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BruceL 2007-12-07 02:07

What are you waiting for on 2008?
I love the new OS. I hesitated to install it until more software was available but I did it anyhow. All the really critical items from 2007 are available, but there are a few I am still looking for.

Here is my list. What are you waiting for?

Scite Text editor. // I'm slowly working on this myself
Notecase. // I may switch to another note tool if I don't see it soon.
Support for my iPaq bluetooth keyboard. // Most bt keyboards work
A2DP support
Idea app launcher
the Tuner app
Grisbi financial software
Faint image editor

That isn't much considering my initial list.

F1shb0ne 2007-12-07 03:54

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
I've upgraded but am still awaiting mplayer to be back in business playing divx stuff well.

drk529 2007-12-07 03:59

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
i'm considering an upgrade, and i've made a list of programs i use. One thing i can't seem to find is nicotine or another comparable p2p app for os2008. am i wrong?

sungrove 2007-12-07 04:29

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
A fully functioning reliable Skype.

Khertan 2007-12-07 05:28

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
"am still awaiting mplayer"

It s already available in the extras-devel repository

cashel 2007-12-07 06:41

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
Evince is critical to me. I love that app.

geneven 2007-12-07 09:39

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
Notecase and Skype

The latter doesn't work at all for me. A lot of little apps that were fun on the N800 look like they won't make it on to the 2008 os. For example,

Maemo Stars
Pan (or something better, for newsgroups)
A good peer-to-peer sharing program. (yes, we have a torrent program, but it doesn't seem the same)
Eboard or Xboard (the main chess program isn't much use, if you ask me, and I'm a lifelong chess fanatic)

fmo 2007-12-07 10:01

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Dante024781 2007-12-07 11:14

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
SSH and Vnc. These are a must have for me. When I see them is when ill upgrade. Hopefully soon ;)

jukey 2007-12-07 11:30

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
- Eboard (Chess client)
- a Clock in Statusbar - as applet the clock is only a nice gimmick
- ssh server / vnc server
- a stable skype version

bunanson 2007-12-07 11:30

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by fmo (Post 105548)

I got Gnumeric working,, thread #30.

Videocenter, you can get by with RSS,


Khertan 2007-12-07 12:46

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

- ssh server / vnc server
Already available.

fmo 2007-12-07 12:50

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 105553)
I got Gnumeric working,, thread #30.

Videocenter, you can get by with RSS,


I found Gnumeric after I posted.
And for Videocenter, I want the app, I know that there is ways arround it, it pure lazyness, but thanks :)

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-07 12:58

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by Dante024781 (Post 105551)
SSH and Vnc. These are a must have for me. When I see them is when ill upgrade. Hopefully soon ;)


Originally Posted by jukey (Post 105552)
- Eboard (Chess client)
- a Clock in Statusbar - as applet the clock is only a nice gimmick
- ssh server / vnc server

As Khertan mentioned, the VNC server from Bora works just fine and the client has already been ported. The SSH server/client were available from day one.

There are a couple options for status-bar applet clocks right now, probably the best is the osso-statusbar-cpu, which is available for OS2008 right now.

yerga 2007-12-07 13:12

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by drk529 (Post 105492)
i'm considering an upgrade, and i've made a list of programs i use. One thing i can't seem to find is nicotine or another comparable p2p app for os2008. am i wrong?

I will upload Nicotine to extras-devel repository. In 1h aprox. it will be available.
With the 400Mhz it seems work a bit better in searching, but it's slow yet.

ScottRD 2007-12-07 13:21

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by Dante024781 (Post 105551)
SSH and Vnc. These are a must have for me. When I see them is when ill upgrade. Hopefully soon ;)

SSH is available in maemo extras repository
VNC is at:


Karel Jansens 2007-12-07 14:02

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

keithlm 2007-12-07 15:17

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
I need Wayfinder to allow authentication of the Navkit serial numbers.

As soon as they start... I can load and use OS2008.

Otherwise I have to stay OS2007... I need the routing stuff in the GPS software.

The OS2008 software without the navigation is kind of useless. You can see where you are. Woopdi doo.

biquillo 2007-12-07 15:37

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
- Japanese support (CJK), yesterday I checked the status and looks promising
- gjiten (japanese dictionary)
- granule (flash cards)
- evince (is a much better PDF reader than the default one)

Alvin 2007-12-07 16:19

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
I would like the brightness levels the same as they were in OS2007.
maybe the N810 goes lower with the sensor, but the N800 needs one more lower setting.

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-07 16:42

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 105638)
I would like the brightness levels the same as they were in OS2007.
maybe the N810 goes lower with the sensor, but the N800 needs one more lower setting.

There's a thread around discussing this. Fanoush has a patched kernel available that you can set the lower settings on (lower, even, than OS2007!).

Alvin 2007-12-07 17:11

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 105646)
There's a thread around discussing this. Fanoush has a patched kernel available that you can set the lower settings on (lower, even, than OS2007!).

I saw that. But I don't believe I am brave enough to patch a kernel. Am using FBReader with a black background and dark gray text for night time reading. So not a big deal.

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-07 17:18

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 105659)
I saw that. But I don't believe I am brave enough to patch a kernel. Am using FBReader with a black background and dark gray text for night time reading. So not a big deal.

You don't have to patch anything. Just download his kernel and flash it. It's almost as easy as normal flashing. :)

schroncd 2007-12-07 17:23

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
I'm waiting for the word "beta" to disappear from the title.. I can wait a bit longer..

Alvin 2007-12-07 17:52

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 105663)
You don't have to patch anything. Just download his kernel and flash it. It's almost as easy as normal flashing. :)

hmm. I didn't realize that was possible. Thanks - I might give it a try. This will also be a chance to see how the new backup and restore works!

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-07 17:56

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 105680)
hmm. I didn't realize that was possible. Thanks - I might give it a try. This will also be a chance to see how the new backup and restore works!

Flashing the kernel is independent from the rootfs, so it's not going to wipe your settings. :)

RobMtl007 2007-12-07 18:02

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

I'm really looking forward for:

Flash capabilities for the webcam
Bluetooth HardDrive 20gigs.
Camera Apps that can record video

Regards Robert

salomc 2007-12-07 20:37

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
Abiword, please...
Any Isilo reader
Canola 2 :D

crawdad 2007-12-07 21:00

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
1 - Leafpad... because Maemopad doesn't wrap, Notes utility has been crashing (internal application error) and mangling/truncating/losing "formatted text" files, and PyGTK doesn't allow font choosing.

My eyes are really bad, so I need a simple text editor with selectable font.
Leafpad worked great for me on my 770, but won't install on the 810.

2 - sDict viewer (or ANY good German-English looker-upper!)

Traecer 2007-12-07 22:25

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
1) fix so you can type passwords on the full-screen keyboard. That was the most visible problem to me when I tested the system itself
2) general availability of apps. Most of the apps I use have been ported, but it's early yet. I admit I'll really miss Video Center; it was nice to be able to just click and download videos (and I rather liked Textra).
3) Removal of "beta" from the system. I'm really liking the N800 and though I'll test beta apps, I'm depending on it so much I'm loathe to put an untested system on it permanently.

ehe12 2007-12-08 01:00

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
installed pidgin in 2008, but it doesn't work properly! always takes over 250% memory and then stop reponding...

yerga 2007-12-08 04:37

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
I want Modest as default email client SOON.

cybergypsy 2007-12-08 12:06

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
A working Google IMAP mail client please.

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-08 12:27

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by cybergypsy (Post 105997)
A working Google IMAP mail client please.

It's called Modest, and it's coming very soon now.

pboyington 2007-12-08 12:49

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 105999)
It's called Modest, and it's coming very soon now.

Claws Mail does the job for me on all of my IMAP accounts, including Google, just fine... What is it about 'Modest' that is so special?

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-08 12:51

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by pboyington (Post 106000)
Claws Mail does the job for me on all of my IMAP accounts, including Google, just fine... What is it about 'Modest' that is so special?

It's going to replace the built-in client, and it's freaking amazing (and fast). :)

pboyington 2007-12-08 13:04

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 106001)
It's going to replace the built-in client, and it's freaking amazing (and fast). :)

Yes, I see what is causing all the fuss now. I did some searching within the forums and found some information...

The interface seems cleaner and easier to navigate without having to whip out the stylus constantly. (My only complaint regarding Claws Mail).

Luckily, I now have my used everyday 'production' N810 that I am reasonably "careful" with, and a "now to be used/played with, with abandon 'test' " N800... I will have to install the current build see for myself..


Tony Thomas 2007-12-17 06:27

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
abiword, evince and rapier.

iamthewalrus 2007-12-17 12:58

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?

Originally Posted by BruceL (Post 105471)

It has just been added to the os2008 Maemo dowloads. The pdf annotation works great. Combined with the cupspdf package on my ubuntu laptop I can print a page from Firefox to a pdf file with the text reflown to A5, and then annotate it.

Instead of more half-baked ports I'd rather see in os2008:

- integration of the existing apps
- usability of the gui taken to iphone level
- out-of-the box synch possibilities

zman 2007-12-18 02:38

Re: What are you waiting for on 2008?
free42 calculator

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