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HWL 2008-01-22 18:22

wish - newer connection manager type applet...
FWIW - now that I have my OS2008 N800 runnig on WLAN and thru my Cingular cell system, a really nice applet would be something like ipconfig, which I cannot get to run on my 2008 OS.
I imagine an "overlay" icon screen that shows my connection type, plus status, byte info and IP....(wish I knew how to program.)
The reason I would like an app like this is because I want to be sure I am NOT on my $$ cellular data link if its not necessary (as opposed to my WLAN), and an in-your-face info screen would be nice.Thanks

Saturn 2008-01-22 19:18

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
Have you tried 'wifiInfo'?


chinook | free
several apps including DiskUsage, EightyOne, wifiInfo

Project page:
last update: 01/22/2008 15:35:53 (GMT +0100)
wifiinfo (v. 0.4.20071229-1)
Edit: sorry, reading back you mail I see it will serve only half of your needs!!

HWL 2008-01-22 19:28

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
thanks for Wifiinfo, its Ok, but it shows less info than Connection Manager, and is not an "overlay/applet" either.

Khertan 2008-01-23 09:10

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
If you want an applet with ip you can look at the one i ve make, which i still try to make it transparent. :

HWL 2008-01-24 04:34

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
tried to load the a log file - FAILED Package must have "Section:user/FOO" to be considered compatible error when trying to install python-hildondesktop and python2.5.
Ideas? Thanks.

Khertan 2008-01-24 09:17

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
install it with dpkg -i.

fpp 2008-01-24 09:25

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
This has existed for a long time - it's a home applet called IPHome.
It's been available ever since OS2005 up to OS2007, for the 770 and the N800.
I always found it very useful, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available for OS2008 yet...

fredoll 2008-01-24 10:19

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
If you're connected connected through your cell phone, the connected icon is different than the Wifi one on the status bar ...

HWL 2008-01-24 20:49

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 132924)
install it with dpkg -i.

Do I need to be superuser in root?
Do I store the python file in the apps folder?
What is the entire dpkg -i command?

fpp 2008-01-25 11:00

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 132926)
This has existed for a long time - it's a home applet called IPHome.
It's been available ever since OS2005 up to OS2007, for the 770 and the N800.
I always found it very useful, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available for OS2008 yet...

Well, Colin Mulliner must have heard me, because it's out now :-)

HWL, if you like things simple, just install that and be done with it...

HWL 2008-01-25 12:40

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
You guys are great - thanks.
Its not necessarily about simple...if I could ever find a Linux class...but its difficult to learn without a teacher. (for me).

clach04 2008-01-25 16:08

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...

Originally Posted by HWL (Post 132057)
FWIW - now that I have my OS2008 N800 runnig on WLAN and thru my Cingular cell system, a really nice applet would be something like ipconfig, which I cannot get to run on my 2008 OS.

Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Windows man!

Linux uses ifconfig not ipconfig (you usually have to prefix the full path /sbin/ifconfig

I know you were asking about an applet but it sounded like you where having trouble in the shell

HWL 2008-01-25 16:17

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
yes thanks...
I got the applet, but the Connection Manager prog would be fine/better if it displayed the IP address details simultaneously. dont really need to see data flow.
I have the Simple Launcher applet so its easy to bring up issues stem from needing control over the Wifi and Bluetooth "selection".

Slowly making my N800's into workhorses (and happy about it). Im sure Linux smarts is all thats holding me back. Great tool.

Laughing Man 2008-01-25 16:33

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...

Originally Posted by clach04 (Post 133598)
Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Windows man!

Linux uses ifconfig not ipconfig (you usually have to prefix the full path /sbin/ifconfig

I know you were asking about an applet but it sounded like you where having trouble in the shell

Haha the difference between those still gets me today. I'll be doing network troubleshooting in either Linux or Windows and I'll be wondering why the command isn't working.

Benson 2008-01-25 21:14

Re: wish - newer connection manager type applet...
Wish you knew how to program, HA!

Any experience with shell scripting? ;)
Well, there's no time like the present to learn. A somewhat related thread may be found where Linux Author and others were making the N800 read the IP addresses of all connections aloud. Here it is. You could, with a bit more scripting, make that read whatever data you want.

And if you use osso-statusbar-cpu (which provides a drop-down menu for launching scripts), you can do:

<n800 reads data>

Depending on your situation, reading might be more or less useful than display, as you're discussing, but I thought I'd throw it out there. It's far easier to pick up scripting than real programming, and I don't know any way to display the output of a script in an applet.

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