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Reggie 2008-03-14 14:56

The noBounds Project

It seems like folks from the Nokia Research Center Bochum in Germany is developing a project called "noBounds" that provides a low-power solution for mobile users to expand their Smartphone and Internet Tablet screens to higher resolution external displays such as high definition (HD) panels, projectors, and near-to-eye displays (NED). The project aims to output video at FullHD (1920x1080p) at 30 frames per second (faster on partial display changes) via USB or WLAN. Connect a USB keyboard or a mouse, an you have a mobile personal computer anywhere you go. The user-case video demos how the python based noBounds app runs on the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet. Read the full email we got from noBounds innovator and Project Manager, Bernd Steinke after the jump. noBounds! - blast Smartphones display bounds! Available mobile devices are now empowered to utilize huge external displays with native high definition efficiently and seamlessly via USB or WLAN. The noBounds project of the Nokia Research Center Bochum in Germany enables this breakthrough in mobile usability. Smartphones have a tiny display, since they need to be pocketable. PCs and Notebook do not suffer from this restriction, but they are by far not that mobile. Since many years PCs are shrinking: Notebooks, UMPC and MID have been introduced. The opposite trend has started in the Smartphone world. The desire is to have more content, more details, thus more pixels on the display. The human eyes, especially of elderly people are limited in useable pixel-density. Thus, the size of the display increases. The physical dimensions of mobile devices are not allowed to increase further due to the pocketability constraint. Therefore the display resolution of the built-in display will remain limited. This leads in comparison Smartphone to PC to a disappointing feeling: Overview is still too limited! Alternative form factors such as rollable, foldable and any other kind of flexible display still need to mature for future deployment. noBounds demonstrates the optimal way out of this dilemma to have a tiny Smartphone, AND utilize high definition (HD) displays by introducing a versatile and highly efficient interaction with external high resolution displays! This intelligent object on demand transport based approach uses not modified USB / WLAN hardware and provides a fully interactive link even for very high resolutions (e.g. HD-Ready FullHD, 1920x1080p or more). The solution can sustain high frame rates (30 frames/sec or more) and has a very low power consumption. It outperforms other solutions significantly even in worst case conditions. This lead increases even more for partial display content changes. We have negligible latency (<30 ms, i.e less than a frame) also for previously problematic screen export use cases such as GUI, office applications, web browsing, and 3D scene rendering for gaming. This evaluation concentrated on mobile Linux devices (e.g. Nokia N800, N810) having comparable performance to recent Smartphones, which feature a similar powerful CPU (OMAP2420, ARM11) and USB / WLAN hardware architecture. noBounds requires the installation of our SW in the mobiles and a firmware update for the display devices, provided that USB or WLAN is available. Alternatively, the mobile devices can connect to a dongle accessory via USB or WLAN. The dongle is attached to existing external displays via traditional display interfaces such as DVI, or SubD VGA. noBounds allows not only to attach an external high resolution display to a mobile device very efficiently, but allows also to seamlessly use available input devices such as a keyboard or a USB mouse. Thus, it can act as a complete Laptop or PC replacement for the majority of PC applications. Since the solution has a ultra low power dissipation (no fans needed & longtime battery powered) it has the potential to revolutionize the classical IT environment (Green IT): The users have all their data and processing capabilities in a mobile device, yet are able to use the ergonomic peripherals they are used to in a PC environment. A fully mobile usage with a single 1200mAh phone battery powering the phone, USB and an Near to Eye Display (NED) estimates to allow more than 6 hours typical office application usage time without a power supply. A huge network of several world market leaders in Flat panel, Projector and Smartphone industry has been established by noBounds (~20 companies). The USB standardisation is initiated. [Thanks Bernd!]
Read the full article.

anidel 2008-03-14 15:00

Re: The noBounds Project
OpenGL ES ???
On the N810 ? How come.. did you guys got it more clearly than me?

Anyway THAT's amazing!

Benson 2008-03-14 15:03

Re: The noBounds Project
Oh, man, do I need this!

I at first guessed it would be N900 stuff, but looks like we'll be able to do this on N800s! W00T!

dont 2008-03-14 15:06

Re: The noBounds Project
Is it April 1st. in Germany?

amigokin 2008-03-14 15:07

Re: The noBounds Project
Wow! Wow! Wow!

Bundyo 2008-03-14 15:08

Re: The noBounds Project
IT seems Nokia has more magic in their pockets than we expected :)

Looks like there will be opengl driver after all?

sjgadsby 2008-03-14 15:14

Re: The noBounds Project

...where ever your are
Argh! That distracts me from the niftiness.

stooo 2008-03-14 15:17

Re: The noBounds Project

when's this coming . nokia really do look like they're getting their ***** toogether.

hope to see this feature update some time soon.

muki 2008-03-14 15:18

Re: The noBounds Project
gimme gimme gimme :-)

Benson 2008-03-14 15:28

Re: The noBounds Project
Wow, this project has turned itT (including me) into AOL!

zeez 2008-03-14 15:29

Re: The noBounds Project
Isn't Bochum the place NOKIA is shutting down ??

sondjata 2008-03-14 15:33

Re: The noBounds Project
hmmmm interesting. What's with the Windows XP window bounds?

acevid 2008-03-14 15:34

Re: The noBounds Project
I made a "no-No" in my pants while watching this...


stelchio 2008-03-14 15:42

Re: The noBounds Project
this is just amazing. germany rules.

Picklesworth 2008-03-14 15:42

Re: The noBounds Project
*Gasp*! I saw that OpenGL ES logo, too. Odd they would so subtly mention that.

Neat little demo. Even I am pleased by it, and I rarely must do presentations of any sort. I bet people who must haul around laptops to present slideshows will find this fascinating.

It's nice to see Nokia taking the one direction the competition doesn't. There's no way the ITs will be outed by Apple and co. if they keep working like that.

(Would be nice if the N8*0 tablets had a real USB A host port, though, so we didn't need horrifically complex cables / collections of cables to plug things in).

Mara 2008-03-14 15:46

Re: The noBounds Project
Darn! They stole my idea!!! :mad:

Texrat 2008-03-14 15:53

Re: The noBounds Project


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???

Benson 2008-03-14 15:53

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Picklesworth (Post 155054)
*Gasp*! I saw that OpenGL ES logo, too. Odd they would so subtly mention that.

Neat little demo. Even I am pleased by it, and I rarely must do presentations of any sort. I bet people who must haul around laptops to present slideshows will find this fascinating.

It's nice to see Nokia taking the one direction the competition doesn't. There's no way the ITs will be outed by Apple and co. if they keep working like that.

(Would be nice if the N8*0 tablets had a real USB A host port, though, so we didn't need horrifically complex cables / collections of cables to plug things in).

The N800 takes just one little adapter, available from jolouis. The N810 is a pain at present, because such adapters aren't available yet; but the 770 is the only one that needs complex stuff. And they said wlan, too.

Benson 2008-03-14 15:57

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155060)


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???


anidel 2008-03-14 16:01

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 155060)


Do you guys know how long I've been holding that in???

Wasn't this an "Open Souce" project ?!?
So Open Idea.. you should have shared it with us all!
Shame on you!

Request: "I Hate You" button, please :-p

debudebu 2008-03-14 16:04

Re: The noBounds Project
i've wanted something like this for a while, but i never thought it would be possible with my cheapo n800.

sciboy 2008-03-14 16:05

Re: The noBounds Project
Holy hell!
I am really looking forward to seeing how this develops.
Speaking of development does that mean we have OpenGL or what?

anidel 2008-03-14 16:06

Re: The noBounds Project
OpenGL is what intrigues me most.

iamthewalrus 2008-03-14 16:07

Re: The noBounds Project
This in theory also means possibilities for iPhone-like flashy gui me thinks.

Texrat 2008-03-14 16:15

Re: The noBounds Project
This goes WAY back... to when I was factory QA engineer on the N800. Fall 2006.

Prior to launch, I saw plans for video out, but the function was left out of my testing plan. I asked if that was on oversight, and was told, essentially: "No, we are not prepared to support the functionality yet. But it is there, and eventually will be supported."

But I could not talk about that. I have just been waiting for the day there was a formal announcement, and I'm with you guys: IT'S BEEN TOO FRIGGIN' LONG IN COMING!!!


traveller604 2008-03-14 16:18

Re: The noBounds Project
Oh boy :)

Nicey nice Nokia!

Don't care about tv out, but flashy gui would be awesome.. hehe :D

dlhuss 2008-03-14 16:22

Re: The noBounds Project
Great!'re fired!

But seriously, is this just skunkworks stuff, or soon to be a real product (and how soon)?

timsamoff 2008-03-14 16:37

Re: The noBounds Project
Hmmm... A little Quiver Image Viewer action going on in there too. That's a nice little hat tip to Mike Morrison, even if it was unintentional. ;)


Reggie 2008-03-14 17:57

Re: The noBounds Project
Engadget picked up the story:

qwerty12 2008-03-14 17:57

Re: The noBounds Project
I hope this works for N800 too :D

dan 2008-03-14 18:15

Re: The noBounds Project
Texrat I saw a version of this at CES in Las Vegas and asked everyone about what adapters they were using to connect the n800 usb to large monitor and no one could explain, now I see. I'm surprised engadget didn't jump all over it back then, they were right next to me. way cool. Hopefully we can use this feature soon. Dan

Texrat 2008-03-14 18:34

Re: The noBounds Project
Man, I cannot tell you how frustrating it's been to clamp down on this coolness.

dan 2008-03-14 18:41

Re: The noBounds Project
I feel for you. I'm in the film biz and I see movies and tech a year before anyone and I can't talk because MPAA would have me sent to Gauntanamo or other such place. What I saw at CES was amazing and I can't believe no one caught on. I completely forgot about it. Just hope we can adapt it to present Nxx. I was discussing yesterday some new ways to use usb port. You guys will be in for a treat in a couple of weeks. heheheh. :)

tekplay 2008-03-14 19:26

Re: The noBounds Project
This woke me up after a sleepless night.

Karel Jansens 2008-03-14 19:39

Re: The noBounds Project
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

mobiledivide 2008-03-14 19:47

Re: The noBounds Project
I would love to use this, the ability to carry a full laptop with you wherever you go is pretty sweet as it is but the ability to output to a large display is very cool. I would definitely use this to type notes etc. As it is my XP tablet is on its last legs and I was thinking about getting a Macbook, but its developments like this that make me think I should just buy a Mac Pro desktop and skip out on the whole laptop thing altogether.

spartanNTX 2008-03-14 20:05

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155196)
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

At the very least, the ITs all of a sudden appear to be getting video out capability. Why wouldn't you find an unexpected new IT feature exciting? :confused:

tso 2008-03-14 20:05

Re: The noBounds Project
hmm, so now we can get full screen video content thanks to 3D accelerated rendering of the movies? or is the bandwidth issue still going to put a wrench in the machinery?

sachin007 2008-03-14 20:08

Re: The noBounds Project

Originally Posted by Karel Jansens (Post 155196)
I don't exactly get the hype here. Basically this is a slightly more advanced form of video-out, for high-resolution displays.

My Archos PMA430 did Svideo-out three years ago and the Pandora will do sVideo-out at 800x480. It's nice that Nokia's solution has DVI and Sub-VGA options, but for a lowest common denominator (and isn't that what you're looking for with a portable device?) nothing pretty much beats good old Svideo.

Oh, and on the full HD issue: Exactly how many HD movies are you going to fit on that single microSD card on your N810?

And finally: Yes, people. All this was done in Bochum, only seconds before Nokia axed the place!

The thing is that it can be done with wifi and that too with such a low power consumption really is a wow factor.
I found this very interesting and so did many others.
But why would karel be so special if he went along with the crowd??

YoDude 2008-03-14 20:08

Re: The noBounds Project
Here ya go >> Video <<

Someone convert that^ so we can keep a copy on our tablets. :)

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