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thomasdawes 2007-10-01 14:04

Nokia is buying Navteq
I am not sure how true this is, but the people over at Engadget are pretty good at getting good information before blogging. They are reporting that Nokia pruchased navteq a big mapping company.

I am not sure they will enhance the N800, but any new products would benefit from this incorporation.

Texrat 2007-10-01 14:43

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq
It was formally announced today.

This is a good fit. I like it. :)

Also, analysts are beating up NOK stock for it...

zerojay 2007-10-01 15:09

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by thomasdawes (Post 78812)
I am not sure how true this is, but the people over at Engadget are pretty good at getting good information before blogging. They are reporting that Nokia pruchased navteq a big mapping company.

I am not sure they will enhance the N800, but any new products would benefit from this incorporation.

They announced their intention to purchase the company. It's not bought yet as far as I know.

ScottRD 2007-10-01 15:17

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 78839)
They announced their intention to purchase the company. It's not bought yet as far as I know.

I guess this just depends on how technical you want to be. The acquisition has been approved by the board of directors of both companies and all that still needs to occur is the actual closing. My understanding is that this means it is essentially a "done deal"

Reggie 2007-10-01 16:19

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq
I like this move from Nokia. Garmin is one of the biggest clients of Navteq and in the US, Garmin navigation devices have the best maps. This would mean same Garmin-quality maps for Nokia devices.

Now can we infer that the next Internet Tablet will have built-in GPS and navigation? ;)

aflegg 2007-10-01 16:32

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 78858)
Now can we infer that the next Internet Tablet will have built-in GPS and navigation? ;)

I'd wager we can infer that as much as Nokia announcing the free availability of Nokia Maps for "all N-series devices" included the N800 :-/

Reggie 2007-10-01 16:57

Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Nokia announced today that it intends to acquire NAVTEQ for $8.1 billion. NAVTEQ is a leading provider of navigation maps commonly seen in mobile navigation devices from Garmin as well as on-board automobile navigation systems found in Audis, BMWs, Mercedes-Benzs, Jaguars, Prsches, and Volvos, to name a few. I like this move from Nokia. Garmin is one of the biggest clients of Navteq and at least in the US, Garmin navigation devices have the best maps. This would mean the same Garmin-quality compressed maps for Nokia devices. Can we infer that the next Internet Tablet will have a built-in GPS and navigation functionality? FYI, the Nokia N800 Navigation Kit uses maps from Navicore.
Read the full article.

Mara 2007-10-01 17:21

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by aflegg (Post 78861)
I'd wager we can infer that as much as Nokia announcing the free availability of Nokia Maps for "all N-series devices" included the N800 :-/

If that happens, I'm afraid what's going to happen Gnuite's great work on creating MaemoMapper? (Most likely Nokia Maps will not be made available for 770, thus that will still find good home for MaemoMapper...)

zerojay 2007-10-01 17:26

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ
I'm pretty sure that the lack of Nokia Maps on the N800 has more to do with not castrating Navicore than because they simply don't want to do it.

scbauer 2007-10-01 18:04

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 78868)
I'm pretty sure that the lack of Nokia Maps on the N800 has more to do with not castrating Navicore than because they simply don't want to do it.


konttori 2007-10-01 18:16

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ
Hey, why would gnuites work go to waste? It's a totally different thing from vector based mapping solution. And it's completely open. I'm really looking forward to seeing the 2.0 version soon.

SD69 2007-10-01 19:00

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 78858)
I like this move from Nokia. Garmin is one of the biggest clients of Navteq and in the US, Garmin navigation devices have the best maps. This would mean same Garmin-quality maps for Nokia devices.

Now can we infer that the next Internet Tablet will have built-in GPS and navigation? ;)

I actually prefer the maps from the Nokia navigation kit. Garmin maps look a bit cartoonish to me...

Ron G 2007-10-01 19:22

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 78865)

Navicore (a Nokia partner) purchases map data for the Middle East, South Africa, and Australia from NAVTEQ. However, Navicore purchases map data for Europe and North America from Tele Atlas. Hmmm...

Ron G

jzencovich 2007-10-01 19:24

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ
Google maps works fine for me via MaemoMapper. Of course I'd try out any other mapping software if it was free.

aflegg 2007-10-01 19:26

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 78868)
I'm pretty sure that the lack of Nokia Maps on the N800 has more to do with not castrating Navicore than because they simply don't want to do it.

But they're happy castrating Navicore's Symbian business? No, it's because they're separate platforms and "Nokia Maps" was just a rebranding of an existing Symbian product (which they acquired IIRC)

Porting it to Maemo would take some quantity of work, along with a top-to-bottom recognition of Maemo as a viable platform. No, they said "all N-series devices" because one part of a big multinational company forgot about the small corner doing the NITs.

zerojay 2007-10-01 20:05

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by aflegg (Post 78917)
No, they said "all N-series devices" because one part of a big multinational company forgot about the small corner doing the NITs.

That's entirely possible.

bergie 2007-10-01 20:30

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by jzencovich (Post 78916)
Google maps works fine for me via MaemoMapper. Of course I'd try out any other mapping software if it was free.

Only as long as Google lets you break their Terms of Service (and thus the copyright of the map owners like TeleAtlas) that way.

I'm really happy Maemo Mapper now uses OpenStreetMaps as the default map set. While OSM is missing in many places, countries like UK and Netherlands are already quite complete. And this is fully open data we can do interesting things with.

Things like downloading the raw data once and then rendering tiles locally, or calculating routes without internet connection...

jzencovich 2007-10-01 20:36

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by bergie (Post 78936)
Only as long as Google lets you break their Terms of Service (and thus the copyright of the map owners like TeleAtlas) that way.

I'm really happy Maemo Mapper now uses OpenStreetMaps as the default map set. While OSM is missing in many places, countries like UK and Netherlands are already quite complete. And this is fully open data we can do interesting things with.

Things like downloading the raw data once and then rendering tiles locally, or calculating routes without internet connection...

So are you saying I should reexamine Google Maps' ToS? :S

bergie 2007-10-01 20:52

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by jzencovich (Post 78938)
So are you saying I should reexamine Google Maps' ToS? :S

I'm pretty sure their ToS forbids this kind of use.

gnuite 2007-10-01 21:10

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ
Unless Nokia/Navteq releases software and map data that are both free and open (highly unlikely), Maemo Mapper will always useful. It's a fun hobby, after all, even if the code is growing unwieldy. :)

Mara 2007-10-01 21:38

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 78944)
Unless Nokia/Navteq releases software and map data that are both free and open (highly unlikely), Maemo Mapper will always useful. It's a fun hobby, after all, even if the code is growing unwieldy. :)

I'm sure there is room and future for MaemoMapper, but don't you feel like Nokia stole your idea? First they did not intend the 770 to be used as mapping device at all.... but once they noticed how popular the MaemoMapper is, they realized that this is very important app, if not one of the killer apps. Like the N800 you can purchase the (expensive) Navicore kit now.

What I'm wondering, when the new tablet is released with a rumored (cough!) GPS receiver and possible mapping software, will it become free or do we just get a free ripped down teaser version? Or possibly 30-day trial, such as Rhapsody? If I want to use all the routing features, do I have to purchase a license with x amount of money?

If a purchased license is needed for real use, then I can see MaemoMapper keeping its customer base. But what if it is completely free?

Maybe we should not speculate too much... :rolleyes:

I did some "homework" and let's say that please keep working on MaemoMapper, Gnuite.

Noneus 2007-10-02 00:03

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ
It will never be completly free. Making these maps is just to expensive. You buy software and maps and a gps receiver if the device doesn't contain one. Nokia does this on their mobilephones aswell. So why change it for the N800? They could perhaps make it free if they'd stuff the navigationsoftware full of ads.

Traecer 2007-10-02 06:25

Re: Nokia is buying Navteq

Originally Posted by ScottRD (Post 78841)
I guess this just depends on how technical you want to be. The acquisition has been approved by the board of directors of both companies and all that still needs to occur is the actual closing. My understanding is that this means it is essentially a "done deal"

Before the credit crunch, you'd be right (though shareholders normally would get a vote too, they rarely vote against such mergers). Now that UBS is narrowly avoiding bankruptcy and the other big banks and desperate to back of any deals with even the hint of problems, I still wouldn't call it a done deal. Wait and see how Nokia plans on paying for it.

Reggie 2007-10-02 14:00

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by Ron G (Post 78914)
Navicore (a Nokia partner) purchases map data for the Middle East, South Africa, and Australia from NAVTEQ. However, Navicore purchases map data for Europe and North America from Tele Atlas.

Thanks for the correction.

krisse 2007-10-03 00:51

Re: Nokia Aquires NAVTEQ

Originally Posted by Noneus (Post 78983)
It will never be completly free. Making these maps is just to expensive. You buy software and maps and a gps receiver if the device doesn't contain one. Nokia does this on their mobilephones aswell. So why change it for the N800? They could perhaps make it free if they'd stuff the navigationsoftware full of ads.

Nokia Maps (the main map client they have on their phones) is actually free to download and free to use for everything except route navigation. Charging for that is how the maps make their money.

It's not totally free, but definitely semi-free.

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