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crackhead 2007-12-31 04:17

My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
I love my N800, but the iPod Touch I was given for the holidays is making me see how much better it could be. The hardware is outstanding...16gb of user storage, beautiful screen, decent battery life, and an accelerometer. And of course it's about as thin as my N800's battery!

The first thing I did was jailbreak it and install a number of apps. Every single third-party app I've installed has been totally polished and relatively zippy. Even the RSS reader I installed runs circles around the frustrating stock one on my N800.

The "jailbreaking" process itself is pretty simple...and the Installer app that get installed as part of the process is quite elegant. Similar to the Application Manager in maemo, Installer peruses "sources" (repositories) and pulls down new apps as well as checks for updates on your currently insalled apps. Adding sources is much easier than in's just a URL.

There's not a ton of system memory for application installation, but it's decent. And there are already a number of useful/fun dev Apache/PHP and a Python addition to common utilities like OpenSSH, DropBear, ncftp, and others. There's also a decent terminal available, and the device can be mounted as an AFP mount point on any mac, which is really nice for file transfers over wifi. The developer community isn't as deep as this one, but it has produced some admirable apps and games. One particular standout is Labyrinth...which is a version of the classic wooden game where you tilt the board to navigate a steel marble through a maze. But in this version you tilt your device to roll the marble around, and it's extremely accurate. The Solitaire clone that's available is also fantastic, and great to use in landscape mode.

Of course, it's not perfect. The jailbreaking process is obviously not sanctioned, and will inevitably be blocked by Apple's next firmware...until it can be hacked again. It doesn't have much of an external speaker, no external mic, and no built-in stand for viewing media. It doesn't have bluetooth, so I'm stuck with wifi. And no removable battery means at some point it'll have to be taken apart. But I love its "finger centric" navigation, and the fact that it works as a good music player and OK movie player (extremely limited formats) is nice.

I'm not saying I'm selling my N800, cuz I still love it. Opera and microB are fantastic mobile browsers! And the bluetooth functionality makes it far more networkable. But its many idiosyncracies has kept me from using it as much as I'd like. OS2008 is a major improvement, but there are still a LOT of things that bug me about the N-series...particularly its lack of finger-centric apps. I also find it a lot of work customizing it. The things I really want to customize, like hiding/removing the "Presence" apps/icons...which I have no desire to use on the device)...aren't customizable.

I'm not sure why I'm ranting like this. I guess I just want to communicate the sheer awe that this device inspired, and made me wish the N-series competed better in some ways. But the best part is that I can communicate with the people who help shape Maemo to make this! That's simply not an option with a closed device like an iPod. Sorry to ramble...


rm -rf 2007-12-31 04:35

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
Apple did a great job of raising the user interface expectations for every other vendor. They tend to be good at that.

If the iPhone/iTouch had fully functional bluetooth and if I could make it useful without jailbreak and without being slaved to iTunes and a PC, it would be in my hand already. But the UI is awsome.

Benz145 2007-12-31 04:38

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
Yes the iPod Touch is a great synergy of hardware and software. My friend had one and I was tempted to get one as well, it was either the Touch or the N800, but then the N810 came out and changed the game, I decided I wanted that over the other two. So a few days ago my N810 came and I haven't looked back. Going from a UMPC (UX180P) to the N810 makes me feel like the N810 GUI is very well suited to touch/finger navigation. One of the testaments to that is that the amount of pressure required to register an input is pratically nothing compared to the touch screen on the UX180 and other touch screen devices that I've used. Its so good that it feels almost like active touch (like on the iPod Touch). I love the easy multitasking on the N810 that the iPod Touch doesn't really have. The web browser supports nearly full desktop rendering which is awesome.

Speaking of web browsers I'm still using the one that came with the N810, you said Opera and microB are great, are they better than the default, should I install them?

Also, hasn't anyone looked into make a web browser/app that acts similarly to the iPod Touch so we can make use of many of the iPod Touch web apps? I'm extremely jealous of the Google implementation. They made an amazing iPod Touch web interface for things like Google Reader, Mail, Calendar and nearly all their other online apps and I wish I could use it. Ironically because the site detects the N810 as being a desktop browser I get the full version and can't access the iPod specific version.

mooler 2007-12-31 04:38

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

and without being slaved to iTunes and a PC, it would be in my hand already


But the UI is awsome

mooler 2007-12-31 04:41

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Speaking of web browsers I'm still using the one that came with the N810, you said Opera and microB are great, are they better than the default, should I install them?
I believe that the browser on the N810 is MicroB.

crackhead 2007-12-31 04:45

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
I thought the default browser was Opera. I may be wrong about that.

My guess is that since MicroB is based on mozilla, you can spoof the user-agent to be an ipod touch to get access to those sites. (Why they actively prohibit non-Safari browsers is beyond me.)

Benz145 2007-12-31 05:31

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by crackhead (Post 118190)
I thought the default browser was Opera. I may be wrong about that.

My guess is that since MicroB is based on mozilla, you can spoof the user-agent to be an ipod touch to get access to those sites. (Why they actively prohibit non-Safari browsers is beyond me.)

Can you be more specific in the spoofing? I'm not very experienced in hacking stuff up ^_^

morrison 2007-12-31 06:26

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
The Nokia N810 is just so much more computer tablet than an iTouch. Anyone who has researched and reviewed all these devices will know this. For anyone that hasn't already realized this, there's really no more explanation that can be provided. You either get it or you don't. If you don't, then just get the itouch..

Bundyo 2007-12-31 07:50

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by Benz145 (Post 118184)
The web browser supports nearly full desktop rendering

Its not "nearly", its actually "full", since the default browser in N810 is microB, which sports a Gecko 1.9 engine a.k.a. Firefox 3. You can have full JS/Ajax experience if the CPU can handle it. In this line of thoughts - The iTouch/iPhone screen is too small to be able to use normal sites without special modification.

Cptnodegard 2007-12-31 08:43

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
ipod touch is a nice toy, but i dont see how you can compare it to an internet tablet. yes, its smaller, and looks better, but the actual usability stops there, not to mention that you have people working against you when trying to make stuff for it compared to actual support

amigokin 2007-12-31 09:11

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by Benz145 (Post 118184)
Speaking of web browsers I'm still using the one that came with the N810, you said Opera and microB are great, are they better than the default, should I install them?

The default browser for the OS2007 is Opera and the default one for the OS2008 is MicroB. You can install MicroB in OS2007 but you can't install Opera in OS2008.

Ipod Touch/iPhone GUI is gorgeous , but the screen size is smaller that the one you can find in an Internet Tablet and the browser does not support Flash player.

MicroB renders websites as a desktop PC browser but it would be nice if you can change the user-agent of it to access some sites optimized for Safari Mobile

Traecer 2007-12-31 09:24

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by Cptnodegard (Post 118254)
ipod touch is a nice toy, but i dont see how you can compare it to an internet tablet. yes, its smaller, and looks better, but the actual usability stops there, not to mention that you have people working against you when trying to make stuff for it compared to actual support

After playing with my friend's Touch, I have to agree there. The iPod touch is exactly what its name implies: an iPod that happens to have a web browser and touchscreen. The iPod does music and (its limited range of) video formats very well. Safari/WebKit is good browser/rendering engine. All of it is wrapped in a slick interface. But it's obvious Apple wants you to use just that, and not try to expand its capabilities (the complete absence of a memory card slot is the first clue). Maybe after they release their iPhone/touch SDK things will be different, I don't know. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to add a memory card slot anytime soon, though.

In my mind, the Nseries tablets are more of a Swiss Army knife: there are some things it does very well, and there are some things it does that are just downright slick too. There are other things that maybe other devices do better, but the tablets can do them within limits (video, for example). The tablets are not as slick everywhere, but can do more overall.

belder 2007-12-31 09:40

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
My niece got an iTouch for Christmas and there we were side by side comparing against my Nokia N800 w/ OS2008. This was her first Apple product and my first internet tablet.

Yes, the interface is cool. But, my Nokia worked just fine and the new OS is much more finger friendly. I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't mind the stylus. I love how thin the iTouch is, but the open source community is the real plus for the Nokia. When we were comparing I got a Skype call from friends in the UK. Hopefully the camera will be integrated at some point. I do like the speakers.

All Christmas I had holiday tunes playing on my Rhapsody account while around the house. (Are your trousers playing "Jingle Bells" or are you just happy to see me?" <g>)

achitnis 2007-12-31 09:42

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
I own both a 16GB iPod Touch and a N800. They are quite different beasts, despite the perceived similarity. The iPod, despite its "apps", is essentially a single purpose entertainment device, and I wouldn't treat it as the computer that I treat my N800 as.

If I was to take either device on the road as a replacement for a laptop, I wouldn't think twice about ditching the iPod in favour of the N800. In fact, despite the fact that I have been a mobile device user since the 1990s (I even own the original Palm Pilot!), it wasn't until the N800 that I crossed the Rubicon and trusted a mobile device to a point that I left my laptop behind on a week-long trip. That was a leap of faith, and the N800 proved itself on that trip. I have a spare battery, bunches of SD cards of various sizes, and for anything major I had instant access to all my data via the internet (ssh or openvpn).

I recently organized a massive, annual international conference (, and I can count the number of times that I actually used my laptop during those 5 days on my fingertips. Most of the time, all communication and organization happened via the N800. It just worked.

You have to understand that much of the Apple appeal is glitz related. For example, the famed "spread finger" action to enlarge a picture - you may not realise it, but you dont have to do that - you can just double tap the picture. But yes, it looks more dramatic to do it with two fingers (certainly when SteveJ does it on TV) :)

The difference between the iPod Touch and the N800 is best summed up this way:

The iPod is a neat consumer gadget.

The N800 is a computer.

Bundyo 2007-12-31 09:51

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by amigokin (Post 118257)
it would be nice if you can change the user-agent of it to access some sites optimized for Safari Mobile

Use about:config for that.

dblank 2007-12-31 18:50

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by amigokin (Post 118257)
but you can't install Opera in OS2008.

I think it could be installed, just not easily :)

dkwatts 2008-01-02 20:39

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by Benz145 (Post 118184)
Also, hasn't anyone looked into make a web browser/app that acts similarly to the iPod Touch so we can make use of many of the iPod Touch web apps? I'm extremely jealous of the Google implementation. They made an amazing iPod Touch web interface for things like Google Reader, Mail, Calendar and nearly all their other online apps and I wish I could use it. Ironically because the site detects the N810 as being a desktop browser I get the full version and can't access the iPod specific version.

Follow the steps in this thread:

tbradway 2008-01-02 21:54

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800
guess you forgot about no flash support smaller screen bad wifi range on-the- apple . my n800 reaches a good 75 yards farther than touch on wifi. no speaker on apple its smaller but maybe too small for me . dont get me wrong i cant wait for open sdk on the touch for all the cool appps but hate the lack of flash for no obvious reason

philmcneal 2008-01-02 21:58

Re: My new iPod Touch - making me sad for my N800

Originally Posted by tbradway (Post 119540)
guess you forgot about no flash support smaller screen bad wifi range on-the- apple . my n800 reaches a good 75 yards farther than touch on wifi. no speaker on apple its smaller but maybe too small for me . dont get me wrong i cant wait for open sdk on the touch for all the cool appps but hate the lack of flash for no obvious reason

did anyone diesect a itouch and an n800 and see if they use the same kind of wifi chip?

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