile :D

sebar 2023-12-18 20:00

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
Thanks, I'll try this out! In the meanwhile I found a quick workaround: Install Leste and then the package


sebar 2023-12-19 16:28

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1575820)
BTW just saw this. Looks like you don't need to compile :D

Huh... Back on Maemo 5: While this package is not listed on my device, I found that "nl" and "paste" are already present in /usr/bin/gnu - the shell just doesn't know that. For my application I still need "column" though, and "bsdmainutils" is not installable.

dredlok706 2023-12-19 19:45

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
I started playing with Scratchbox yesterday. I already compiled & packaged OpenSSL 1.1.1w (TLS 1.3) with full set of certificates for N900, along with OpenSSH 9.5p1. Tomorrow I will try my hands on Coreutils.

dredlok706 2023-12-20 15:36

Re: Using the N900 in 2023
1 Attachment(s)
Here you have compiled GNU Coreutils v8.9, OpenSSH 9.6p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w and full set of Mozilla CA Certificates.

Though, few small steps are needed: edit /etc/ as follows (insert /opt/wunderw/lib on first line), run ldconfig and use i.e. /opt/wunderw/bin/ssh. Or insert /opt/wunderw/bin to PATH.

However, column is included in util-linux, not in coreutils, so I will try to compile this one too.

sebar 2023-12-20 17:42

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1575826)
Here you have compiled GNU Coreutils v8.9, OpenSSH 9.6p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1w and full set of Mozilla CA Certificates.

Though, few small steps are needed: edit /etc/ as follows (insert /opt/wunderw/lib on first line), run ldconfig and use i.e. /opt/wunderw/bin/ssh. Or insert /opt/wunderw/bin to PATH.

However, column is included in util-linux, not in coreutils, so I will try to compile this one too.

Wow!! Does this mean that finally we can browse the interwebs again? regarding "column" - I found a way not to use it. So thanks a ton, but I personally am fine without it, as of now.

dredlok706 2023-12-20 18:11

Re: Using the N900 in 2023

Wow!! Does this mean that finally we can browse the interwebs again?
No, no :D
This is just plain OpenSSL, you can only use it to compile something new with it. I'm planning to compile Python 3.11.
New browser isn't possible, I think. Only through Browservice running on server / PC, or something on Leste (but slow).

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