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munky261 2008-03-19 03:58

Does an app like this exist??
what im wanting is an app that is like xournal , with lined paper etc. but where i can type as well as sketch on the same screen. say where i could type and it stays on the lines of the paper but can highlight , draw etc. i find that my handwriting isnt the best on xournal. although i still love the program.... hard to stay in the lines.

grog 2009-01-14 16:07

Re: Does an editor app that allows drawing as well exist??
Since I'm looking for an app that has almost exactly the same functionality, I figured i awaken this old thread instead of creating a new one (hope you don't mind munky :)).

For myself I'm looking for an editor that I would mainly use for typing (as my hand writing is atrocious, that's one of the reasons I like computers in the first place :o), but I'd like the capability to be able to add hand drawings, diagrams, etc.

Any ideas anyone? TX

Khertan 2009-01-14 16:31

Re: Does an app like this exist??

the next mNotes will be able to take photo with cam, really simple text handwritted ( simply curve in dark and a delete ) and still the old text typped with keyboard feature.

But handwritted and typped text will be on a different notebook page. But can be on the same notes.

Of course i can always add some draw features.

Khertan 2009-01-14 16:50

Re: Does an app like this exist??
Alpha not available yet mNotes 0.2.0 :

qole 2009-01-14 17:01

Re: Does an app like this exist??
maemopad+ lets you type on one page and draw on another.

prk60091 2009-01-14 17:50

Re: Does an app like this exist??
what about an app that allows you to append a photo to a note (typed or otherwise)

Benson 2009-01-14 18:27

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by prk60091 (Post 257556)
what about an app that allows you to append a photo to a note (typed or otherwise)

Like cheezburgr? (I strongly recommend against installing that POC unless you actually plan to fix it up; it's not robust, sane, or even necessarily non-evil. But I think you can find a proper netpbm for maemo these days.)

lcuk 2009-01-14 18:31

Re: Does an app like this exist??
dare I say fixed in fremantle ;)

its been on the agenda for liqbase for a while now.

Khertan 2009-01-14 18:33

Re: Does an app like this exist??
I can add a button to the photo feature to add a picture instead of only a picture take with the cam;

grog 2009-01-14 18:52

Re: Does an app like this exist??
Thanks for the feedback. I'll give maemopad+ a try & wait anxiously for the mnotes & liqbase updates :).

Ideally I'd want to be able to type some text & add a drawing after it or below the line (such as a small diagram after 'draw a circle with a small elipse inside of it'. How much smaller is the elipse? Is it closer to the bottom, top, side, ... ?)

prk60091 2009-01-14 21:06

Re: Does an app like this exist??
@khertan i look forward to your updated mnotes app w/ or w/o extra button (xtra button would b nice)

Khertan 2009-01-15 09:46

Re: Does an app like this exist??

I fix bug on the current 0.2 version ... and i add it :)

XTC 2009-01-15 10:04

Re: Does an app like this exist??
? There is such functionality in Xournal - simply press "A" and type.

grog 2009-01-15 15:49

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by XTC (Post 257756)
? There is such functionality in Xournal - simply press "A" and type.

I just tried, but no. I'm not sure what the A does.

I've tried Maemopad+. Seems like it might be workable for what I need. Anyone know what format the database is in? Is it proprietary to MP+ or can some other program use it? My main concern is that I save stuff in a text file, any editor can open it. How would I access my MP+ files if I decided to no longer use MP+ for whatever reason?


debudebu 2009-01-15 17:10

Re: Does an app like this exist??
i can type in xournal with my n800 and bluetooth keyboard.

grog 2009-01-15 18:12

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by debudebu (Post 257821)
i can type in xournal with my n800 and bluetooth keyboard.

I've tried using the built-in keyboard on my N810. What do you do to enable typing? This would be pretty-near perfect :).

XTC 2009-01-15 18:19

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by grog (Post 257841)
I've tried using the built-in keyboard on my N810. What do you do to enable typing? This would be pretty-near perfect :).

Come on - on the bottom bar You've got "A" button.
Select this tool and tap the screen with stylus where You want to type.
Then - cursor appears (blinking) and You can type. Period.

Good thing that You can copy and paste texts just like in any other vector drawing program (Inkscape, Corel etc).

grog 2009-01-15 18:43

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by XTC (Post 257844)
Come on - on the bottom bar You've got "A" button.

Yep, I can see that.


Select this tool and tap the screen with stylus where You want to type.
Done that. Makes a dot on the screen (like I'm drawing)


Then - cursor appears (blinking) and You can type. Period.
Not for me. Tapping the screen makes dots. No cursor. Only Periods :)


Good thing that You can copy and paste texts just like in any other vector drawing program (Inkscape, Corel etc).
That sounds exactly what I'm looking for. Now, if it would only work. Any ideas? :confused:

XTC 2009-01-15 19:11

Re: Does an app like this exist??
Looks like You've got corrupted or maybe extras-devel version(?).

grog 2009-01-16 02:27

Re: Does an app like this exist??

Originally Posted by XTC (Post 257860)
Looks like You've got corrupted or maybe
extras-devel version(?).

Nail meets head :). That was it. I used to have extras-devel enabled
but I had disabled it, obviously not before installing xournal.
Version after uninstall/reinstall, before

I have to admit that I wasn't to impressed with xournal's performance previously, but now this is pretty cool!! And it does exactly what I've been looking for.

Thanks for the help!!

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