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ArnimS 2008-02-21 05:46

GemRb Development Thread
Since gemRb is very much in a development stage, i'm starting this thread so we can continue to discuss the issues without bumping the topic up in the 'gaming' section. It would be misleading to forum viewers who just want to play games to maintain a discussion about development over there.

We do discuss works in progress over in Gaming, but usually the topics are about applications that are mature, for which the port is a work in progress.

Gemrb is in a different category - it is one of the most ambitious commercial game engine remakes ever attempted (based on the complexity of the scripting and DnD rules). and discussion about getting it working is more of a development nature.

So to kick it off, bundyo please try creating a sorceror character and see if you get a python crash (with 3.0).


Bundyo 2008-02-21 08:20

Re: GemRb Development Thread
When is it supposed to crash? I created a sorcerer, then the game starts and works? :)

BTW, here:

The sound is synced, just my capture software isn't very good (or I'm not good in configuring it :)

Just tried openal in UQM - works with it on my device, though on high quality skips whereas SDL handles it without any problem. So no biggie. Warzone's problem lies somewhere else i guess.

rachid 2008-02-21 10:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread
That looks quite promising! :)

spirytsick 2008-02-21 12:05

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thank You Very Much Guys. I am not a developper but if you need another tester feel free to let me know. I have a copy of both BG and BG2 at home so I can give some power user feedback on how it works on my tablet.

ArnimS 2008-02-25 02:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by spirytsick (Post 145674)
Thank You Very Much Guys. I am not a developper but if you need another tester feel free to let me know. I have a copy of both BG and BG2 at home so I can give some power user feedback on how it works on my tablet.

You can pick up general instructions from the GemRB thread in 'gaming'.

I'm not so sure I agree that a 50x50 threshold for hilighting. Seems like overkill - wouldn't a 15x15 threshold be adequate, while giving faster visual feedback when user drags to hilight?

Since there are a fair number of ITOS-heads who have some python skills, perhaps we as a community could help identify fix some of the remaining scripting errors: focusing perhaps first on BG2: Throne of Bhaal and SoA.

What are you thinking bundyo?

spirytsick 2008-02-29 17:46

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Guys, installed the build and copied openall and created the appropriate rc's. bg2 is in the /media/mmc1/games/bg2. When I start gemrb I get the following errors (please forgive me if I have missed something obvious but I am at work and I have to be a bit sneaky when playing with the tablet :) ).

Ok, here we go...


~/.gemrb $ gemrb
GemRB Core Version v0.3.0 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open GemRB.cfg [NOT FOUND]
[Config]: Trying to open /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg [OK]
[Core]: Starting Plugin Manager...
[PluginMgr]: Loading Plugins...
[PluginMgr]: Searching for plugins in: /usr/lib/gemrb/
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for GUI Script Engine (Python)...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for SDL Video Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ZLib Compression Manager...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for 2DA File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ACM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Null Sound Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Duplicate Plug-in! [SKIPPING]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ARE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BIF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PNG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CHU File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CRE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for DLG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for EFF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for core games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the icewind branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the torment branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for GAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for IDS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for INI File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ITM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for KEY File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MOS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MUS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MVE Video Player...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PLT File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PRO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for SPL File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for STO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for WMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for WED File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for TLK File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for TIS File Importer...[OK]
[Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
[Core]: Creating Object Factory...[OK]
[Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
[Core]: Searching for Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Video Plugin...[OK]
[Core]: Searching for KEY Importer...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Resource Manager...
[KEYImporter]: Opening /media/mmc1/games/bg2/chitin.key...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 128 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 35200 (Starting at 3834 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[ERROR]
Cannot Load INI
Termination in Progress...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[ERROR]
Press enter to continue...

I will investigate it when I get home later on tonight but at quick glance I could not find neither gemrb.ini or defsound.2da anywhere...

Any suggestions? Please...

Bundyo 2008-02-29 21:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Did you configure gemrb.cfg properly?

spirytsick 2008-02-29 23:30

Re: GemRb Development Thread
seems so. I have all the files in the right paths and the ini files in the right location. I cannot locate gemrb.ini and defsound.2da anywhere though... :(

spirytsick 2008-03-01 14:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread
ok, looks like the GUIScripts path was not set properly. It now loads but hangs on sound initialization. Will have to investigate openal settings again

spirytsick 2008-03-01 14:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread

[KEYImporter]: Searching for STATES2.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Fonts Loaded...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for TOOLSCRL.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Initializing Tooltips...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for CAROT.bam...[FOUND]
[Core]: Setting up the Console...[OK]
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
[Core]: Starting up the Sound Manager...Retrying to open sound, last error:(0)
open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory
Retrying to open sound, last error:(0)

Sound seems to be the problem, although openal is setup correctly (i did check three times now)

Ok!! It works now, tablet restart was required before it worked ok.

Bundyo 2008-03-01 22:42

Re: GemRb Development Thread
So you have sound?

spirytsick 2008-03-01 22:59

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Yes, nice and crisp. No problems there. Intro played out ok, I have not tried galivanting around yet but it works fast enough (loading takes time though but that is to be expected). I have ordered a bt keyboard but for the moment xkbd will have to do. I have created a palladin character so far. I will keep on going.

Bundyo 2008-03-02 09:22

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Okay, then i'll focus on 800x480 interface and the right click.

spirytsick 2008-03-02 11:24

Re: GemRb Development Thread
great, i also have a copy of gemrb running on my pc with exactly the same game data for comparison. cant wait for an update.

spirytsick 2008-03-02 18:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Bundyo, I have built a svn version as this fixes the pupnik reported issues with mage and sorceror creation. It can be downloaded from

should work against your openal but just in case it was build against

Bundyo 2008-03-02 22:10

Re: GemRb Development Thread
@spirytsick, 0.3.0 already fixes that (or at least I didn't encounter it :)

spirytsick 2008-03-02 22:17

Re: GemRb Development Thread
sorry bundyo, it's called 0.3.0 but in fact this is an svn build. The one you posted before still does not work. try creating a mage or sorceror. Other classes worked ok with your 0.3.0. All i did was to check out current source from svn and rebuild it under scratchbox. no other changes were made (apart from -Werror and setting python right). Btw, pupnik managed to get the sound working, it seems that his libasound2 was corrupted (or just heavy modified), after a vanilla reinstall it started working for him too. Good luck working on 800x480 and right click emulation. Please keep us posted.

ArnimS 2008-03-03 09:40

Re: GemRb Development Thread
* For 3.0 they fixed up some serious movement problems, but not all. I have two characters highlighted and click somewhere to move sometimes the character 'behind' another will not move - almost like saying 'ah i'm blocked by other character - giving up!'

* Sometimes sound (spirytsick's build) will get stuttery/echoey after a level load - sometimes it recovers, sometimes not.

* in BG2:SoA I created a sorceror *yay* but he's level 1, not ~10. or whatever a new chara should be in SoA. Leveling up definitely needs implementation!

JustNick 2008-07-06 15:39

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Woah... How did I miss this? Must buy a larger SD to try...
Just a couple of personal thoughts...
First full screen 800x480 could be too slow to be playable, would it be better to have 400x240 with pixel doubling?
Second.. well... I forgot while I was writing :D
I can't wait to get another media big enough to try it, I'm not a coder but if there's some testing to do my n800 is at you service :) (although maybe a keyboard is needed too...)

iliaden 2008-09-20 21:35

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Did the project die out with time?

I mean, were there no builds since march?

that's sad, but I guess most of the projects are self-controlled: if the developers loose enthusiasm or find the task too complex, they just give up.

example: anyone remembers the nobounds project?

ArnimS 2009-05-25 20:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread
gemrb 0.4.0 just released!

spirystick, bundyo - care to run a buils 4 us?

silvermountain 2009-07-23 02:04

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 290053)
gemrb 0.4.0 just released!

spirystick, bundyo - care to run a buils 4 us?

Does that mean that we're closer to a working BG2 build for Maemo?

<.---Willing tester!

This video looks really promising (and it's with sound!):

Bundyo 2009-07-23 04:38

Re: GemRb Development Thread
If anyone wants to step up and build it - be my guest. :)

dukemagus 2009-07-23 12:51

Re: GemRb Development Thread
sorry for asking, but does fallout and fallout 2 runs on the same engine as bg and bg2? if the answer is "yes", so they should be a good place to start in porting... well... they're far easier to run on a nit (lower requirements)

Bundyo 2009-07-23 13:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread
The answer is no. They were made by different company too.

dukemagus 2009-07-23 13:56

Re: GemRb Development Thread
black isle works on both if i do remember... but oh well, it the answer is no, so my dreams were shattered (fallout would look great no a NIT)

anyway, i'm a little worried IF the port works, with some spell effects... they use 3d acccelerator cards

Bundyo 2009-07-23 19:32

Re: GemRb Development Thread

You are maybe confused by Icewind Dale, which is by Black Isle Studios and uses BG's Infinity engine:

Rotkaeqpchen 2009-10-15 20:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Is GemRB beeing ported to Maemo 5, so that Baldurs Gate can be played on the N900? Thank you for a quick answer.

Malyce 2009-11-16 22:14

Re: GemRb Development Thread
As the new GemRB version was recently released, I was hoping to do some bugtesting on my n810, Im not very familiar with linux however.

Could someone compile it? Is it difficult?

Or possibly explain to me how to get it running on my n810.


Bundyo 2009-11-17 10:19

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I have a working 0.6.0 build for fremantle, though not top performance. No build for n8x0 yet.

Malyce 2009-11-18 00:52

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Alright, it's good to hear someone is still working with GemRB/Maemo

Hopefully you'll find some time to give the n810 some love

ArnimS 2009-12-18 10:32

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 379025)
I have a working 0.6.0 build for fremantle, though not top performance. No build for n8x0 yet.

I can't work on this either... but... can you post your cmake, openal and other dependencies? :)

EDIT: hmm, didn't have all repos activated, nevermind

go1dfish 2009-12-24 18:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 379025)
I have a working 0.6.0 build for fremantle, though not top performance. No build for n8x0 yet.

Where might I find this, I'd like to help test.

I compiled 0.6.0 in a debian chroot and have it running and somewhat playable on the n900, sound performance is pretty bad, and load times are quite sluggish though. I'd imagine even without optimizations, a fremantle build should run smoother than my chroot build.

Also, quicksave doesn't seem to work, but if I save manually in a new slot each time things seem to work ok.

Using BG2 gamedata in MyDocs (fat32)

Bundyo 2009-12-24 22:12

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Here is a build, I was hoping to do a small config tool for it and then push it to extras:

It is optified.

go1dfish 2009-12-25 00:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 433177)
I can't work on this either... but... can you post your cmake, openal and other dependencies? :)

EDIT: hmm, didn't have all repos activated, nevermind

My google-fu is aparantly not up to snuff, what repo am I missing for openal?

I have extras, testing and dev and enabled

Bundyo 2009-12-25 08:39

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Oh, sorry.

/etc/openal/alsoft.conf would probably also help for better sound :).

go1dfish 2009-12-25 18:15

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 441200)

Thanks, you're build runs much better than my chroot build. Sound is usable, but sometime stutters I modified alsoft.conf to use pulse through alsa, havent tried alsa directly yet.

800x480 is currently unusable, had the same issue with the chroot build, the notification/spells etc area does not redraw properly, 640x480 works fine however.

The only n900 specific issue I have ran into is that there is no 'dead zone' between a click and a drag. This makes it very easy to accidently deselect everyone instead of going to where you tapped.

It feels playable, I'm working my way through Irenicus' dungeon for the Nth time :)

Thanks again..

I'd be willing to help some with python scripting when I can, but Im not familiar with the infinity engine from a development/modding perspective

ArnimS 2010-01-04 09:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 379025)
I have a working 0.6.0 build for fremantle, though not top performance. No build for n8x0 yet.

Building this in scratchbox is a god damned circus show.

shinkamui 2010-01-10 05:38

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Is sound fixed? Im having a problem with stuttering audio with the latest build 0.6.0. I looked at my openal.conf, and there are no options set... Anyone with good sound have some tips they'd like to share?

Bundyo 2010-01-10 07:44

Re: GemRb Development Thread
You need to tweak the openal.conf a little. Is it empty?

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