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RogerS 2008-04-02 15:21

Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

A couple weeks ago, the Good Morning Silicon Valley newsletter posted a link to a story on Slate (with a devastatingly effective demo on YouTube) of Crayon Physics Deluxe.

Petri Puro, the developer, put it together by himself (it bears similarities to some other gravity-based physics demos/games) and won the "Seamus McNally Grand Prize” — the indie-game equivalent of the Academy Award for best picture"* — at the recent Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

I downloaded the prototype game Puro wrote, Crayon Physics**, and was blown away by it. So was my son, and we ended up fighting over the mouse to solve the last two levels.

Wow! Crayon Physics is just too much fun to describe (stop now and watch that YouTube demo). OK, Slate comes close: "an ingenious game that looks like it was designed by a third-grader." I immediately wrote Petri Puro and begged him to consider porting Crayon Physics Deluxe to the Nokia internet tablet.

My real thought was "Too bad that Tim Samoff already gave that gift N810 away!" I know that once Petri got an internet tablet in his hands he would realize that the tablet and his game are meant for each other.

Then a thread was started here in the ITT forums about the game — I want this game on my N800!. I'm not the only one who sees the need.

Maybe somebody in the Nokia food chain will realize the same thing when they see Crayon Physics Deluxe demoed and send Petri a tablet.

In the meantime, I'm going to suggest that everyone who thinks likewise write to Petri (hisfirstname dot hislastname at gmail) and to anyone they know at Nokia and tell them the same thing: Crayon Physics and internet tablets belong together.

Let's send Petri a tablet!


* To quote Chris Baker's original Slate piece.

** Following the precepts of the Experimental Gameplay Project, namely that the game encompass a single theme (i.e., "gravity," "vegetation," "swarms," etc.), be written by a single person, and be completed within one week.
Read the full article.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 15:55

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Someone named Tim Edmonds is working on such project already... It compiles and already is much fun... :)

Texrat 2008-04-02 16:02

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I could get Petri a used 770 easily...

Benson 2008-04-02 16:07

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I think that's Samoff, not Sarnoff...

extremefire 2008-04-02 16:11

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Going to have to figure out how to compile, haven't delved that much into the n800/linux. This little app looks like it would be a blast.

iskarion 2008-04-02 16:15

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
If you like Crayon Physics, you'll probably also like Phun.

Youtube video:

You can download Phun for free at

Basically the same concept. Didn't have a closer look at this Crayon Physics stuff, but I think Phun is even more powerful as it also supports particle/water simulations.

Though I wouldn't hold my breath to see Phun on the NITs soon, as (at least with extensive particle simulation) it can even bring my 3 GHz P4 down to it's knees.

Edit: just saw, that Phun is already linked in the first post of this thread.

Texrat 2008-04-02 16:24

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Would a flash version be easier to create?

RogerS 2008-04-02 16:26

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 163949)
I think that's Samoff, not Sarnoff...

Yes, you're right. I've corrected it.

Thanks for bringing this my attention (especially since it was my inattention that led to the typo).


Bundyo 2008-04-02 16:27

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Maybe, but a hell to run on this hardware.

RogerS 2008-04-02 16:31

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 163928)

Someone named Tim Edmonds is working on such project already... It compiles and already is much fun... :)

I hope numptyphysics is as much fun and as well thought through as Crayon Physics Deluxe.

But, well, to take a mundane example, there are all sorts of Sudoku implementations and all sorts of Solitaire. And even though they "do the same thing" some aren't worth playing and some are great.

What I know about Crayon Physics and CP Deluxe leads me to trust it'll be great on the IT.

RogerS 2008-04-02 16:38

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 163962)
Would a flash version be easier to create?

Maybe. Lots of power in Flash to do these things.

But the shape creation might not be so easy . . .

Then again, there are some things I have no idea how they're done, so I'm talking through my hat to say yes or no.

tme 2008-04-02 16:40

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 163928)

Someone named Tim Edmonds is working on such project already... It compiles and already is much fun... :)

hey - that's me! i was planning on cleaning it up a bit more before
announcing it but you beat me to it. glad you like it. i suppose i
will need to hurry it up now.

more info here:

RogerS 2008-04-02 16:41

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by iskarion (Post 163960)
I think Phun is even more powerful as it also supports particle/water simulations.

Though I wouldn't hold my breath to see Phun on the NITs soon, as (at least with extensive particle simulation) it can even bring my 3 GHz P4 down to it's knees.

I think you're right. I think Phun! is too big to bring over.

And Phun! is pretty interesting, but, well, I reacted to it differently than Crayon Physics, which is a game truly.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 16:42

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Crayon Physics and Numpty Physics use the same 2D engine, namely Box2D. Not sure if this engine has been ported to flash.

RogerS 2008-04-02 16:42

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by tme (Post 163983)
hey - that's me! i was planning on cleaning it up a bit more before announcing it but you beat me to it. glad you like it. i suppose i will need to hurry it up now.

Yes, and make a YouTube video so we can share it with the world!

Bundyo 2008-04-02 16:49

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by tme (Post 163983)
hey - that's me! i was planning on cleaning it up a bit more before
announcing it but you beat me to it. glad you like it. i suppose i
will need to hurry it up now.

more info here:

Sorry i gave you up ;)

Texrat 2008-04-02 16:56

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 163985)
Crayon Physics and Numpty Physics use the same 2D engine, namely Box2D. Not sure if this engine has been ported to flash.

It wouldn't need to be. Flash has its own engine.

I don't mean any sort of porting, but rather, a fresh coding effort using Flash from the start.

yerga 2008-04-02 17:03

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by tme (Post 163983)
hey - that's me! i was planning on cleaning it up a bit more before
announcing it but you beat me to it. glad you like it. i suppose i
will need to hurry it up now.

more info here:

I have compiled it in 5 minutes and it works very nice. It's AWESOME.

Thank you very much, it's a great work.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 17:05

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 163997)
It wouldn't need to be. Flash has its own engine.

I don't mean any sort of porting, but rather, a fresh coding effort using Flash from the start.

Flash is still underpowered on the tablets, maybe for the desktop.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 17:06

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Then again:

EDIT: Very slow :)

Texrat 2008-04-02 17:07

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 164008)
Flash is still underpowered on the tablets, maybe for the desktop.

So far the flash games I've downloaded to run offline on N800/N810 work great... but I understand that doesn't mean they all will.

tme 2008-04-02 17:22

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
ok guys and gals. you've caught me on the hop but i've uploaded a deb for you to play with and make youtube videos etc. enjoy but remember it's a dev snapshot and not-ready-yet. levels and fixes welcome as i'm really short of time to spend on this lately.

jchord 2008-04-02 18:06

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Accelerometer anyone?
I have to say that that would be wicked.
Possibly through serial via usb or just usb? (just usb sounds harder)

Texrat 2008-04-02 18:10

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by jchord (Post 164055)
Accelerometer anyone?
I have to say that that would be wicked.
Possibly through serial via usb or just usb? (just usb sounds harder)

I saw recently where someone actually developed one. The thread is here, somewhere...

Bundyo 2008-04-02 18:11

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Enigma (some posts about tiltstick)

yabbas 2008-04-02 19:06

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Cheers tme :)

I acquired the sources to PocketPhysics on the DS from the author who was more than happy to share. Unfortunately I haven't had time to do anything useful with them (i.e. strip the DS specific code.) Now I know I won't need to add this to my list of projects ;D

I've not tried tme's numptyphysics yet - but if the physics simulation is slow and assuming you've not used it yet - there's a fixed math implementation of the Box2D library available that may make simulation faster.

munky261 2008-04-02 19:07

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
is there any way to clear the page so you have a totally blank sheet of paper?

tme 2008-04-02 19:22

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by munky261 (Post 164088)
is there any way to clear the page so you have a totally blank sheet of paper?

start with a simple level (like L3) and delete using zomme-minus plus stylus.

Sloan 2008-04-02 19:29

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
This is great! I can't believe how smoothly it works. Looking forward to future developments...!

Bundyo 2008-04-02 19:33

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by yabbas (Post 164087)
I've not tried tme's numptyphysics yet - but if the physics simulation is slow and assuming you've not used it yet - there's a fixed math implementation of the Box2D library available that may make simulation faster.

His app is not slow, we were talking about possibility of a flash implementation.

Hedgecore 2008-04-02 19:54

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I tried numpty physics but the install cacks out wanting libc6 >=2.5... which looks to only be available for Chinook, Bora (read: HackerOS2007) only goes up to 2.3.5.

Well. It was a neat idea, back to using my 770 as a paper weight. :)

GeneralAntilles 2008-04-02 19:59

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Hedgecore (Post 164119)
Well. It was a neat idea, back to using my 770 as a paper weight. :)

OS2008HE is available and (in my opinion) quite usable. . . .

Bundyo 2008-04-02 21:08

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Naah, OS2008HE doesn't help the Illegal instruction i get in 770 :(

tme 2008-04-02 21:15

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 164163)
Naah, OS2008HE doesn't help the Illegal instruction i get in 770 :(

this is built with -mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp so will almost certainly have trouble on the 770.

i've added a build without these options - let me know if it works and how well.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 21:36

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
I was also going to post such build with these options:

-mcpu=arm1026ej-s -march=armv5te -mfpu=vfp

It is here (i got the source yesterday):

Bundyo 2008-04-02 21:40

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Tried yours - illegal instruction.

Btw, Numpty Physics is running quite good on the old 770 (provided there are not too much moving objects on the screen - the first level is an overkill, but the second is playing quite good actually).

RogerS 2008-04-02 21:47

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 163962)
Would a flash version be easier to create?

Check out Magic Pen:
Review by John Bardinelli at Jay Is Games (emphasis added):

Magic Pen is a physics-based puzzle playground created by Alejandro Guillen (Spin the Black Circle). It's easy to see the design, from visual style to overall concept, was taken from Crayon Physics, but because Magic Pen is a Flash game, it's much more accessible. Using the mouse, simply draw shapes to create bridges and guide the red ball to the flag. Making shapes and dropping them from the sky will set the ball in motion, and you can also craft structures with hinges (both fixed and movable) for more complex maneuvers.

The shapes you draw are affected by three basic principles: gravity, friction, and inertia. In other words, common sense physics. Drawn shapes will fall to the ground, bump against each other, and sit still unless acted upon by another moving shape. You can draw just about any object you please, but Magic Pen automatically smooths out jagged edges into a more block-like shape. The entire game is mouse-driven, all you have to do is click and start drawing.

Pins and hinges link objects together and allow you to craft more complex machinery to get the ball to the goal. Hold the [S] key and click inside an object to draw a pin, then draw a second object that overlaps the "X" and it will be held in place. For a movable hinge, press and hold the [D] key and start drawing. The shape you create will be affected by gravity and slowly swing around the pivot point towards the bottom of the screen.

There are over two dozen levels in Magic Pen, each one more wickedly devious than the last. There's even a sandbox mode accessible from the in-game menu (press [Q]). The number of shapes you used to complete each puzzle is recorded, and once you beat the game you can submit your scores to see how well you did compared to other Magic Penners.

Analysis: Good-looking, simple, engaging and fun, Magic Pen is exactly what I like to see in a casual online title. The game doesn't try to hide the fact that it's a near-direct clone of Crayon Physics; Alejandro even thanks Petri Purho in the credits. One key difference is you can't do "shape bumping", or drawing overlapping objects so they pop on top of each other. And when Crayon Physics Deluxe is finally released, it will no doubt contain much more content than Magic Pen.

Magic Pen takes place in real-time, meaning once you draw a shape it's immediately set into motion. This really keeps you on your toes, but it can also be frustrating when trying to draw delicate platforms in a pinch. A start/stop mechanism would make it much more of a cerebral puzzle game, whereas the current setup feels like an arcade experience.

A great Flash experience that's fun as a webtoy and challenging as a puzzle game.


Karel Jansens 2008-04-02 22:52

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
Magic Pen has one serious drawback AFAIAC: You can't play it well enough on a keyboardless tablet.

Bundyo 2008-04-02 22:55

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other
You can't play it on one with keyboard too :) For now...

lardman 2008-04-02 23:03

Re: Crayon Physics & internet tablets: made for each other

Tried yours - illegal instruction.
Probably down to the vfp so best remove the "-mfpu=vfp" bit. I'd be tempted to remove the -mcpu bit completely and do two versions, a softfloat one for 770 and a vfp one for n8x0. If you're using a fixed point engine, then one build without any of those options would be the best bet.

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