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tamadrums888 2008-01-03 15:15

Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
Hey guys what are the best programs for this?...also getting the maps? And please list any portable bluetooth GPS recievers that work.

iskarion 2008-01-03 16:47

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
- The preinstalled "Maps" application.
- Maemo Mapper - you can download Google Earth / Virtual Earth maps and aerial photos from within Maemo Mapper.

These are the only useful GPS related N8x0 applications which I'm aware of. Well, in addition there is Kismet (wireless scanner), which can also use GPS to show the exact location of the wireless networks it detects. Unfortunately at the moment Kismet is not very usable on the N8x0.

Bluetooth GPS receivers:
First I had the Nokia LD-3W, which I sold recently to to replace it with a Nokia LD-4W. Both are working together with the N800 like a charm. Connecting these GPS receivers to the N800 is very easy and both have an equally good GPS performance (Sirfstar III chipset). The LD-4W is smaller and more lightweight than the LD-3W, but also more expensive.

sgosnell 2008-01-04 00:38

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
Any bluetooth receiver should work. And as jskarion said, the only mapping apps I know of are Maemo Mapper and the built-in maps app. Maemo Mapper is far better - at least you can download maps. I haven't been able to download a single map for the built-in app, and I finally just deleted it.

WebNavigator 2008-01-07 07:34

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
What OS version are you using?
I have the 2.2007.50-2. Managed to download several maps to the internal removable memory (not the device internal memory) without problems. Took a while (around 1 hour for the US east map set), though.

The weird thing happening now is that I get an update for the Maps application throuhg the Applications Manager but if I click on "Update" it gives me a message saying it cannot update it because it is from a different source.

Quick question. Have you tried Google Earth in your N800? How is it working?


luca 2008-01-07 08:05

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by WebNavigator (Post 122347)
The weird thing happening now is that I get an update for the Maps application throuhg the Applications Manager but if I click on "Update" it gives me a message saying it cannot update it because it is from a different source.

you can update it as root on the command line with "apt-get install map", though it is the same version as the one already installed!?!?!

2e1ebr 2008-01-07 08:06

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
Good luck. My bluetooth gps works fine with other stuff but total garbage with N800 (2008) Only ever had it locked on twice before batteries ran out!
Same on both progs (yes everything up to date inc maps)

leoni1980 2008-01-07 17:43

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by 2e1ebr (Post 122356)
Good luck. My bluetooth gps works fine with other stuff but total garbage with N800 (2008) Only ever had it locked on twice before batteries ran out!
Same on both progs (yes everything up to date inc maps)

I use a Wayfinder bt GPS which someone gave me. It works great - even upstairs in the house it locks on in seconds. I think it's quite old as the compatible phones listed only stretch as far as a Nokia N70.

I found an application that pics your gps location up and tells you places of interest near you too. quite interesting, but I can't remember what it's called.

Maemo mapper though works superbly for me on my N800 running 0s2008. No problem pairing, or even with a simutaneous BT DUN connection to my N95

sevo 2008-01-07 17:57

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by 2e1ebr (Post 122356)
Good luck. My bluetooth gps works fine with other stuff but total garbage with N800 (2008) Only ever had it locked on twice before batteries ran out!
Same on both progs (yes everything up to date inc maps)

Is that device perhaps sensitive to WiFi signals? I can't imagine any other reason why a external GPS device should have different lock-on behaviour with different computers, if we can rule out non-standard protocols (which we can if you once managed to get a fix - the N800 doesn't have drivers for non-standard devices, so it would not work at all).

sgosnell 2008-01-07 18:28

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
Are you using it in the same location? Indoors GPS is iffy at best, because the satellite signals are very weak, and the frequency is easily blocked. Liquid water will totally block the signals, and you have enough water in your hand to block them entirely. You need to be outside, with a view of the sky, in order to get a good test. Newer receivers can get better reception, since they can use more channels, but they can still be unable to get a signal inside buildings, especially if there is a lot of steel, or the windows have a metallic film.

rhackenb 2008-01-08 03:00

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
I just installed 2008OS on my n800. I launched Map and then tried to have it communicate with my Bluetooth GPS. I get "no GPS connection". The GPS receiver works fine with Maemo-Mapper. Is there something that I should turn on?

bunanson 2008-01-08 05:24

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by sgosnell (Post 120388)
Any bluetooth receiver should work. And as jskarion said, the only mapping apps I know of are Maemo Mapper and the built-in maps app. Maemo Mapper is far better - at least you can download maps. I haven't been able to download a single map for the built-in app, and I finally just deleted it.

Try dl some small maps 1st, to test your set up, say, Singapore 18 Mb, once working, then just leave it overnight to dl the big map, like USA East and USA West etc. It takes some time, but it can be done. I can USA East/West and Canada, and it works slightly different from maemo mapper, in particular, it shows the nearest wifi station,


WebNavigator 2008-01-08 06:08

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by luca (Post 122355)
you can update it as root on the command line with "apt-get install map", though it is the same version as the one already installed!?!?!

Howdy! Thanks for the hint.
Good question.
The Map app that came with the OS 2008 is:
App v.
Map v.

Application manager says the "update" is:

However, it also says the installed verion is:

As weird as it may seem, now OMWeather and libgnokii3 updates are doing the same thing. Application Manager has an update for them that gives the same message if I hit the "update" button.

In OMWeather case the Application manager says the one in my N800 is version 0.19.3 and the update is 0.19.4

In the libgnokii3 it says the installed version is 0.6.14-1 and the new version is 0.6.19

Any hints?

rhackenb 2008-01-08 11:51

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
I still can't get Map to see my BT GPS. Maemo-Mapper has no problem with it. What I don't see in the Map UI is where it is actually searching. MM shows a bar initially where it is searching for a GPS and then after it finds it, it shows the progress in acquiring satellites.

I was able to download the map of Russia (the only reason I did it was because it was relatively small). I prefer MM because of its flexibility but It would be nice to download just two map files of the US and have everything there at all zoom levels. I think Map is vector based whereas MM is image based. It's comforting to know that I can go anywhere in the world and get a google maps download of the area for free. Google has an interest in constantly updating its maps. Map is useless to me if it can't see my gps. The only problem with MM and google maps is the process of downloading and figuring out what I have is chaotic.

I'm trying to get my 4GB SDHC card recognized. If I can do that, I'll put the two US maps on it along with everything I want for MM. Without a GPS connection, Map will at least give me an electronic map of the US that I can pan around and zoom into.

Alphaman 2008-01-10 01:50

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
I'm downloading the USA East map -- for the 4th time. I technically had sufficient space (>733MB) on my card, but based on this thread, I've cleaned that up to about 1.5GB free. I hope that works! (It's at about 55% or so through downloading this time...)

Just wanted to add my success with my GPS working with Map -- it's a TomTom Wireless GPS Mk II. It connected straight away with the N800 (running OS2008) and the Map program sees it just fine. (I originally bought it to work with TT Nav 5 that I ran on my Tapwave Zodiac, which worked great. Until I dropped it. :( And the second one I got off eBay worked. Until the charging circuit killed my battery. :mad:)

So I picked up an N800 at CompUSA yesterday for 40% off. Schweet! :D I'm loving how well it's working out. And I'm really glad to have found this forum!

RonG 2008-01-10 17:43

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
After doing the internal/external card swap thing (remove 128 meg card, and install 4 gig card), I was able to download US East and West maps OK.

I use a globalTop G66 BT gps device. Works GREAT! I love the small size, about the size of an iPod Nano. Only wish that turning it on was a bit harder (longer delay on touch button) as it comes on too easily.

I have been using the free map trial for 5 days now and did an 800 mile round-trip and it worked just fine. So far the only complaint I have about 'map' is that it does not handle parking lots or driveways very well. For instance, if I pulled in to a destination/waypoint and I tell it to create a route to another destination, it comes up with this lame message that says I need to move closer to a road before it will create a route. I have used a PC (with Delorme) and Garmin devices before and they could handle this issue without a problem.

massi 2008-01-20 21:14

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
Hmmm... I have a similar, but worse problem.
I have an IBlue GPS unit, which has been working great with Maemo Mapper on my n800 with OS 2007.
I then installed OS 2008, and both the Map application and Maemo Mapper have a very hard time keeping the Bluetooth connection with the GPS unit.
The GPS unit itself seems to be working fine (the led shows that it keeps the fix constantly, as usual), but both apps (I never use them simultaneously, I just keep testing both!) cannot keep the fix.
Map just says that the GPS signal is lost (contradicting the unit that shows a fix with the blinking led), while Maemo Mapper says that it lost the connection with the unit.
Anybody knows if OS 2008 changed anything significant about Bluetooth handling?


sgosnell 2008-01-21 00:04

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
I haven't seen that problem. Bluetooth and GPS both seem to work the same in 2008 as they did in 2007, at least on my N800.

sebring 2008-01-26 16:32

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???
I have a Garmin GPS10 which worked with MM under OS2007, but after upgrading to OS2008, it would not work with either MM or Map. I could pair it with the N800, and display my locaton using the Control Panel GPS app, but neither MM nor Map could get a fix (MM would flash "invalid NMEA data). I have since purchased a Globaltop G33 based on a MTK 51 channel chipset and it is fantastic. Super fast in acquisition and super sensitive. It locks on eight satellites in the bedroom with only a relatively small window (good thing too, because my wife says I'm lost in the bedroom, now maybe I can find my way around, by marking the best spots, like geocaching).

santa_matt 2009-01-15 21:21

Re: Help...GPS on N800 w/OS2008???

Originally Posted by Alphaman (Post 124466)
Just wanted to add my success with my GPS working with Map -- it's a TomTom Wireless GPS Mk II. It connected straight away with the N800 (running OS2008) and the Map program sees it just fine.

Can you tell me the procedure you used to connect the two? I'm trying to connect a TomTom Mk II to a 770 running OS2007HE. I can't get the Nokia to recognize the Mk II .

Matt "Santa" Howe

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