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desiv 2008-04-06 23:46

Disable Home button
Q: Is there a way to disable the Home button?

I tweaked gngeo so that it disables xsp on exit.
Then I re-enabled the gngeo mapping of quit to the esc button, it was the home button.

I did that so xgngeo wouldn't be hidden in the background but still running on exit.
That all works, but if I hit Home now, I get my desktop back, xsp enabled, and gngeo still running. ;(

I will probably just map esc and home to quit, but that will still leave the xgngeo issue.

What would be best would be to disable the Home button while gngeo is running.



desiv 2008-04-07 03:10

Re: Disable Home button
Well, I've been looking around, and I think the vncviewer source has that disabled.

I just have to figure it out now. :)

I'll let you know if I get it.


qwerty12 2008-04-07 15:01

Re: Disable Home button
Why not make a script that xmodmap's the home key to some nonfunctional button and remaps it on exit? And kciconsbox shows hidden windows or you can use that command from Benson (matchbox-remove -next (or right, I'm not sure))

Benson 2008-04-09 14:56

Re: Disable Home button

matchbox-remote -next
or -prev; it takes other options too, but I'm not even sure what they all do.

desiv 2008-04-09 17:09

Re: Disable Home button
mathcbox-remote sounds much safer to try than matchbox-remove. :-) Good to know.

Yeah, I looked into the vnc code, but it's pretty involved, so I haven't found it yet.
Right now, it's not that important. I tweaked the gngeo code so it exits on esc and home.
If you hit home to exit, it hides xgngeo, but I personally don't use xgngeo. :-)
xmaeme isn't as nice, but it has a smaller memory footprint, and I still have my 770. :-)

Thanx for the matchbox-remote and kciconsbox hints! Those are great!


qwerty12 2008-04-09 17:15

Re: Disable Home button

Originally Posted by desiv (Post 167468)
mathcbox-remote sounds much safer to try than matchbox-remove. :-) Good to know.

Yeah, I looked into the vnc code, but it's pretty involved, so I haven't found it yet.
Right now, it's not that important. I tweaked the gngeo code so it exits on esc and home.
If you hit home to exit, it hides xgngeo, but I personally don't use xgngeo. :-)
xmaeme isn't as nice, but it has a smaller memory footprint, and I still have my 770. :-)

Thanx for the matchbox-remote and kciconsbox hints! Those are great!


I typed in ...-remove :eek:?

I did mean remote lol.

swerdfeger 2008-08-01 00:54

Re: Disable Home button
Did anyone get a solution to disable the Home key?

I'm running a study using the 770 and I have to disable the Home key so that people don't exit the experiment.

I used:

xmodmap -e "keycode 71 = F6" (which is the maximize key)

After this, xev says that the home key sends 'F6' just fine, but the behaviour is as follows:

Let's say I'm in xterm:
- Fullscreens xterm (the desired effect)
- Minimizes xterm and returns to home (the thing that I want to stop)

If I press it again:
- Returns to xterm
- Un-Fullscreens xterm

It seems like the behaviour of the home key is hard-wired somewhere. Anyone know how to change this?


coffeedrinker 2008-08-01 02:10

Re: Disable Home button
If I recall correctly, I ran gconf once and it had some of the keyboard shortcuts in there that you could modify.

MadMan2k 2009-03-18 15:42

Re: Disable Home button
Hi, I'm developing some program in python and i need to disable the home button.
I tried all hints already given in this thread, but they all didn't work out.
I searched the vncviewer code until I found the code that should disable the button, but it doesn't seem to work on the average tablet.
After that i tried to get gconf to bind the key to sth else, but I'm a gconf noob and it didn't quiet work the way I wanted.
Is anybody around who got this to work on his tablet?
If so, could you please paste an example, like a code snippet how to do it?
Doesn't have to be in python, although it would make my day :D

Addison 2010-01-19 04:02

Re: Disable Home button
I've also been working on this feature as well.

It can be done by editing
but it's quite the pain since you have to initialize it again, and for some reason, it messes up several other settings.

I believe this is the command being executed when the Home button is pressed.

dbus-send --system /com/nokia/mce/signal

Is there anyway to stop this from happening?

I really don't care much for constantly editing that mce.ini file.

Big thanks if someone responds to this. :)

Addison 2010-01-20 22:59

Re: Disable Home button
Okay. So far, the best I could come up with on my own is the following.

/etc/init.d/mce stop

This stops the usual function of the Home key so it can be easily mapped to something else using xmodmap or xbindkeys.

/etc/init.d/mce start

This brings back its normal function again.

At the end of my #! /bin/sh script file I'm running, it stops after hitting the command


How can I have it run /etc/init.d/mce start as root within my script?

I have easyroot_1.0-4_armel installed.

Another thing, after running that command as root, it messes up my Advance Backlight settings.

The only way to resolve this is Applications -> Settings -> Control panel -> Display and then just hitting Okay.

What might be a command to reload whatever settings it's doing with this?

Lastly, stopping mce also causes the Power button to longer function and xbindkeys -k doesn't see it being pressed either way.

Any helpful advice on this?

I'd like to have the Power button kill a bunch of running programs as a backup safety check in case something goes wrong.

Well, hopefully one of you nice monkeys will respond back here.

Cheers all. :)

Addison 2010-01-24 04:13

Re: Disable Home button
I'm still stuck on this.

Ukki suggested that I should try
chmod +s /etc/init.d/mce

then run
/etc/init.d/mce start
as user in my script.

This works to some extent.
The backlight display changes in brightness but the hardware keys (home and power button) don't resume back to their normal functioning.

So yeah, still looking for a little help here.

I'd just like a simple way to stop that extra signal when the home button is pressed and be able to restore it back when I'm done running my program.

Addison 2010-01-27 02:22

Re: Disable Home button
I'm still looking for an answer here.

Someone please provide me with some guidance on how to disable the home button without it bringing up the task switcher and then restoring it's function back again.

I'm asking of so little on this. :)

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