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scurrie 2007-12-30 20:04

GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
OK, I've searched the forums and I find bits and pieces of the puzzle, but I still can't figure out what all I need to make this work. Can someone who has this working under OS2008 please post the steps?


Tahitibob 2007-12-30 20:16

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

DJames1 2007-12-30 21:54

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
There you go, easy as 1-2-3

4-5-6-7-8-9 ..... 112-113-114....

(as usual!)

But at least there's some fairly explicit instructions and some illustrations, thanks Tahitibob :)

cbarnett 2008-01-05 13:40

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Erminig is fine, but the new GPE calendar appears to do some Google sync by itself. Now... Just try and find some documentation for the current GPE calendar.

timkawa 2008-01-05 13:56

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I have used it for a short time... it was a desaster: appointments were duplicated or lost... I have uninstalled it. Therefore you should backup your calendar before syncing it.



Rebski 2008-01-05 16:57

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

the new GPE calendar appears to do some Google sync by itself
Would you mind posting this information when you find it?


it was a desaster: appointments were duplicated or lost
I have had this experience too but it was down to my own lack of familiarity and understanding rather than a failure of Erminig. On a point of usage, I edit the calendar on the N800 only and use Google as a backup and permanent storage so my updating is a one-way process. I am sure that it can be a two-way but that was when I got into a knot.

I have just synched the Calendar information on the N800 with Google and it went a dream.


you should backup your calendar before syncing it.
The N800 Backup utility does this and stores the GPE information in its backup file under /documents
If you want to copy the files manually they are located in

I understand that in Linux a folder name preceded by a dot denotes that the folder is hidden. So far I am unable to find a File Manager for the N800 that can display hidden folders. Any suggestions please?

cbarnett 2008-01-05 17:28

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Not sure you can get to hidden folders with the graphical file managers, but Midnight Commander (mc) on the terminal interface will do it. I suspect that when we get to discussions of hidden folders under Linux, we're talking about command line stuff. Being a *nix sysadmin, this never occurred to me. I would just jump in the terminal app, and do what I want directly.

Note: Under OS2008's repositories, I do not see Midnight Commander. I did install it from a repository last time, so it's entirely possible you can go to Maemo's Web pages, and the OS2007 version will install, and work.

Rebski 2008-01-05 17:41

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Not sure you can get to hidden folders with the graphical file managers,
It was a feature of GPE File Manager under Os2007 but it is no longer there in the Os2008 version.

There are 2 current threads on the subject of File managers

I had hopes that emilFM2 would do this but it has eluded me so far.
Canoe is another possibility but that too seems to have fallen by the wayside with the arrival of Os2008.

Presently I use Backup/Restore to SD and then extract the files from the SD card in Vista.

Note to self: Learn Linux command line.

cbarnett 2008-01-05 17:43

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Here is the Maemo page of Graham Cobb. He recompiles the GPE stuff for Maemo, and it's his repository we use. Of interest on this page are the two backup scripts under the Open Sync section that back up the GPE stuff to a cell phone using Bluetooth.

I'm going to ask Graham if he knows where the updated docs are for the calendar.

Greyghost 2008-01-05 18:27

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by timkawa (Post 121339)
I have used it for a short time... it was a desaster: appointments were duplicated or lost... I have uninstalled it. Therefore you should backup your calendar before syncing it.



Hey Tim, it's not clear to me from your post what 'it' was that caused the disaster. Was it Erming? Or are you referring to the above-mentioned use of a built-in GPE/Google sync? I've not heard of this before, but I have been using Erminig for some time with 07 and now I use it with 08 without a problem. Right after upgrading to 08, I had some troubles with appointments showing up at the wrong time, but this was 'fixed' but setting my time and date correctly on the N810.

IMO this is one of the most useful applications I have on my N810! Maemopicasa is another great app by TahitiBob; it loads photos from the N8x0 to my web albums and now, with usb host capabilities, I can even load them up web directly from the camera! TahitiBob is the mage!

hircus 2008-01-07 19:50

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Ermining worked fine for me until today (minus some funny mishandling of daylight saving -- some of my local appointments were shifted by one hour). Today I recreated some of my appointments on Google (I mistakently thought they were shifted, but it turns out I forgot to reset my TZ after vacationing), and now Erminig would use up all available memory when trying to retrieve Google events from that calendar. This is a calendar I accessed in GC from another Google account that I also own (so AccountA:Calendar1 is actually AccountB:Calendar1).

Other calendars under AccountA still work, but I have these two overlapping events on the same calendar, and the later event got shifted to the next day.

timkawa 2008-01-08 07:24

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by Greyghost (Post 121442)
Hey Tim, it's not clear to me from your post what 'it' was that caused the disaster. Was it Erming? Or are you referring to the above-mentioned use of a built-in GPE/Google sync?

I have read about similar problems in a german IT-Forum a few weeks ago (double entries). I have never configured the "build-in" sync (if there is one?). Problem seems to occur when you move entrys in GPE or in google calendar - maybe it is not possible to recognize an object again and therefore it is created a 2nd time and synced as new? I have no idea why i have lost recurring events... that is the bigger problem.


didjit86 2008-01-15 15:42

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by timkawa (Post 123077)
.. the "build-in" sync (if there is one?).

Yes, in GPE Calendar goto Tools-Calendars. Then click the edit icon (pencil and paper) and up pops data elements that need to be filled in. You will need to get the ICAL URL(only one I tried, others may work) for your calendar in google. You can get to it in Google by managing the calendar->Private Address, then click on ICAL.

I just set it up and it works fine for me.


kgingeri 2008-01-16 05:12

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I believe ICal is only a download (i.e. from your google calendar to the IT) It is not a sync solution.

I changed my passwd in gcal and now erminig does nothing at all! Has anyone had that problem?!

This is definitely one of my prize apps for my N800 :D

Edit: I changed my gcal param in erminig, of course

kgingeri 2008-01-16 07:04

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I take back my previous post re Erminig not syncing - i went looking and installed Goosync for my Treo, did a sync with it and when i came back and restarted Erminig, lo and behold it was working!

Just a note: Previously the Add and Edit were grayed out and not accessible; they're back

Liife is better again ;)

Deserttaxguy 2008-01-16 07:06

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I'd like to pitch in here, that I thought the Nokia 8x's were sort of "optimized" to work with the google docs, calendars and the whole web 2.0 or whatever its called. I've not seen any real easy integrated use for my google stuff, and in fact its kind of a problem. I'll open a thread to talk more about it. Thanks.

kgingeri 2008-01-18 16:25

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
OK, I'm little red-faced :o re my previous post of Erminig not being active. It turns out that I didn't have my wireless connection on the first time - I have it manual to conserve the battery (seems to help, not sure) therefore I manually connect when needed. :p

As for the Web 2.0 comment...
I think things are coming alone quite nicely. You won't find any other small device (excluding UMPCs running Windows) that does as nice a job. OS2008 and the browser supports Google docs quite nicely, I find.

Greyghost 2008-01-18 16:33

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by timkawa (Post 123077)
I have no idea why i have lost recurring events... that is the bigger problem.


Hey Tim,

I haven't checked TahitiBob's site lately, but I think that recurring events are not currently supported by Erminig.

lorelei 2008-01-18 17:37

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
From Erminig web page:

Which events are supported ?

All single and recurring events are supported, excepted recurrent events using a number of occurence limit.

timkawa 2008-01-21 09:12

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by lorelei (Post 130038)
From Erminig web page:

Which events are supported ?

All single and recurring events are supported, excepted recurrent events using a number of occurence limit.

Birthdays are not limeted and therefore they should be supported because they are recurring events without a number of occurence limit... but it did not work. I didnīt investigate because I can live without sync :D but on the other hand: it is quite poor having such a nice device without calender sync :mad:

DJames1 2008-01-26 17:26

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by didjit86 (Post 128120)
Yes, in GPE Calendar goto Tools-Calendars. Then click the edit icon (pencil and paper) and up pops data elements that need to be filled in. You will need to get the ICAL URL(only one I tried, others may work) for your calendar in google....

Thanks! I didn't realize that feature was there at all because of lack of documentation for GPE Calendar.

Looks like it supports a Publish/Subscribe model for calendars shared between Google Calendar and GPE Calendar on the N800. You can choose how often to refresh (although I suspect that, like event notifications, it doesn't work unless GPE Calendar is actually running). Or you can click the unlabeled Refresh icon in the Calendars window to refresh manually.

It's a bit of a pain to get that lengthy Google Calendar ICS url into the GPE Calendar url field. After a lengthy process of opening Google Calendar in the browser, getting to Manage Calendars, and displaying the ICS url, I managed to copy the url to Notes and then from there to the GPE Calendar url field.

sungrove 2008-01-26 17:35

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
How well does this built in sync system work? And what line do you put the ICS url into in that dialogue page? I've been using Erminig with good success to sync the GPE calendar with Google


DJames1 2008-01-26 18:00

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by sungrove (Post 134062)
How well does this built in sync system work? And what line do you put the ICS url into in that dialogue page?

Well, let's see, I'll test the Subscribe to my Google Calendar...

If I make some changes in my Google Calendar, then I open GPE Calendar on the N800...
Hmmm, looks like it synced automatically as soon as I opened it...
It seems to have picked up the new items from Google Calendar, and the changed items have changed...but the items deleted in Google Calendar are still there in GPE Calendar. Looks like deletes don't sync, at least in that direction.

I tried the Publish option, but no luck - it's not at all clear how it should work. If I give it my Google Calendar url, that's a read-only link to get information, not a means of inserting new information into the Google Calendar. (I tried it anyway, both with private and public addresses, ICAL and XML formats, and it just says 404 url not found when I try to sync). I could try adding a link to a public calendar in Google Calendars, but what url would I give it for my N800? The IP address?? In that case why would GPE Calendar need a url for a Publish calendar, and what url would that be? Needs documentation!!

Not sure what you're asking about where the ICS url goes - if you go to Tools - Calendars in GPE Calendar, click the document icon to create a new calendar, select Subcribe or Publish as the type instead of Local in the dropdown box, you'll see a url field. That's where the ICS url goes.

here.david 2008-01-27 04:09

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
After an hour trying different ways to get it to work...I am flying...cheers

abby_normal 2008-01-27 04:25

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
This definitely brings items entered in Google calendar into the tablet . . . but it does not seem to sync the other way (i.e., items entered on the tablet do not appear on Google calendar). That seems to be what "publish" is for, but I haven't found a way to get it working (i.e., I tried the things DJames1 has tried with similar lack of success). Are you getting 2-way syncing?

DJames1 2008-01-27 08:15

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Doing some background reading on this topic, I don't think there's any way to "publish" a GPE Calendar directly to Google Calendar. That's what Erminig is for - it acts as the intermediary. However, thanks to Google Calendar exporting a standard ics file to a url link, it's possible to connect it directly to a Subscribe link in GPE Calendar, and that serves the useful purpose of creating a one-way transfer with minimal work for a lot of people.

rock 2008-03-04 18:30

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Has anyone figured out how to use the GPE calendar built-in sync system with Yahoo Calendar?

DJames1 2008-03-04 19:31

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Yahoo Calendar --> GPE Calendar can only be done manually. I do it using Yahoo Calendar --> ical export file --> cleanup spreadsheet --> Google Calendar import --> Subscribe link in GPE Calendar.

There's no easy way to go the other way.

rock 2008-03-05 00:13

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
OK. Thanks

InfinityDevil 2008-05-13 23:46

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Ermining doesn't seem to be connecting to google, and if I put in the ical address on my calendar directly into GPE calendar it says it Cannot connect to destination.

With ermining I put in my credentials and nothing changes, so it doesn't enable the plus sign to add a new profile.

I have sharing on on the calendar. Any ideas?

here.david 2008-05-14 07:57

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
Mine works both within the GPE and on google whichever I change both will get updated. It did take me about 10 hrs of reading, trying everything, re-flashing a few times....Worry I might have to research all over again when a new OS comes out:eek:

rone 2008-05-22 20:33

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by here.david (Post 181407)
Mine works both within the GPE and on google whichever I change both will get updated. It did take me about 10 hrs of reading, trying everything, re-flashing a few times....Worry I might have to research all over again when a new OS comes out:eek:

Can you elaborate on how you got it to work in both directions? I have it working down but not back up to google.

Alpha4 2008-05-22 21:46

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I've got Outlook - Google Calendar Sync - Google Calendar - Erminig - GPE Calendar sync working OK (not tested other way yet). I do have one issue though; If I put a 1:00pm appointment into Outlook, it ends up as 12:00pm in GPE Cal.

Appointment gets to Google cal as correct time and time is correct on N810.

Beats me this one. Anyone else see this?

here.david 2008-05-22 22:06

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by rone (Post 184812)
Can you elaborate on how you got it to work in both directions? I have it working down but not back up to google.

As I said, I did so many items (various program installs) that I do not know which was the "winner' or if it was all of them that in total got it to work....

I install Gene's, everything on his webpage, calendar and removed all but the Info on Tap. The last item I install was the Personal menu and soon after that I saw that the up load to igoogle was now working as only the down load was previously.

Zuber 2008-05-22 22:51

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I used to have it working, but then had a prbolem with it. Ended up having to remove it all. Before I try again, anyone know if there is gonig to be attempt at Google Contact Sync. now that Google have released the APIs.


Theo McD 2008-05-23 14:37

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I don't think this is a duplicate, but the link to finding your Google calender, in case you don't want to search around for it.

[[ cold ]] 2008-05-23 15:56

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
erminig installs but doesnt start on my n800

Zuber 2008-05-23 17:55

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I had the not starting problem.

Are you connected to the web when you start it ? (that was 1 reason).

Then I had a problem with one of the calendars I was using in google. Got rid of that and things were ok (for a while).


ebrindle 2008-05-23 18:38

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar
I didnot have the starting problem either, and all was well with my outlook 2 google 2 gpe (via erminig) until I added a us holidays calendar from into outlook.

It appears there is an erminig issue with how it imports the data from google.

Holidays are correct in outlook, and google - but my GPE has memorial day on saturday 5/31 (not the 26th), and fathers day on 6/19 (not on 6/15) and the like. Odd thing - Flag day 6/14 is correct...


rone 2008-05-24 19:45

Re: GPE calendar sync to Google calendar

Originally Posted by ebrindle (Post 185187)
I didnot have the starting problem either, and all was well with my outlook 2 google 2 gpe (via erminig) until I added a us holidays calendar from into outlook.

It appears there is an erminig issue with how it imports the data from google.

Holidays are correct in outlook, and google - but my GPE has memorial day on saturday 5/31 (not the 26th), and fathers day on 6/19 (not on 6/15) and the like. Odd thing - Flag day 6/14 is correct...


I have seen the same thing. There is a thread about it over here.
I don't know if a cause/fix has been found. I have not seen a fix released yet.

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