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OSEmuTech 2008-02-08 23:49

Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
(If you want to run Mac System 7.0.1 to Mac OS 8.1, Basilisk II is faster, can run full screen at thousands of colors, and be given a lot of memory to run many 68040 compatible Macintosh applications and games.)

I have compiled the Mini vMac 68000 Macintosh emulator for Maemo OS (2008).


Mini vMac can run from Mac OS 1.0 to Mac OS 7.5.5 along with any compatible software and games, but is limited to a grayscale fixed size screen and a maximum of 4 MB of memory.

Your 128k ROM file must be named "vMac.ROM" and placed in same directory as minivmac. You may need to chmod +x minivmac to make executable.

Launch via the terminal command ./minivmac /~path~to~your~/harddrivefilename.hfv

(hfv can be dsk, img, or anything else ... in fact I don't think an extension is needed, and harddrivefilename can also be arbitrarily named.)

debernardis 2008-02-09 08:57

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
It's nice, but basiliskII seems way quicker... too bad for the stick pointer issue.

t3h 2008-02-09 09:19

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
That reminds me... I have to continue with my basiliskii port. I think I know what might be causing the sticky mouse...

Basiliskii is faster as miniVmac is a rewrite of vMac focusing on code simplicity and size, not speed.

debernardis 2008-02-09 10:15

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
go on please, t3h. This is a great app.

t3h 2008-02-12 02:46

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
There is a screen size modification patch for this (though given I fixed the sticky mouse in BasiliskII, there isn't too much point...)

lelek45 2008-06-13 10:13

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
Dear OSEmuTech, could you please explain in more details (and for non linux / terminal guy) how to install Basilisc on NIT.

And how to "chmod +x minivmac to make executable.", please.

Thank you!

OSEmuTech 2008-06-13 10:43

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
Hi. Which Nokia Internet Tablet are you using and which Maemo Linux OS?

The website I started covers some of setting up Basilisk:

This page includes running chmod:

Please review it and post questions. I'm going to try getting 5 hours sleep before going into work. I'll be back at 10:30PM EST to start answering your further questions.

lelek45 2008-06-15 17:52

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
N810, Maemo os2008, but I can get N800 also, if it will be easier to install it there. Will it?

it seems that "osso-xterm" is not compatible with os2008, or I don't know how to install it... :(
I guess, I don't need "Xkbd" for N810.

Tomorrow I will try to make it on N800, but how to "Create .basilisk_ii_prefs file"?


lelek45 2008-06-15 18:34

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
I think, there is a type in instructions:

It's written: mv BasiliskII /user/home
You probably meant: mv BasiliskII /home/user

I performed all these steps, but what next?

Khertan 2008-06-15 18:46

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
If you want i ve a patch to make minivmac full screen

OSEmuTech 2008-06-16 02:52

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by lelek45 (Post 192329)
N810, Maemo os2008, but I can get N800 also, if it will be easier to install it there. Will it?

it seems that "osso-xterm" is not compatible with os2008, or I don't know how to install it... :(
I guess, I don't need "Xkbd" for N810.

Tomorrow I will try to make it on N800, but how to "Create .basilisk_ii_prefs file"?


Use the XTerminal that comes with OS 2008.

Create .basilisk_ii_prefs file:

1. In xterm, type touch /home/user/.basiliskii_prefs

2. Use a text editor to edit .basiliskii_prefs, and add the following lines:

disk /(pathto)/yourharddrivefile.hfv
rom /(pathto)/yourromfile.rom
extfs /
screen win/720/420
seriala <none>
serialb <none>
udptunnel false
udpport 6066
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 33554432
frameskip 0
modelid 14
cpu 4
fpu true
nocdrom true
nosound false
noclipconversion false
nogui false
keyboardtype 5
keycodes false
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
dsp /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer

OSEmuTech 2008-06-16 02:58

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by lelek45 (Post 192344)
I think, there is a type in instructions:

It's written: mv BasiliskII /user/home
You probably meant: mv BasiliskII /home/user

I performed all these steps, but what next?

Thank you. Have you already created a hard drive file and have it booting up the Mac OS in Windows, Linux, or Mac OS? If you do, move it to your N810 and edit the .basiliskii_prefs file to point to the drive file. Also edit the .basiliskii_prefs file to point to your ROM file. Then you can launch Basilisk II via XTerminal when in /home/user:


OSEmuTech 2008-06-16 02:58

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 192349)
If you want i ve a patch to make minivmac full screen

Please?!! :D

lelek45 2008-06-16 08:02

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 192438)
Thank you. Have you already created a hard drive file and have it booting up the Mac OS in Windows, Linux, or Mac OS? If you do, move it to your N810 and edit the .basiliskii_prefs file to point to the drive file. Also edit the .basiliskii_prefs file to point to your ROM file. Then you can launch Basilisk II via XTerminal when in /home/user:


Thank you!! "./BasiliskII" - this is what I didn't know.
Yes, I have everything running on Mac, I just need to set up the prefs file. It gives me a lot of errors now.

lelek45 2008-06-17 14:12

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
It is hard to believe, but I DID IT!!!

Thank you so much!!

lelek45 2008-06-19 09:05

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 140018)
You may need to chmod +x minivmac to make executable.

When I try to launch minivmac (before chmod) is says" "permission denied", when I make chmod +x minivmac and then launch the file, it says" "-sh: ./minivmac: not found", but it's definitely there.


OSEmuTech 2008-06-19 15:58

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac
If minivmac is on a SD card, you will need to move it to your N8x0 file system. You can't launch applications on a FAT32 file system.

lelek45 2008-06-20 09:08

Re: Run Mac Software on Your NIT with Mini vMac

Originally Posted by OSEmuTech (Post 193530)
If minivmac is on a SD card, you will need to move it to your N8x0 file system. You can't launch applications on a FAT32 file system.

Thanks for the info! ..... solved it - it was corrupted file.

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