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kepler 2008-05-21 19:02

Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
gstmjpg has been released. This is a nice piece of software that turns your tablet to remote controlled
IP-camera with motion detection and motion recording features.

Short instructions:

1. Install apache from
2. Install gstmjpg
3. Visit http://x.y.z/webcam.html with the browser where x.y.z is your tablet's IP address.

For more information check the README:

Works very nicely, easy to install and use. Thank you Seppo for contributing this.


lm2 2008-05-21 20:20

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
THANKS for this!

I'm sorry if I missed this in the README: Is it possible to view this stream using a browser on a computer not on the same network as the tablet? I can access the menu and stream via my computer which is on the same network, but my wife cannot access these from her work.

Obviously it would not be good to give every one on the web access to the menu page, but it'd be awesome to have the choice to give people access to the stream.

Benson 2008-05-21 20:33

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
That's a matter of network configuration; if you're behind a NAT, you'll want a port forward, and she'll have to access the outside address, not the internal...

Mara 2008-05-21 20:36

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Feature request... if not already there. (I haven't had a chance to test it yet.)

Would it be possible to capture and stream audio as well?

twaelti 2008-05-21 20:38

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Works perfectly well. Installation was a breeze, too.
Big thanks to Seppo for some real quality work!

lm2 2008-05-21 20:40

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

That's a matter of network configuration; if you're behind a NAT, you'll want a port forward, and she'll have to access the outside address, not the internal...
Thanks. Unfortunately I have no idea what that means (although it sounds logical enough!). I'll just lurk around here hoping that with enough time someone else will want to do this and will explain it all. After all, that's how I learned to do most of the things I can now do with my tablet (except drop it, which I learned on my own).

Benson 2008-05-21 23:06

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Describe your network situation briefly, please, in as much technical detail as you feel comfortable with. I wanna make sure it matches what I was talking about before I dump a load of misguiding info in your direction. ;)

valia 2008-05-21 23:29

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
I installed all those files, and it doesn't work for me. I tried all my IP addresses too. I am on OS2007 and I have an N800.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see this is currently only for OS2008.

alephito 2008-05-22 02:24

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
It worked 'out of the box'. Thanks.

mooler 2008-05-22 03:22

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
1 Attachment(s)
would the outside address be the ip of your cable/dsl modem? because I port forwarded using ports 2819 and 2820 to my ISP's IP and I cant see a thing. All i get is a blank page.

would the outside address be the ip of your cable/dsl modem? because I port forwarded using ports 2819 and 2820 to my ISP's IP and I cant see a thing. All i get is a blank page.

I guess my question here is:

My Tablet address is

MY ISP IP Address is

Im using a WRT54G router with DD-WRT firmware installed

How would you enter and set up Port Forwarding In the NAT Tab? Is this the correct way?

Attachment 1730

I guess it really doesnt matter if i blur my ip or not but whatever

kepler 2008-05-22 04:06

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by mooler (Post 184504)

I guess my question here is:

My Tablet address is

MY ISP IP Address is

Im using a WRT54G router with DD-WRT firmware installed

How would you enter and set up Port Forwarding In the NAT Tab? Is this the correct way?

You need to do port forwarding for port 80 to your tablet ip address, in this case

Then just access with your browser your ISP IP address and you get access to your tablet from outside world also.

It's a good idea to define a fixed IP address in your private network for your tablet, so the port forwarding rule will be always valid (your private
network may allocate different address to your tablet after some time).

When you get it working please post the port forwarding screen shot as an example for others to lear.

- kepler

kepler 2008-05-22 05:32

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 184344)
[Obviously it would not be good to give every one on the web access to the menu page, but it'd be awesome to have the choice to give people access to the stream.

You can set password authentication for apache to controll who has access to camera (and server). Yes, you have also web server in your tablet
after installing apache!

There are plenty of instruction on web how to configure apache, but here couple of hints for those who are new to this and want to start run their
own server for more than IP camera:
  • apache turns your tablet to web server, so you can now run your own web pages. Just put your html pages
    to folder /usr/htdocs/ and you can browse them.
  • you find httpd.conf from /etc/httpd/conf/

mooler 2008-05-22 06:06

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
1 Attachment(s)
Excellent kepler!

Attachment 1733

I set both external and internal IP's to forward on 80. THANKS! works like magic.

osne 2008-05-22 06:50

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
How do you find out your tablets IP address?

kepler 2008-05-22 06:50

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by mooler (Post 184540)
I set both external and internal IP's to forward on 80. THANKS! works like magic.

Fine, it should be enoug to have only the first definition (forward port 80 to Tablet IP). Actually there shouldn't be the second rule but obviously
it doesn't harm as your configuration is working.
Also it is enough to forward only TCP packets - UDP is not used here, but there is no harm if you forward UDP packets also (apache will ignore
them if somebory tries to send UDP packets to your tablet). You can choose TCP, UDP or Both from pull down menu.


kepler 2008-05-22 07:05

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by osne (Post 184549)
How do you find out your tablets IP address?

Connect first to network, then start Connection manager
Settings -> Connection manager
Then from Connection manager menu: Internet connection -> IP address

Your ISP IP address you find normally from your router/Access Point addministaration menu as shown on mooler's posting. You may need to
do port forwarding as expained above, if your Access point has NAT (Network Address Translation) and you want to have access outside
your private network.

- kepler

DistantFire 2008-05-22 12:28

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Weird... I can connect to the webcam, but only by using the IP address of my router. Am I doing something wrong?

Also ... all I can see is snapshots. No luck at all on live video stream or stored stream.

kepler 2008-05-22 13:13

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 184614)
................ Am I doing something wrong?

Also ... all I can see is snapshots. No luck at all on live video stream or stored stream.

If you get access to html page and can see snapshots you are not doing anything wrong.

If you don't have luck with video stream, you propably try it with IE browser that requires some extra stuff to play mjpg streams.
Try it with Firefox and you see the stream.


lm2 2008-05-22 13:50

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Describe your network situation briefly, please, in as much technical detail as you feel comfortable with.
Thanks Benson. Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I'll pass. I'm not going to be on this network for long, and will bounce around quite a bit. And, really, this capability is not that important to me. I was just hoping this could easily be tweaked to yield the same user-friendly functionality as the ole peekaboo app.-- Thanks again!

Greyghost 2008-05-22 15:24

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by kepler (Post 184290)
This is a nice piece of software...

Works very nicely, easy to install and use.

I could not agree more! AWEsome! Thanks for contributing this!

Greyghost 2008-05-22 15:32

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
FYI, I was just able to get a snapshot from the webcam on my phone! I tried the streming video but it doesn't seem to work, yet. This is really quite cool, to say the least.:p

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 16:05

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
i also got a snapshot...but no live video...

bluesubaru 2008-05-22 16:38

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Does the apache install load the web server whenever the N800 boots or is it a "run it when you what it" configuration? I wouldn't want to have a web server always running on the tablet draining the battery.

qwerty12 2008-05-22 16:42

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Haven't installed but taking a look into the apache deb file says it does.

sudo gainroot
update-rc.d remove httpd

^^ should stop it from running at boot.

lm2 2008-05-22 17:08

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 184702)
Haven't installed but taking a look into the apache deb file says it does..

Thanks qwerty12. For us know-it-nones, can you say a bit more? That is, if we enter your code in xterm and then reboot, I assume apache won't run. But then when we start the camera, it will begin to run? And then can we turn it off again without rebooting?

qwerty12 2008-05-22 17:18

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
That is just for the apache web server, the gstmjpg package is seperate to it. I'll take a look now at that.

I took a look, gstmjpg runs nothing. I assume running apache starts up gstmjpg automatically.

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 18:26

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
the video stream is working!just try and open the webpage with mozilla :D

lm2 2008-05-22 18:38

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Does it bother you that I can stop and start your camera? :D

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 18:48

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
nope man :)

Benson 2008-05-22 19:00

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Does it bother you that you got something resembling a slashdotting, on a scale appropriate to your tablet's power?

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 19:02

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
how do i remove apache from startup because the method posted above is not working... (something about file not found...)

qwerty12 2008-05-22 19:06

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
update-rc.d httpd remove

Try that.

DeeJay_XB 2008-05-22 19:14

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
still not working... after the run i get ... exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)

i've used -f parameter but the same thing...

it worked :D just put the -f parameter before httpd :)

update-rc.d -f httpd remove


qwerty12 2008-05-22 19:18

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Hmm, go into /etc/rc2.d folder and find the file that has httpd in it and move it to another folder.

MaemoN00B 2008-05-22 20:20

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 184773)
update-rc.d httpd remove

Try that.

I used the "update-rc.d -f httpd remove" command to remove the apache webserver from startup, now...

How to run the apache server manually to use the gstmjpg?

Benson 2008-05-22 20:21

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
As root,

/etc/init.d/httpd start

MaemoN00B 2008-05-22 20:31

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
This utility has so many uses, thanks !!! :D


ebrindle 2008-05-22 20:36

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Easy install (just installed the deb from app mgr/install file).

MS IE doesnt do the motion jpg - so thought I had a problem.
Then read the README - and on firefox all is wonderful.

Works great!

kepler 2008-05-23 05:50

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
To stop apache you can give a command on terminal:
# httpd -k stop

To start apache again, give command:
# httpd -k start

Please feel free to develop a more ergonomic and elegant way do to this. To learn more about apache command line options give:
# httpd -h

gstmjpg consumes quite heavily cpu, but apache doesn't (if you don't have many visitors on your tablet web). You will see this by giving a command:
# top

That shows how different processes consume cpu and memory.

If you have difficulties with port forwarding to enable access outside your private network (from Internet) to your tablet, you will find good instructions from this site. They provide detailed walkthroughs on how to setup port forwarding in diffrent routers.

As a bonus you will see your external IP address from their site. If you visit their site with your tablet browser, you will see the tablets public IP address (that is the address you have to go from Internet to acces your tablet)


cLin 2008-05-28 01:26

Re: Turn your tablet to IP-camera with gstmjpg
Is there anyway to save snapshots using the camera motion detector? So if I leave it pointing somewhere, I can check later for photos when there was movement detected?

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