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promethh 2007-10-25 11:22

N810 Availability in North America
Does anyone have a date yet for when they expect to see their Nokia N810 Internet Tablet in North America?

I've been calling and emailing all of my contacts to get a date, but the only thing that anyone will commit to is "mid-November." I've asked multiple Nokia retailers how they are doing on pre-orders. As of Monday, most had sold more than half of their first batch (50 N810 per store?)

I asked my place on that list. Apparently, I'm "Number 23 out of 50" for one of those retailers. :D
  1. How many others have pre-ordered theirs in the US or Canada?
  2. When do you expect them to be in stock (besides "mid-November")?
  3. When you do expect to get yours?

I paid a premium to get my "Express, Overnight" as soon they're in stock. $474.94:
1 NOKN810 Nokia N810 NSERIES Internet Tablet $449.99
Sub Total: $449.99
Promo ( ): $0.00
Shipping: $24.95
Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $474.94
...I sold my Nokia N800 + 1GB SD + Bluetooth Stowaway Keyboard for $250, meaning I'm paying $225 to get it all back ("upgrade?") as a Nokia N810. :p

Sadavyk 2007-10-25 12:23

Re: N810 Availability in North America
Sorry dude you know as much as we do, Mid November
I see you’re new to nokia device as we all where once, And I only say this because I remember seeing some hot new device on a web site with Nokis's name printed on the front. I wanted it but, To only fine out it will be out some time, some where, In about 3 to 4 weeks or the mid 4th quarter something crazy like that, But I will say it seems like their getting better at least we know it’s next month thank god! I truly think Nokia needs a better marketing team…

penguinbait 2007-10-25 12:28

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by Sadavyk (Post 86854)
Sorry dude you know as much as we do, Mid November
I see you’re new to nokia device as we all where once, And I only say this because I remember seeing some hot new device on a web site with Nokis's name printed on the front. I wanted it but, To only fine out it will be out some time, some where, In about 3 to 4 weeks or the mid 4th quarter something crazy like that, But I will say it seems like their getting better at least we know it’s next month thank god! I truly think Nokia needs a better marketing team…

They need a better marketing, support, development. It seems to me the only thing they do really really well is make hardware. And this seems to be made in Korea as soon as they design it, if they are designing it?

frethop 2007-10-25 13:21

Re: N810 Availability in North America
Where are trustworthy preorders possible?

-- Mike

promethh 2007-10-25 13:30

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by frethop (Post 86872)
Where are trustworthy preorders possible?

-- Mike

In the United States, Amazon and MobileCityOnline both have orders in to begin selling the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet. Since Nokia hasn't yet given a date to retailers, companies such as Amazon are wary of advertising a product where the ETA is unknown. In the past, Amazon has allowed pre-orders where the ETA was unknown, I think it depends on the buyer (agent) at Amazon.

MobileCityOnline is a small retailer out of NYC, NY. I spoke with one of their managers on Monday, October 22nd. They have an order in with Nokia with 50 units (Model No: NOKN810, Nokia N810 Internet Tablet)
The only thing they were told was "mid-November". Nokia themselves aren't providing distributors with a fixed date. This doesn't make me comfortable about Nokia meeting their vague date or distribution amounts, but I'm comfortable with MobileCityOnline out of earlier business with them on SonyEricsson products.
47 Walker Street
New York, NY 10013
At MobileCityOnline, my pre-order is #23 out of 50.

promethh 2007-10-25 13:35

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by Sadavyk (Post 86854)
Sorry dude you know as much as we do, Mid November
I see you’re new to nokia device as we all where once, And I only say this because I remember seeing some hot new device on a web site with Nokis's name printed on the front. I wanted it but, To only fine out it will be out some time, some where, In about 3 to 4 weeks or the mid 4th quarter something crazy like that, But I will say it seems like their getting better at least we know it’s next month thank god! I truly think Nokia needs a better marketing team…

Ain't that the truth, Sadavyk? :confused: I've worked with Sony, HP, Danger, Garmin, and Dash in beta-testing and buying devices for my contracts. Sony, HP, and Garmin are usually the best at advertising their products and setting dates (even if those dates are later postponed due to issues or production). Danger, Dash, and Nokia seem to be the worst at advertising and setting dates.

Nokia surprises me. For a company that should be on par with Sony-Ericsson and Motorola, their competitors do a far better job at making their products known and setting distribution channels for those products.

pjscott 2007-11-13 23:31

Re: N810 Availability in North America
So I'm going to be in Los Angeles November 23-30 and would like to pick up one of these babies while I'm there... cuz afer that I come back to Canada and it's going to be a lot more expensive. The online sites are saying November 15, 23, or 30 for availability where they cite it. The first two dates would work with a FedEx order, but obviously not the last. Anyone got any better intel right now, or know of a retail outlet in SoCal where I could just pick one off the shelf?

Hedgecore 2007-11-14 00:29

Re: N810 Availability in North America
By "North America", you may as well just say the US... Canada didn't see the N800 or the 770 until they wanted to dump off their stock because the N810 was coming; and even then the N800 was like $450 (considering our dollar is $1.10 compared to the US, what gives?)

omegaone37 2007-11-14 00:38

Re: N810 Availability in North America
Didn't you hear?... the only place they will be available is in Botswana Africa.


peterjb31 2007-11-15 18:30

Re: N810 Availability in North America
One would assume soon as the new support site for the n810 came online yesterday at 8am according to the feed.

promethh 2007-11-15 18:51

Re: N810 Availability in North America
Wow... we're getting the N810 one small piece at a time? The "leaked" OS2008, a new layout for ITT, a support site for the N810? :) All of the appetizers have me salivating, but I'm still waiting for the main course. :D

pjscott 2007-11-19 18:31

Re: N810 Availability in North America
I was checking the availability status at vendors daily and just saw MobileCityOnline go to In Stock. I called them to ask whether this was a mistake, because they had been saying November 23 for a long time, and they said they got them in early, i.e., today. So naturally the second thing I did was to let y'all know ;)

Next day orders may not ship today, they're still putting them into inventory. Just so you know. Although there's only half an hour left to get an order into shipping today anyway.

promethh 2007-11-19 18:37

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by pjscott (Post 97255)
I was checking the availability status at vendors daily and just saw MobileCityOnline go to In Stock. I called them to ask whether this was a mistake, because they had been saying November 23 for a long time, and they said they got them in early, i.e., today. So naturally the second thing I did was to let y'all know ;)

Next day orders may not ship today, they're still putting them into inventory. Just so you know. Although there's only half an hour left to get an order into shipping today anyway.

I got an email at 11:16 AM (Eastern Standard Time) notifying me that the Nokia N810 was in-stock. Like you, I was told "we received the shipment of N810, we've begun unboxing the tablets, but we first need to inventory them and then begin filling pre-orders in the order they were received."

I called MobileCityOnline at 11:39 AM (EST) to ask about the status of my pre-order. Apparently I was the 23rd person to pre-order. He told me that he would try to get my order out this afternoon, but that it would likely go out tomorrow. I've been told to expect my Nokia N810 on Wednesday, November 21st or Friday, November 23rd.

Either way, it's exciting news! The Nokia N810 are now in stock, and we should begin seeing them very soon.

Hedgecore 2007-11-19 20:33

Re: N810 Availability in North America
Any word on Canada? All of the tablets I've seen up here are resale, and usually at a generous markup (to the reseller). The other issue is that I'm not keen on paying $479.99 plus 8% duty (Ontario sales tax). I could get a laptop for that much.

I might just have to wait out on yet another generation of NITs. At least we can all poke fun at the fogey still sporting his 770 a year from now.

krisse 2007-11-19 23:05

Re: N810 Availability in North America has them marked as "in stock":

Rocketman 2007-11-19 23:17

Re: N810 Availability in North America
No, Amazon does not have them in stock themselves. The link you are providing is fullfilled by a company called DataVision.

krisse 2007-11-19 23:47

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by Rocketman (Post 97384)
No, Amazon does not have them in stock themselves. The link you are providing is fullfilled by a company called DataVision.

Fair enough, but whoever fulfills them has them in stock though, and you can order them through Amazon. It's still the same product. :)

pjscott 2007-11-19 23:55

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by Hedgecore (Post 97312)
Any word on Canada? All of the tablets I've seen up here are resale, and usually at a generous markup (to the reseller). The other issue is that I'm not keen on paying $479.99 plus 8% duty (Ontario sales tax). I could get a laptop for that much.

I'm in Canada, but I'll be in the US anyway as it happens, and for more than a week so I won't have to pay any duty. (Great timing.) Try ordering direct from the US or getting someone in the US to order for you and send it up here. Vive la exchange rate.


Originally Posted by Hedgecore (Post 97312)
The other issue is that I'm not keen on paying $479.99 plus 8% duty (Ontario sales tax). I could get a laptop for that much.

You could get a desktop machine for that and it would be even less portable. Your point? Small is beautiful, and usually expensive.

krisse 2007-11-20 00:15

Re: N810 Availability in North America

Originally Posted by pjscott (Post 97413)
You could get a desktop machine for that and it would be even less portable. Your point? Small is beautiful, and usually expensive.

It's an interesting point. If you JUST want specs then your money is best spent on a desktop, but if you want a computer to be portable then you either have to drop the specs or raise the price.

The more portable a particular computer system is, the pricier it is because of it.

To put it another way: Cheap, Portable, High Spec - pick two.

Rocketman 2007-11-20 00:17

Re: N810 Availability in North America
It is the same product, but essentially the only role that Amazon has in the transaction is as a middleman matching a seller with a buyer. All support and fulfillment is done by the other company and Amazon is in no way responsible. Amazon imo opinion has perhaps the best order fulfillment and post sale support of any company I have dealt with, but a lot of their "channel partners" are real turkeys.

Hedgecore 2007-11-20 00:38

Re: N810 Availability in North America
pjscott: We have an office in Michigan and I work with a few of the people down there that'd have no problem with it. It's the fact that even with the exchange rate it's $450... I don't know if I could justify dropping that on another tablet just yet. I might just have to hang around here and chime in on 770 questions for another year or so.

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