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Reggie 2007-12-20 14:30

Canola2 Now Out!

The iNdT team must have been actually waiting for the OS2008 update before releasing Canola2 Beta. The Canola official site is now updated with lots of new information about Canola2 Beta, videos, feedback form, and of course the install page. Note however that's server is being hammered right now and it might take a while for everyone to download and install Canola (9.32 MB). Eduardo Oliveira (aka handful) has identified some features that are not working and some that needs polishing. It would be great if we can send them what ever bugs we find through the Canola2 Official Feedback page or through the itT Canola2 Beta Discussion Thread. Links: Install Canola2. Official Canola Website.
Read the full article.

pablo 2007-12-20 14:41

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Has anyone actually been able to install this? I am running OS2008 Final on an N810 and when I go through their 4 steps application manager tells me it can't find package Canola 2. Sure enough is not in the list of available packages. It appears to be a problem with the maemo repository. Is anyone else having problems with it? If so I got to say what a crappy time for it to go down heh

anidel 2007-12-20 14:48

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
The maemo org repositories are down:

"The service is temporarily unavailable. We are very sorry for the inconvinience it may cause."

We just need to wait until they fix it.

MikeL 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Also read recent comments in this thread, started by Reggie

efb 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I was able to install it on N800/OS2008. The UI is nice and completely stylus-free. It is showing no audio or video files though. I am still tearing my hair apart to find out what's wrong with it. It is showing all the albums from the settings panel but not from My Music.

There are no radio stations/Internet podcast sources/photo stream added by default. I haven't manually added and tested it yet.

I don't see a Canola 2 applet installed like in the previous versions.

waddell 2007-12-20 14:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by pablo (Post 111982)
Has anyone actually been able to install this? I am running OS2008 Final on an N810 and when I go through their 4 steps application manager tells me it can't find package Canola 2. Sure enough is not in the list of available packages. It appears to be a problem with the maemo repository. Is anyone else having problems with it? If so I got to say what a crappy time for it to go down heh

yes, I am experiencing problems too. When I finally get canola to download
I only get a partial or corrupted file.

Reggie 2007-12-20 14:54

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by waddell (Post 111993)
yes, I am experiencing problems too. When I finally get canola to download
I only get a partial or corrupted file.

Same. I assume that I'm missing some required libraries. I will reinstall when goes back on line.

Dopehead.NL 2007-12-20 14:56

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
some please mirror the .deb file.

Jonnycat26 2007-12-20 14:59

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Does anyone know if this version of Canola has it's own crawler like the old version did? And does it still require you to change settings thru a web interface?

If so... meh..

handful 2007-12-20 15:01

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
The repositories are really suffering (actually before canola) so hold on people =) We hope the servers get healthy soon =)

For those who installed : please make sure you go to settings and watch the folders of you media. We didn't do that for the users to avoid problems (a folder with 2000 maps) can be damn slow to load.


handful 2007-12-20 15:03

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
JonnyCat : Canola now has an opensource Crawler. We realized that the scanner was the source of our worst problems so we opensourced a new and much more improved version of it. So you can go to garage (light media scanner ) and dig the source.

Also: no more webinterface. Please take a look in the website screenshots in the main pages.


Sorry for the servers is actually our of our control, and we need to keep it there (it's a lot of debians) to avoid dependencie problems. Sorry for that, but it will be better in the end.

Jonnycat26 2007-12-20 17:48

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by handful (Post 112005)
JonnyCat : Canola now has an opensource Crawler. We realized that the scanner was the source of our worst problems so we opensourced a new and much more improved version of it. So you can go to garage (light media scanner ) and dig the source.

Out of curiosity, why don't you use the crawler that's on the system, or give us an option to disable the system crawler in favor of your crawler?

Moonshine 2007-12-20 18:07

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Very impressive! Will the final release get a nice "Chinook" sized application icon? ;) That's the first thing I see missing. (I know it's picky.. hehe..) )

Milhouse 2007-12-20 18:20

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by Moonshine (Post 112165)
Very impressive! Will the final release get a nice "Chinook" sized application icon? ;) That's the first thing I see missing. (I know it's picky.. hehe..) )

Make sure you haven't hit bug #2568. :)

Moonshine 2007-12-20 18:45

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 112180)
Make sure you haven't hit bug #2568. :)

Ouch. :eek: Rebooting didn't fix it for me though. :confused:

Dopehead.NL 2007-12-20 19:51

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Fix the damn repos already !

crackhead 2007-12-20 22:05

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
What is this, 1997? How is it possible that servers could be tanked for so long? I can't imagine that the traffic is that huge...there just aren't that many tablets out there, and even fewer die-hards like us who are eager to update to the latest and greatest.

If I were Nokia, I'd be livid...they're looking like a two-bit hardware vendor. It's as if the repositories are being hosted on some dude's basement linux box over ISDN. The server admins should be fired.

samgonzales 2007-12-21 01:27

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by crackhead (Post 112390)
What is this, 1997? How is it possible that servers could be tanked for so long? I can't imagine that the traffic is that huge...there just aren't that many tablets out there, and even fewer die-hards like us who are eager to update to the latest and greatest.

If I were Nokia, I'd be livid...they're looking like a two-bit hardware vendor. It's as if the repositories are being hosted on some dude's basement linux box over ISDN. The server admins should be fired.

LOL..crackhead cracks me up...but no kidding its 07 not 97... im gettin the file corrupted message!:eek:

khalid 2007-12-21 02:04

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Every time a new version of ubuntu comes out, ubuntu repositories are immediately hammered by many many times more people than coulb be hitting maemo repos. This is really inexcusable.

wetcoast 2007-12-21 02:12

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Much has been said about the repo issues; despite having joked that the repos are probably hosted on a refurbished N800 using stolen 802.11b bandwidth from an aging neighbour, I'm more interested in hearing from Nokia than griping at them. We can assume that Nokia actually did some planning for this. Read the threads; they are using a global content delivery service which *should* have been transparent and eased the pain. Where Nokia likely fell down is either not testing it thoroughly (I've seen random problems from my corner of the world for weeks) or not sizing their contract, or, perhaps its the content provider (Akamai).

Its pointless to guess any further or gripe; we can be assured that Nokia is already feeling some pain and is taking steps. Regardless, the trail of comments left for the whims of future internet searches via Google and the like will bring this issue up time and again, so hopefully Nokia has a positive resolution in the works which will avoid this issue from revisiting us in the future.

Rehashing just to vent is pointless.

Jonnycat26 2007-12-21 02:19

Re: Canola2 Now Out!

Originally Posted by wetcoast (Post 112585)
We can assume that Nokia actually did some planning for this.


"Nokia actually did some planning". How adorable.

This is the company that's released firmware that's bricked phones, and for years released fantastic smartphones without enough RAM to really use them.

Nokia doesn't really plan things... they just do them then fix the screwups later.

crackhead 2007-12-21 02:23

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
While I would like to think Nokia is doing whatever they can to rectify the situation, they have neither acknowledged the problem publicly, nor have they actually resolved the issue even after so many days. Bandwidth and server performance are among the easiest issues to fix in this day and age of cheap computing and bandwidth. Their utter silence on the matter is only telling of their obvious lack of emphasis on the N Series tablets, regardless of their marketing spew.

This is the first I've heard of Nokia using Akamai for content distribution. I'm not disputing whether this is the case, but if it's true then I don't know what the hell could be wrong. Akamai is certainly capable of maintaining better performance than this. They handle iTunes, for chrissakes.

jackass124 2007-12-21 04:50

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
anyone else notice that the .mp4 video files created by Nokia's video converter app do NOT play in Canola??....I guess Canola uses Mplayer for videos...

any ideas?

billybarty 2007-12-21 09:15

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Can someone please seed a torrent w/ uncorupted install file? Good karma would surely follow! Thanks.

sachin007 2007-12-21 13:07

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Thanks to wolf for hosting canola.

COming to canola.... It looks really great and works very fast. here are somthings i could not get working,

I tried to add an internet radio stream and the circle with acquring name goes on rotating but nothing happens. But when i put in a wrong url it immediatly says that the url is wrong. Is the radio supposed to work or is it still a work in progress. And how do i use my already downloaded album covers??

The xvid files playing on mplayer are stuttering compared to when they are played only with mplayer. I think we are pusing the limits of the machine here.

Anyway thanks for the wonderful app and hope to see many more improvements.

WFT 2007-12-21 16:01

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I have the latest OS (updated this morning). I went through all the steps for Canola 2 and all was well until I get to the download of the actual file (around 6.1 MB I think). It just sits there and never downloads it (yes I am connected to the internet). I tried doing it from the online site and also from the application manager ("AM"). Neither will work even though it shows under the AM that it is installable. I have tried it every way I can think but it just will not install.

astuermer 2007-12-21 16:35

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
For me Canola2 shows up... but isn't able to install. At about 75 percent the program manager tells me "Setup file corrupt"

dgenge 2007-12-21 16:40

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I am having same problem.. It seems everyone is saying its because the server is overloaded.. Hell! I want my Canola... whaaaa whaaaa... :-)

WFT 2007-12-21 16:40

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I tried it a few times and I think I also got that message once. I would like to try it out as it sure looks nice. I wish these things were easier to figure out and install.

giuliastro 2007-12-21 16:47

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I doubt it's a traffic problem, since we all get a file which is corrupted.

astuermer 2007-12-21 16:48

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Anyway - it looks nice ;) Just have to wait...

WFT 2007-12-21 16:49

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
maybe the file had a rough childhood and turned out corrupted....

conum 2007-12-21 16:50

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Me too. I deleted all repos on my N810, after having flashed a new os2008, went to canola-site, loaded base repo / install canola2 -> "setup file corrupt" (bandwidth is better now, 9.3MB in about 20 secs).

mplawner 2007-12-21 16:57

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I don't believe this is a bandwidth issue. The error is consistency from apt-get install canola2:

Invalid magic
Err chinook/non-free Packages
Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)

Reggie 2007-12-21 17:01

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Here's an alternative way to install Canola. Try looking at post #263 of this thread:

If you are new to the Internet Tablet, skip through several pages and follow the instructions at post #297

anderbr 2007-12-21 17:04

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Now if only mplayer worked ( well ) in OS2008.....

mplawner 2007-12-21 17:12

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I think the invalid magic problem has been resolved. Now I'm downloading all, but getting:
Failed to fetch Size mismatch

i think we're almost there...

WFT 2007-12-21 17:18

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
a step in the right direction. I think the manual install methods that Reggie was kind enough to point out are beyond my expertise level. :D I will need to wait for the "easy" method to get corrected.

munkey 2007-12-21 17:26

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I downloaded it and tried it:
  • Looks pretty
  • Nice way to view photos
  • Only crashed once
  • No album art
  • No WMA support
  • Movies take way too long to load and start playing
  • No album art
  • Need to add Video podcasts to the Audio section!
  • No way to add/view video podcasts?
  • No way to stop it searching for something?
  • Album covers has no album art! Did I mention this? Why on earth demo an album art feature if this is not a feature!? Why not demo it and say it is not included in this beta even?
  • Nice Settings

I guess I will uninstall it and wait for the next release in January/February.

Reggie 2007-12-21 17:30

Re: Canola2 Now Out!
I heard that if you install mplayer, Canola will use it by default and should play a lot more formats.

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