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How to rotate screen on os2008
Here is a how to rotate screen on os2008, i've benn waiting this for a long time :D.
http://behindmaemolines.blogspot.com...2008-n8x0.html Edit: Thanks to nemo for the following instructions: From one noob to the others. I've had my tablet for a week now and it's been my first real experience with linux. Someone asked for noob friendly instructions for screen rotation, and, after reading this entire thread I've managed to get it to work...so to show my thanks I figured I'd post step by step instructions for those with no linux experience. All that being said, these instructions were all found here in this thread. Thanks to everyone who worked to make this possible! 1. Download and install Becomeroot. - Here: http://www.gronmayer.com/it/dl.php?id=136 - click 'open', click 'ok' to Add catalogue Eko One - click 'ok' to refresh application list, open the Application Manager - click 'browse installable applications', click 'all', click on 'Becomeroot' - click 'install', click 'ok', click 'ok' on the notice, click 'ok' when successfully installed. - close the Application Manager 2. Installing everything (hit enter after typing each line in the terminal) - Go to 'utilities', click on 'Xterminal' - Type sudo gainroot - Type cd MyDocs - Type apt-get install wget - Type wget http://fanoush.wz.cz/maemo/kernel-2....otation.tar.gz - Type wget http://fanoush.wz.cz/maemo/kernel_flasher.tgz - Type tar zxvf kernel_flasher.tgz - Type tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz - Type mv zImage kernel_flasher/ - Type cd kernel_flasher/ - Type ./kernel_flash zImage Close terminal 3. Red Pill Mode - go to 'Settings', 'Application Manager', - click on the upper lefthand corner, click on 'Tools' - Choose 'Application Catalogue', choose 'New' - Type matrix in 'website' and click cancel - Choose the red pill 4. Update the xomap - click here: http://sse2.net/rotate/pool/main/x/x...4202_armel.deb - click 'open', click 'ok' 5. Install the rotate applet - click here: http://sse2.net/rotate/rotate.install - click 'open', click 'ok' 6. Exit Red Pill Mode - follow the steps outlined in 'Red Pill' but choose the blue pill instead. 7. Say thanks to the wonderful folks who made it this easy for the rest of us. There it is, sorry it's so long. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Cool, also would be nice if it was possible without flashing...
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
it's only the kernel, you don't lose the configs, programs or any data. Bye!
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I read that if you let the device go to sleep while using the rotate feature, the screen goes blue, and you are left having to reboot.
Is this fix? |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I just tried to sleep with screen rotated, and there's no problem. I think that it's fixed. bye!
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Well, lets go swimming then....
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
You should be able to flash the kernel on the device with Fanoush's kernel-flasher.
With the existing software (and xmodmap, for the d-pad) upside-down should work for lefties. I'm gonna have to do this to experiment with the portrait modes... |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
AWESOME! Works great. Potraitmode is great for Canola, MaemoMapper and microb for a few websites!
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Any chance fanoush will include this into his kernel?
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
exelent... thanks
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Can anybody tell us how the on-screen keyboard behaves in portrait mode? Does it work at all?
I can image myself rotating so the top of the screen is where the camera and light sensor are, and sliding the keyboard out to the left. It might be reasonable to type using my left thumb. My experience with my old Zaurus was that a narrower on-screen keyboard (FITALY layout) worked really well. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
On my n800 the Stylus keyboard is pretty much complete, but the buttons are VERY small. The Thumbkeyboard consist only of about half of the keyboard, so it's useless. Unless you constantly have to type: The Rotation is VERY fast (like the switch from windowed, to fullscreen mode) , so you could just switch to normal layout for typing.
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I have an n800 with os2008 and fanoush's dual boot and Penguinbait's KDE for dual boot. Any one with that setup try this rotation kernal? I don't want to lose this setup. Any help, tips or advise would be greatly appreciated. Dan
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I have never flashed the n800 kernel before. I am trying to follow the directions, but I am not sure if I am supposed to be flashing it from the n800 itself or from a computer.
Edit: Nevermind. Got it. Follow these instructions on your pc http://maemo.org/community/wiki/howt...magewithlinux/ |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Use fanoush kernel_flasher is much much easier.
http://www.wahlau.org/updating_n800_..._different_way But is there a better way to update the kernel on the MMC instead of on flash? More info: - kernel_flasher runs on N800 so you don't need a pc! - just download *deb kernel-RX* file to a directory you choose - kernel_flasher does not need any option on the command line (-k -f ) |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
- this is major, major news and a very good development - congrats to the developers for this...
- now why, why, why didn't Nokia implement this from the beginning? - and is there any chance in h-e-double-hockey-sticks that this will make it into the next ITOS release? |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Thanks fanoush :). I can forget trying to compile some half-arsed version by my me :\
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Anyway, thanks a lot for this. I didn't realize how useful rotating the screen could be until I loaded up an ebook. Much better. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
http://lemody.blogspot.com/2005/11/xrandr-o-2.html but the priorities were (and still are) set differently :-) On the other hand I doubt IT2005 or 6 would resize so nicely or even support xrandr extension in xserver so it was not easy at that time. Once I saw it (in 2005) I tried to add to kernel but kernel rotation support is only part of it, without support in xserver it is not much useful. And understanding and recompiling xserver in 2.x SDK for OS2006 was not easy, such old SDKs are missing lot of dependencies. So I put the idea to my long TODO list. 3.x SDKs (bora, OS2007) are much easier in this regard so maybe adding it to xserver in OS2007 woudn't be that hard after all. Still, OS2007 apps may not resize so nicely, they are slowly working or resolution independence for years so OS2008 is almost there but OS2007 is much older code. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
For any wondering what works and how well, here's some stuff:
Some issues: Wish the side buttons in hildon-input-method stuff would be proportioned to screen width... The stylus-board is just off the edge of usability. A little wider keys, and I'd be using the world's tallest xterm. :D I'm gonna get xkbd set up to cover the stylus-board; it'll displace whatever window, while xkbd does the work. PDF reader "fit width" doesn't. It fits to 800px, grrrr... eVince is cool, though, unsurprisingly. The main menu is, ummm, broken. Doesn't know how high the screen is, and the submenus are half off the screen, which requires the d-pad to scroll through any long submenus. Skype is a basket-case. The control panel is broke. See any patterns yet? None of the camera apps I've tried are working; probably direct framebuffer rendering is confused. Good Stuff: GMail iPhone version (with greasemonkey) is now awesome... The task-switcher menu is great, gets 800px high with 10 windows in it. As mentioned before, eVince is good; in conjunction with eVince's ability to rotate images, portrait modes yield a landscape mode with portrait pages, fit to the height of the screen, and scrolling horizontally. The same eVince mode, but without the RandR, is good for scrolling 8.5x11 pages horizontally. Gnumeric works fine; one of few apps that look at home in portrait windowed mode, though of course better in fullscreen. Portrait will be good for many spreadsheets, as mine are typically more columnar than lamellar. Xournal is good. VNC works perfectly; portrait mode + 1024x768 = scrolling horizontally only. Oh, and I'm posting this with Opera on the desktop via rdp, that works too. Kind cool, if you've never seen WinXP on 480x800. The clock app works, mostly. File Manager actually gets by OK. Quick question: Anyone know where I can get xrandr binary? Yeah, yeah, I'll go search now. (I need it to make powerlaunch flip screen and xmodmap d-pad, as I don't really have room for the applet and want the d-pad to work.) Found it! from x11-xserver-utils in sid armel; I'm posting it and a little script below. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I assume that reading web pages might be also very comfortable. Man. that looks so cool I have to immediately try it out!
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Do so, it's nice, easy, and has no ill effects as long as you don't rotate it. (Ill effects accompanying rotation are limited to high blood pressure caused by seeing how some (mainly corporate-developed) apps display.)
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I just tested. It's freaking awesome!
Hmm... looks very interesting indeed. by the way, browser is excellent on portrait mode! |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
EDIT: there is this bug someone mentioned, after display suspend and restore rotation is not restored properly and display is messed up, please wait for the fix EDIT2:hopefully fixed now and re-uploaded |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
1 Attachment(s)
Here's a script to xmodmap the dpad and rotate the screen. Also included is the xrandr binary, which is a CLI for the RandR extension, and is used by the script. Install them both to executable places (I put xrandr in /usr/bin, and rotate.sh in /home/user/apps) and invoke as:
rotate.sh [ cw | ccw | normal | left | inverted | right ] EDIT: Script rezipped; now this zip contains the most recent version of the script, able to rotate one notch clockwise or counterclockwise from current position. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Nice script but is there a mode where the script can cycle each mode on each run? Use for adding to cmd-navigator for example. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Ummm, sure, you could do that. I was thinking for powerlaunch, so:
power key -> some other key -> whichever direction you want up (on d-pad). But, hey, why not... It'll be here in a few minutes. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I removed my powerlaunch. Back to good old mce...
Thanks :) |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Here it is, new and improved:
#!/bin/sh EDIT: Now integrated into zip in my post above. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Thanks :)
My alarms would not run with it, the device wouldn't code lock upon boot, when I edited the config files to run switchonbt for example, it would never accept my change, if I used select connection from connection applet, it wouldn't realise the device was in normal mode. Also, I am not a developer so the glade files went over my head. I liked the calendar function but tbh, that was it. @fanoush I just saw, jott placed his patch on his site. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
One or two of those bothered me, but not enough to get up and fix it yet. (codelock, and on/offline). I love it because it lets me play music using hardware keys in my pocket, it lets me swap windows (to ones that don't show up in the list), and control brightness, and now orientation as well. I haven't really got xkbd set up "right" yet, but I use it to throw that up, too. And I really had no use for the calendar function. Heh. To each his own, and all that, but if you've ever a mind to try it again, PM me, and I'll help you get a decent config set up.
That aside, I just discovered one wierdness with my script; xmodmapping the d-pad also affects the cursor keys on my BT keyboard. :( Not sure if there really is anything to be done on that or not; if anyone has a clue, I'd be happy to integrate that. I'll poke at it some more, but meantime, if the BT keyboard is more important than the dpad to anyone, just don't use the script (call xrandr -o < normal | left | inverted | right >) or modify it to not xmodmap things. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
I'll try my best to not be a newb, despite my post count.
I thought I had installed this application correctly, but apparently, I didn't do something vital. I successfully installed all of the packages and I'm only fairly certain I updated the kernel correctly. I was able to get the rotation icon in the statusbar, but when I use it to rotate the screen, only the sensitivity of the screen rotates. The screen appears to still be in landscape orientation, but I have to tap the screen as if the rotation was done successfully. I'm going to reload the backup I made before trying this again, but has anyone else any idea what I might have done wrong the first time? |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
Is there a step by step guide on how to do this?
I am confused about flashing the kernel. I know i can do this from the tablet itself. But, how do I do it? I've downloaded the files (http://sse2.net/rotate/) to my tablet along with the fanoush flasher for the n800 (to flash directly on the tablet) but I just dont get it. I do not have linux installed natively. But I am using VMware with DSL (Dam Small Linux and Ubuntu Gutsy) |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
You need to become root. Install easyroot or becomeroot. That is up to you. In your Terminal, type "sudo gainroot" Then type "cd MyDocs/" Now, type "apt-get install wget" (if this fails, use the web browser to download files TO your "device name folder") wget http://fanoush.wz.cz/maemo/kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz wget http://fanoush.wz.cz/maemo/kernel_flasher.tgz tar zxvf kernel_flasher.tgz tar zxvf kernel-2.2007.50-2-rotation.tar.gz mv zImage kernel_flasher/ cd kernel_flasher/ ./kernel_flash zImage As for the deb files, the page in the first post tells you how to do it. Although, I must admit, I didn't use it. |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
both flasher-3.0 and kernel_flash saying - permission denied (in both root and user modes ) chmod +x or chmod a+x not working
and what to do with the code posted by Benson please help |
Re: How to rotate screen on os2008
flasher-3.0 runs on computer. You DON'T extract kernel_flasher to memory card.
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