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zerojay 2007-12-11 21:02

First Beta of Modest E-mail Client Released
The first public beta of the Modest E-mail client has been released today. You can find it at

Remember, it's a beta and it probably does not actually replace the built-in e-mail client yet as it will when it will be finished.


Rebski 2007-12-11 21:42

Re: First Beta of Modest E-mail Client Released
Thanks for this. It is good to see the option of Removable Memory Card. It always seemed daft to have email stored in system memory.

Presently I have to manually move the mails to the Inbox/Sent folder on the Card, maybe in time there can be a Settings option to make this an automatic process, do you think?

Reggie 2007-12-11 22:04

Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Rumored to be the app that will replace the out-of-the-box internet tablet email application, Modest for OS2008 is now out in beta.Modest is a small e-mail program targeting hardware with modest resources, such as low-end PCs and Nokia N800/N810 internet tablets. Modest uses the Tinymail e-mail framework.Modest supports multiple email accounts using POP/IMAP/SMTP and works far better than the current buggy email app. It currently cannot be set as the default email client and menus are only in English as of the moment. Read Jonathan Greene's thoughts on Modest over at MaemoApps. Visit Modest's official dev page.
Read the full article.

aflegg 2007-12-11 22:23

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Can anyone say whether it fixes the broken quoting of the built-in app?

mobiledivide 2007-12-11 22:37

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I've been using this application for a couple of weeks with gmail imap and it really works quite well. A few issues I have had are failure to startup when clicking a notification of new email where I had to 'kill' modest and then restart it but thats about it. This email program is probably my biggest reason to buy a N810 instead of an E61 or some other full qwerty device for business use.

jer006 2007-12-11 22:40

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Will modest ever be available on OS2007 - it looks great but i have a 770 running OS2007HE?

andymulhearn 2007-12-11 22:50

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by jer006 (Post 107394)
Will modest ever be available on OS2007 - it looks great but i have a 770 running OS2007HE?

I'll second that question.

zerojay 2007-12-11 23:15

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
No, I think you'll have to hope for OS2008HE for that.

jmk 2007-12-11 23:22

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Aargh Modest beta is really buggy, almost unusable.

hns 2007-12-11 23:51

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Great news! I'm just afraid my email accounts have grown to fat to be handled by any tablet email client, with Modest choking on folders with tens of thousands of messages.

I guess this means back to Gmail plain html view. It's really funny how HTTP seems to be the better IMAP. :)

sevo 2007-12-12 00:26

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Looks good, and is responsive. But it seems to lack folder subscription management - without that, it won't replace claws in any corporate setting, as there is no access to shared or public folders.

YoDude 2007-12-12 00:55

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
How does it notify you of new mail?

One of the features of the built in e-mail client that I'm digging is the LED blink and bringing the program to the app bar when new mail arrives. It will then show individual header info when the icon is selected. (3 new mails, 3 new blocks that can be selected or tapped off)

I'm getting used to the thing on my desktop or just charging in the family room... It has a purpose other than displaying the time. :D

Does Modest offer this feature?

wetcoast 2007-12-12 00:56

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Modest is a significant step forward... better use of display space, and I am guessing and have to check server logs but also better imap support. Great stuff!

wetcoast 2007-12-12 01:07

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
bug; reply to mailing list (yahoo.groups) pulls in msg sender not maillist as it should by default.

long time mutt usr here.

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-12 01:07

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 107466)
Does Modest offer this feature?

Yes. It's slated to replace the built-in client, so it will end up just dropping straight in.

mobiledivide 2007-12-12 01:15

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 107466)
How does it notify you of new mail?

One of the features of the built in e-mail client that I'm digging is the LED blink and bringing the program to the app bar when new mail arrives. It will then show individual header info when the icon is selected. (3 new mails, 3 new blocks that can be selected or tapped off)

I'm getting used to the thing on my desktop or just charging in the family room... It has a purpose other than displaying the time. :D

Does Modest offer this feature?

The LED does blink when you get new emails. When you click on the message to open though its a bit hit and miss, sometimes it opens sometimes it doesn't.

xPAKxMaster 2007-12-12 01:35

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Nokia reported back to me and said that if the developers keep up this good pace they will release the non beta official os2008 for the n800 by the end of December... i hope so, can't wait

wetcoast 2007-12-12 03:36

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
bug; reply all only includes sender

iball 2007-12-12 05:11

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by xPAKxMaster (Post 107479)
Nokia reported back to me and said that if the developers keep up this good pace they will release the non beta official os2008 for the n800 by the end of December... i hope so, can't wait

Don't count on it, what with the Christmas season and all. There will be a lot of "time off" for those employees between now and December 31st.

geneven 2007-12-12 05:40

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I have an unusual problem with Yahoo Mail.

For compatibility with an ancient mail provider.called rocketmail, when I log into Yahoo Mail, my user name is geneven.rm

Modest doesn't seem to know how to handle the .rm.

I have a non.rm account with Yahoo as well, and it seems to work fine.

seiichiro0185 2007-12-12 05:45

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Well, modest looks really promising, and can handle my IMAP-Folders with >1000 Mails without problem. But there is one (for me) really important Feature missing (or did I just not find it??) : Thread View. Using Mailing-Lists without Thread View is just painfull :D. So for the Moment I will continue to use claws, but I will keep an eye on the modest developement.


mrcrispin 2007-12-12 06:19

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

I'm just afraid my email accounts have grown to fat to be handled by any tablet email client, with Modest choking on folders with tens of thousands of messages.
UW Alpine works on N800 and handles a 55,000 message mailbox quite well.

Eismaus 2007-12-12 11:01

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Ok, installed it, set up my google account, which works at first try (thanks for that)
Download of my mails was fast and they were shown correctly.
Even better, modest actualy shoed all subfolders(labels) i had in my gmail account.

Problem now:
Normaly i archive an mail after i read it, so i only have new or realy importand mails in my inbox. How, do i do this with modest?

And, is there way to thread the emails? Its a function i realy miss.


fnordianslip 2007-12-12 11:10

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I second the opinion that a threaded view would be great. I'd also like to see a more finger friendly way of switching between the inboxes of different accounts, and would like to suggest that when the far right icon on the toolbar is held and a specific account is selected, that modest switches to that account in the display. Selecting all would not change the displayed account. Does anyone like that idea?

Other than that, it seems to be working fine for me with two secure IMAP accounts, on and, although I've only pulled the top 20 from each, and will not try and access the full history of each account on the device as others seem to need to.

yerga 2007-12-12 13:40

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Please, bug reports to
Product: Communication
Component: Modest

So Modest will be better.

Alvin 2007-12-12 14:15

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
it looks promising

but it also looks like they have no QA department looking at this before releasing this beta. pity

sparkytt 2007-12-12 14:15

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Excellent all seems to work well but cannot see images in html messages on gmail imap, just a box with red cross.

any ideas?

Alvin 2007-12-12 16:38

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Anyone know if there is any way to delete emails from the server?

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-12 17:05

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 107684)
but it also looks like they have no QA department looking at this before releasing this beta. pity

It's a beta, of course it's going to be rough around the edges. This isn't google the google definition of "beta", either. :rolleyes:

Man, it's incredible that Nokia can manage to please anybody. Either they're screaming for more open testing processes, or they're *****ing about how buggy these releases are when they get them. If you have a specific problem, go file a bug on bugzilla and help make the developer improve it before the final release. Snarky, rude comments like the one above don't help anybody.

Greyghost 2007-12-12 17:12

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Well, I've just loaded Modest up for a try and it seems to have many of the same erm... 'features' as the previous app. FYI, here's what I've found:

First, After setting up the account, it download about 475 messages, all archived in Gmail, but this is of course nowhere close to the actual number of archived messages I have on Google's server.

Now, when I click 'refresh' I get two or three more archived messages each time, but so far (twenty minutes) it hasn't downloaded the test message I sent immediately...

Finally, deleting the downloaded headers, in spite of what the pop-up windows says, does not delete them from the server (which is good, because that's where I want to store them, not on my N810).

As I write this, it occurs to me, though, since it loaded up as the native app, how can I be sure I'm actually running Modest? There didn't seem to be an 'about' section....

Edit: I just check the application manager and it show it as installed, so perhaps it is indeed running...

Alvin 2007-12-12 17:16

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
hmm. I don't think I was snarky! Maybe it came out that way! But I think my comment is true. All/most software developped needs some QA and ones that don't are pretty obvious.

I know its a beta. And as I said it does look very promising.

Anyway, I have started to list some bugs I am going to post on bugzilla. Currently there are zero bugs reported for modest so we should all start adding some...

emory 2007-12-12 17:16

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
This is wicked. I am so happy that, for the first time, I have a touch-able mail client on my tablet that can do IMAP folders.

Claws just wasn't even a real contender.

I wish Modest could be made the default, what is the level-of-effort required?

emory 2007-12-12 17:25

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
I wonder if Modest will support s/mime in the future? It doesn't appear to have a setting for it now, and sometimes I need to sign/encrypt email.

kanzlr 2007-12-12 17:38

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
i've read that modest does NOT replace the built in up just yet, you have to start it yourself, so maybe you use the built in app instead of modest? :)


Originally Posted by Greyghost (Post 107774)
Well, I've just loaded Modest up for a try and it seems to have many of the same erm... 'features' as the previous app. FYI, here's what I've found:

First, After setting up the account, it download about 475 messages, all archived in Gmail, but this is of course nowhere close to the actual number of archived messages I have on Google's server.

Now, when I click 'refresh' I get two or three more archived messages each time, but so far (twenty minutes) it hasn't downloaded the test message I sent immediately...

Finally, deleting the downloaded headers, in spite of what the pop-up windows says, does not delete them from the server (which is good, because that's where I want to store them, not on my N810).

As I write this, it occurs to me, though, since it loaded up as the native app, how can I be sure I'm actually running Modest? There didn't seem to be an 'about' section....

Edit: I just check the application manager and it show it as installed, so perhaps it is indeed running...

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-12 17:41

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 107778)
All/most software developped needs some QA and ones that don't are pretty obvious.


Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 107778)
I know its a beta. And as I said it does look very promising.

Do you really? Because if you actually knew it was a beta, you wouldn't be complaining about QA. Beta generally implies that there hasn't been QA, and that the software is not up to final quality. If you want final QA quality, wait for the final release. For now, complaining about the lack of QA is both unhelpful and inappropriate for a product in this release stage.


Originally Posted by emory (Post 107779)
I wish Modest could be made the default, what is the level-of-effort required?

Zero, once it reaches final release. :)

yerga 2007-12-12 17:48

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by Alvin (Post 107778)
hmm. I don't think I was snarky! Maybe it came out that way! But I think my comment is true. All/most software developped needs some QA and ones that don't are pretty obvious.

I have used Modest from aprox. one month ago (they had the repository active since before), and believe me they have deleted many bugs in this time. The problem they aren't a team with many people and always some bugs have to escape.

If had QA, possibly Modest beta would have gone out in more time.

In addition I think this release isn't "official" for Nokia. Well it's paid by Nokia (yes, Nokia sometimes helps to the free software :) ), but when Modest is the default client (and not beta) we will see the QA work.


Moonshine 2007-12-12 17:51

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
IMAP folder support is nice to have (finally!), but I don't see Modest replacing Claws for me any time soon.

One (forced) large finger sized scroll bar and double lined message listings certain don't make the whole app finger friendly. It would still need to address folder selection, scrolling the folder list, accessing menu items, etc...

I'm really not a fan of trying to make apps finger friendly *if* it only addresses random portions of the app and *forces* stylus users to just live with the wasted finger sized spacing.

The only thing that scares me about OS2008 is that Nokia seems to be heading down that path. IMO we made a big jump backwards with things like the forced finger sized launcher menus. If anything is should be a preference setting (assuming autodetection wasn't working for people, it worked for me :( ).

prk60091 2007-12-12 17:51

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
aside from some unexpected exits - this BETA works reasonably well on my n810 and imap implementation of gmail (with about 12000+ emails)
(i will file a bug report as soon as i can reproduce the crash)

yerga 2007-12-12 17:52

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out
Modest can handle "mailto:" links in the browser.
As root: gconftool-2 --set /apps/modest/is_default --type Boolean 1

Well, it works for me, a week ago.

Greyghost 2007-12-12 17:53

Re: Modest Beta for OS2008 Now Out

Originally Posted by kanzlr (Post 107794)
i've read that modest does NOT replace the built in up just yet, you have to start it yourself, so maybe you use the built in app instead of modest? :)

Thanks Kanzlr for prompting me to look again! Indeed, I had two icons for email in my extras folder and simply picked the wrong one. I just got Modest running and it is now in the process of downloading howevermany hundreds (maybe thousands) of headers...:)

I'll just let it run for a while and see what happens. Right off the bat, though, I noticed that the header display is much better...

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